1940-06-18 City Council Minutes1 1 The trains are runbing at forty ..or. fifty miles per. hour at this point and laat evening, when the ferry Quillaute. docked at 6.605 PoMo., with about twenty four. cars, a GoEo passenger train, wenf through -going fast. an& did not blow a whistle until about 200 feet from the orossingo g know, because I was on the track before l knew a train was coming, so if'7ou can do somthing about this it might save some -lives. Yours truly, BoAoPetersono 2408 Louisa Street Seattle, Iffashingtono on motion the letters were refared back to the Highway impartment for weir considerationo This same gnsetiom came -�Lp during Covener Rartlyle administration. The City Treasurer presented a list of bogoDo property that should be fovealosed,, because of -delinquent assessments. .On motion the list was turned *,wer to the City Attorney for him to . proose(I with foreclosure proseedingso DrolIQLoRarris asked permission to install a septic ftAk On his proper so, he could nee Landry. Trues in his basemento to action takeno On motion the Council gave the PI 1 $100000 as an award for their faithfull performance as, FIRE FI, GHTARS during the past yearn .Mr. Bohnert asked the Council if they were going to do any thing is the way of improving. Fourth Avenue so peopol oUnd get in and when they were delivering merohandiseo Th6 Mayor stated that the mater would: be refured to the FoRpAo. ldhen they got back on. the street worko ` The question of .the purchase of a. pump for the removal of water when improvements are being made came up for consideration. The city having spent a considerable amount for..a pump during the improvements that have already been made.and there is a demand for a pump on the improvements that are now being. made. .Therefore, it is the opinion of the Councilmen present that the City should purchase the pump they are now wing. This pump can be purchasedfor $90p00 pXus the price tip;;; of a suction hose which is about 15090 making a total of 0106 90 $2D.l4tax. The City already owes 130-150 plus tag. .60ots-i31,10 which can be applied on the purohase price leaving $77,94 to be paid from _.Gurr6n; for the pumpo On motion, the Counc3il decided to purchase the pt mp out of the Current, Expense Rund,, and charge the different Departments a day or a..week, when they were .using it. This being done to reimburse the Current Expense Fund.for the expense incurred. There - ,fore it is ordered that a warrant be drawn for the amount, .plus tax making . The now owed to the Rental Maehinery.Company to be.paid into the Current Expense Fund. There being no further business,. on motion the Council adjourned. /I►.[ii - June 18th, 1940. The Council,met in regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following Councilmen present: Chandler, Hareid, Reid, Callahan, Clausen and Martin. The minutes of the last meeting were read -and approved. Mr. Mulholland, representing,the Chamber of Commerce requeeted the Council to furnish. materials for a bath house on, the Pa`Tf BELCH at the foot of BaVton. Streeto On motion the Council instructed the Park Board to purchase materials for a small Bath House, said expenditures not to exceed 50,00. RESOLUTION of Intention N.o;.107 for the improvement of Third ®venue and the Alley between Third Avenue. and Fourth Avenue,'eame up for consideration The Mayor asked if there were any one present, had any thing to say for or against the proposed sewer. Geo.Sohlyter, Mrs. dice Sanderson and G.GoBvensen, made verbal pro- -tests against the proposed improvement. It was moved by Hareid and Seconded by Hanson that Resolution No. 107 be tabled indefinately, The vote was as follows'. Chandler yes, Rareid yes, Hanson yes, Callahan yes, Clausen yes, Martin no. harried. Mayor Pourtner"..bk6U' g' ht'.up the., question of. a TRUNK SLYER for the south side' of the. city. After some.conside.ration of a Trunk Sewer and where the outlet should be, on motion -the sewer and outlet bituati.on was.refured to the Str-ebt.and Sewer oommitte and the Engineer, and that. the Engineer, draw. up temporary plane.. There being.no further business on motion.the.Counoil adjornea,- 4,(; 1'Z''e4 Ci y C1 %ayor. JURY 3ed 1940. The..dounoil met -in regular sess.ion.with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll Ball showed the following Councilmen present: Chan l er,� � Hanson, Callahan, lausen and Martin. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The.Treasurers, and Water Revenue Colleot.ors reports were read and ordered filed. 1. The following bills were.approved by the Finance Committee, and on motion the bills allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the proper funds. CURRENT EBPENCE- WATER DEPARTMENT. Paget Sound -Power & Light Co.----$ 1.00 Goldfinch Bros--------- ---- 0 2080 State.. Bank of .Edmonds------------ 3930 Piokett, Motor Co. 4126 Leo. Doty------------------------- 10,.00 Rensselaer Yale Go----------- 40,09 Dr-H.H.Kretaler------------------ 5.50 Grow Hardware---------------- 4931 C.M.?,arson=---------------------- 6.20 O.N,.Sorenssen P.M.------------ 975 E.B.Hubbard---------------------- 5.00i Reliable Hardware------------ 9923 Charles Yaurs------- ------------- 25000 Art Adams-------------------- 21050 Gat-eway Cafe----------- ------ 2,00 Edmonds Auto Freight--------- 2,80 Yost. Auto Co..----_---------------- 10973 Nat Tonal Meter Go.----------- 117010 Fire Department------------------ 45.00 Hugh G. Purcell Co.-------- 17953 ---------- ------- 2,00 W*W.Womer-------------------- 28,50 Maude 32M,,TyPEPARTMENT. Yost Auto Oo----------------- 2904 Maude - E. Harvy-------'-----<------- .,10.00 Sievers & Dueoy-------------- 30000 Posit, Sound Power & Light Co.----I96,1�6. A*X*Yost 8a Sons-------------- 13,46 Diesel Oil- Sales Go* ------------- 103,25 Theodore Womer.--------------- - 1,80. Sid.Kelly------------ ----------- - 28,00 Ray Woodfield----------------- 6000 Pickett Motor Co----------------- 37966, Paget Bound Power- & � Light- Oo--- 125.31 A.M.Yost & Sons------------------ 3.,62 Bacon Chevrolet Co.---------- 075 Bacon Chevrolet Go. ------ I0.79i Edmonds Ind.:Telephone Oo.--- 2945 C.B.Roe-------------------------- 20,00 PARK DEPARTMENT. Crow Hardware----- ------- 5,35� Pugit Sound Power & Light Co. 3998 GleoIX.*Leyda------ ---------------- 5000 O.B.Roe---------------------- 7950 LIBRARY DEPART . To Grow Hardware---------------- 4, 81 Puget Sound Power & Light Co.---- 3655 Edmonds Builders Supply------ 3914 O.N.Sornsen,P.M.----------------- 1,00 L.G.Pry-,_�-_---------------- 28950 Galifornia.Ink Co------------.- - 1694 L.IRD.N,o.51. Edna- L.Mos'es----------- ------ 3035 Gaspers Service Station------ 1,61 TRUNK SEWEER M*C.Engels-------------------- 3, 70 A.M.Yost & Sons------------------ 1b.,82 NORTH EDMONDS WATER. C.B.Roe---------- .---------------- _ 24,00 W.W-Womer------------------ 4000 Milan Johnson-------------------- 26025 Federal Pipe & Tank Go------ 10963 Sievers. 4. Dueoy..------------------ 32050 Edmonda. Auto Freight --------- , b0 The Water Superintendent reported that there was plenty of water to, supply al needs and no fear of shortage for the city, though the south Edmonds pumps were running about.oapasity. And that the W*P.A. wane doing good work on the water system.— - , Mrs. Harvy requested the Council to give her permision to get water from the North -Edmonds Community Water System until such time as the city oan supply her with water. On motion the request was refured to the City Attorney. Mr. Engehriteon requested the Oounoil.to supply him and several others with water,who live on the highway south of the city. No action taken. The Richfield Oil -Co. requested the Council to blacktop around.their oil station like the Gouncil had done elewhaere. No action taken. requested'tne Co ci r C.C-Martin, -representing the Chamber of Commerce, ��to insruciit the Street Committee to meet with 'teem0ommittee from the Chamber of Commerce to work out ' a program for the improvement of the streets of the city. Onzotion the Street.Ccmmittee was instructed to meet with the Oommftte from the Chamber. i I. 1