1940-10-01 City Council MinutesOctober lst, 1940. t The, Council met in regular, session with.Mayor, Pourtn.er,, presiding. The. roll call showed the,following Councilmen present: Chandler, Hareid, Hanson, Callahan, Clausen.., Martin and, Jones.' The minutes of the last meeting: -were read and approved. The Treasurers.report..and the Water Revenue Collectors report were read and ordered filed. i The following bills were approved by the Finance Committee and on motion warrants were ordered drawn on the proper funds. Telephone Co.-------------- 3,75 A.M.Yost &.Sons--------------- 5185 VI.F.Leavell----------------- 12,24 Durbins Store----------------- 1,58 Trick & Murray -------------- 9,81 i�:5.'Bower & Light Co ------- - 97010 Tribune -Review-------------- .9,81 Tribune -Review---------------- 1 67 C.M.Larson------- -------- 6,20k7.Womer--------------------- 16,95 Charles Vaurs--- ------ 37,00`�-J.Larson------------ -------- 17,75 Henry Vaurs----------- -------- 4,00 �C'.M..Larson-------------------- 3,50 R.H.Doty--------------------- 16$0''.C.y1illspaugh----------=----- 1.00 E.B.Hubbard------------- -- 5,00 iialph Osborn------------------ 3,06 Emma'MoElroy--;-------------- 1,75 Crow,Hardware----------------- 3,36 Crow Hardware,--------------- .20 , Pickett motor Co,,------------- 6,63, Fire Department------------- 60,00 H.C.Hanson-------------------- 36,50 Yost,Auto' Go-,----=---- ---- 11,62 Margaret Deiner--------------- 13650 P.S. Power *& lCo.----- 1,00 ' Frances' Mae Halle------------- 27,00 Leo, Doty-----=-------------- 10-,00 1.J.Tup.on------ ------------- .27,00' C-M-Larson-=----------------, 8,00 Hopper,Chevrolet. Co------------- 10,,90 dash. Corrogated.Coulvert',do. 67,98 Percy Joyce------------------- 4,00 Tribune -Review- ------------- 15,30 Riverside Junk Co-----'-------- 3,47 �•B• Power & Light Co ------- 122,2.9 Evens Feed Store-------------- ,10 0lymp.ic Foundry Co. --------- 35., 88 .' . Yost:. ':�.ons----------,----- 10,00 Ralph Osborn---------------- 33,39 d-B.Vaurs--------------------- 10,00 National Meter Co.----------"58,55 Theodore,Womer---------------- 6,00 P-J.Larson------------------. 1,00• P'.J.Larson----------- --------7 2,00 Crow Hardware--------------- 4,38,=G'.M.,Leyda--------.------------=' 5,00 A.M.Yost & Sons------------- 55965 Crow Hardware ---------------- 6 .92 Seattle Plumbing Supply Co,, 64,50 .1w.-NoWomer----=--------------.-- 1550 Midway Iron Vorks----------- 4,59 A.B.Bentl:------108,36 .'07.Womer-------------------- nl, 00 The following o.ommunication was reoe,ived, dated aeptember 17th. " ,Edmonds,, City Council Dear Sirs: ' " Last .spring when my brother ,.George.- left .for Alaska he gave., me .to understand .that we , should hear from you in a month or_ so. regarding the damage to the property held in the name of 'BI-M.Late by , the City :later Department. -Six months have passed and we have heard nothing: 17i11 you plesae let me know within thirty days That your intentions are, in regard. to', this matter-" "Youre.,truly ` "Miss Inez Date" On motion the letter was refured. to the„ City ',1=ngineer for an estimate of the oost'to.make the-negessary repair.. _ The C.ounoil, . on motion, tendered; a ,vote of thaks to,.Ray,-' andle , for the service's he rendered'in the installation of the cast iron.pipe on the end Of the Trunk }Sewers. The. .7ater Superintendent reported that he had made an estimated of the about post($3000;;40),for installing a 4, inoh cast iron pipe south of the city to People who are not using .city water. And that there were only four persona who wre willing to pay a years w.attr rent in advance. It was moved by Clausen.'and"seconded.by Callahan that the laying of this pipe be tabled. It was moved by Hanson and sceonded by Chandler that the motion be amended to read: That the laying of,this pipe be laid on the table until the Council at some future time that the-Couaoil may take it up. The vote on the amendment was as follows:.Chendler yes, yid yes, Ranson yes,. Callahan not voting, Clausen no..Martin yes,,Jones no, The amendment carried. The vote on the question as amended.was as follows:Chandler yes',,Hareid yees, Hanson yes, Callahan.no. Clausen yes, Martin yes, Jones yes. Carried. On motion the City'Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Ingebritsen of the action of the Council. 1 I- I 1 The Mayor brought up the question of puting up the STET SIGNS that the 1 0 �_ City bought. two months.,ago.After some-oonaideration of the matter the Mayor appointed to make an'estimate of the number of posts required and -the cost of putin$ them up and report at the next meeting of the Council. Committe- Chandler, Hanson and Hareid. The Water Superintendent repotted that the water main on Ninth°Avenue .was leaking badly and that he thought that it was'a good time to have it :replased by a cast iron pipe. On motion the question was referdd to the Water Committee. On motion the City'Clerk was instruoted to adtbrtlse that the Citywants a second hand grader and that bids must be in on�Oatober 15th,. There being no further business on motion the Council Adjourned. mom Mayor. Ootob6r ;7th, 1940 The Council'in'session'aoording to the requirement of the Statutes of the State of Washington for the adoption of the BUDGET for m is nle reven f@r the City of Edmonds for the year 1941.�� The Mayor asked if there were any person in the audience had any thit" 6 U to say for or againest the proposed budget. There being none the'Counoil having givet it due consideration, it was moved by Clausen and seconded by Callahan pass the Ordinance adopting the BUDGET. The vote was as follos: Cabndler yes, Hareid yes, Callahan yes, Clausen yes, Martin yes,"harried by unanimous vote of the Councilmen Present. Ordinance as adopted. ORDINAN.OE NO.530. An Ordinance adopting and levying the general taxes for the the City of Edmonds, Washington, for the fiscal year commencing January-lst, 1941D on all property, both real and personal, in the City subject to taxation for the purpose of raising sufficient revenue to carry on the several depart- ments of said City for the ensuing year as required by law; appropriating the same to the several funds for said fiscal year, and providing for the collection thereof. THEREA0the City Council of the City of Edmonds, State of Washington, having heard all persons asking to,b.e heard for and against the prelimi- nary budget, heretofore adopted for the ensuing year, due notice having been given as required by lava and now this 7th, day of October, 1940, the final budget having been adopted and the Council having determined, the amount necessary to be paid on the current asssessment toll as general taxes for the ensuing year and appropriating the same as in this Ordinance described therefore: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY Or EDMONDS DO ORDAIN AS FOILOVM: SECTION, 1. That there be and there is hereby levied on all real and .personal.peoperty of the City of Edmonds, subject to taxation therein, a general tax for municipal purposes for the ensuing year oommehoing January lst,1941, the sum of 0139718,00. CURRENTXPENiCE FUND. Salaries Maintenance Int, and Total. & Wages & Operation Debt. Red. City Cberk4_----600.00 600.00 Post age,' Printing & Stationary --- 80.00 Phone Calls----- 20.00 Bond------------ 5.00 Elections------- 150.00 255.00 City Treasurer--480.00 480.00 Supplies-------- 60.00 Bond------------ 30000 90.00 City Attorney --- 360.00 360.00 Expenses-------- 30.00 Bond------------ 5.00 35.00 Health Offioer---75.00 75.00 Supplies--------- 35.00 35.00