1940-07-16 City Council Minutes0n motion the Cou' foil instructed) the Land Committe to. meet ; with the' City Clerk and prepare sighs and prices for the prppe ty. the city wishes to dispoes of o - The City Clerk was instructed to notify Oscar Smith than he must vacate the house he is ling in situated on lots 35 and 36 Block 96o There being no further business, on motion the Council adjournedo Mayor oi� C JULY 16tb, 19401 The time for the regular session of Coueil to meet, Mayor Pourtner being present. The roll call showed no Councilmen.present. The Mayor, therefore ordered that the Oouoil oonvene.on Friday 8uly 19th, 1940, at 7o30,pomo for the transaction of such busines as may regularly come before it. c�— Mayor o City er JURY 19th, 19400 The Council met in accordance with the Mayors call, The Mayor being present The roll call showed. the following Councilmen i0reszAU Chandler, Mareid, Manson, Callahain, Clausen- and Jones o The Following Resolution was unanimously adopted by the Councilo RESOLUTION o AREAS it is deemed necessary by the City Couoil of the City of Edmonds, Snohomish County, Washington, that. the westerly side of Tifth Avenue from Main Street south to the south City Limits and Dayton, Street from Third Buenue to Fifth Avenue, all in said.City of Edmonds, be improved by the construction of a singie` non-skid seal coat treatment, or the doing of so much of the above work as can be o.onstruoted, for the sum of $500000o; YOWoTlIEWORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edmonds, Snohomish County, Washington, that the above described streets be improved as hereinabove set forth, and that such improvement work be done-liby the contract method, . all .In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 187 Of the SessiOn Laws of 1937. Of the State of Washington, and shalllbe designated as City Street Pro_ Ject 190, 0 1T 1S�` SOLVED that the cost of said work is hereby estimated, as nearly. as _may. be, to be as follows: Estimated cost o 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0. 0 00500000 Local engineering o 0. o 0 o. o.. 20,00 Construction engineering0000 o o o 0 40,00 Right-of-way cost . o 0 o o anone Dated this 19 day of July, 19400. and that the Clerk call for bideq said bids to be presentd.to the Couoil, on or befor 7,30 pomo August 6th, 1940o On motion the Council desided to grade Fifth Avenue North from Main Street to Bell Street and lay a Bituminous Matt thereon also to grade Bell Street from Fifth. Avenue North to Sixth Avenue North and lay a Bituminous matt thereon, provided that the property owners put in the curb and gutters. On motion the Coueil instructed the City Engineer to stt up the following Streets and Alleys proJeetn the property owners to furnish all the necessary materials and the Wo2.A. do all the labor: Bell Street from Seventh Avenue North to Eight Avenue Northe_Eight Avenue North $roz;Dayton Street -to Edmonds Street:Seci-on& Avenue North from Edmonds Street to Pattersonts north property line&Fourth Avenue from Dayton Street to Walnut Street., and Vialnut Street from Third Avenue to Fifth Avenue: Bell Street from First Avenue to the RoR.Right of way; Also. the Alley in Block 119 Alley in Block "H1°: Alley in Block 96: and the Alley in Blocks ll.and 12o On motion the City Clerk was instructed to purchase street signs in as per the list to be furnished by the Street Committbeeo There being no further business on motion the Counoil adjourned. ty Cle Mayoro