1940-11-05 City Council MinutesIN a 0 0 Councilmen Jones to look over the graders offered for sale. Carried. The Mayor brought up the Question of the.sidewalks and streets being used by the owners ._of Bicycles. After due deliberation of the question it was•moved by Callahan and aeoonded by Hhreid that the City Attorney be instructed to amend Ordinance N;o.91 to 're'ad: It shall be unlawful ride 'a Bicycle upon the Stkeets 'and other public places with out first having a lio'enee fo';r their bicycle. the lioei2s'e fee shall be Fifty ( o50ots ) Cents per year- Motion carried. The Fire Department reported that the Department was in need of 200 ft. of 2--inch Fire Hose. Om motion the Fire Department was instructed to,purohase 200 ft. of 22 inch Fire Hose. There being no further business on.motion the Coneil adjournedo ty 1 k Mayor. November 5th. 1940. The'Couneil met in'regular session with Mayor,'Fouxtner presiding. The rill call showed the following'Councilmen present:t'Chandler, Hanson, Callahan and 'Clausen. Owing to the fact that the City,'Hall was occupied by the 'Election `Board the 'Council or. motion adjourned untill '7,30,p.m.p 'Wensday November 6th. City a Mayor. Wedn-sday-,7- November 6th. 1940. 7030 p.m. The Council met in adjourned session with"Mayor Fourtner presiding .The roll call showed the folloing Councilmen present:,'Chandler, Hanson,'Callahan and ;Clausen. The minutes of the last regular meeting was'read and approved. The Treasurers report and Water Revenue Collectors report for the month of October we`re 'read and ordered filed. The following bills were approved by the Finance C,`ommittee and on motion warrnats were ordered drawn on the proper funds. Trick &!Airray for supplies---- 5,88 Ed. Auto Freaght, freight-------- 4084 'Ed.Independent Phone.0a. calls- 80 Journal of Commerce, notice------ 2940 O;.N'.Sorensen,loM., stamps------ 4,75 Crow Hardware, supplies ---------- 12008 Crow Hardware, supplie--------- 2,35 Richfield Station, gas---------- 24024 Bessie Scho Caspers Service Station, gas---- 22,00 Hall and'City a ppart,City Jail City Leyda Electric, globes---------- D31 "il---- 10,59 Diesel Oil Sales Co, supplies-- 936,62 M.C.Engels, Fule for Hall------ 34,42 : Diesel Oil Sales Co, stove oil-- 4,14 ��'S'.$ower &.Light'Co. lights--- 2,82 enry.Vaures,.extra police------ Union Oil Co. M.C.2 and R.C.4-- 363932 4.00 SnooCounty Road Dist.2,rental-- 100026 id iielly, extra police-------- 4,00 Assoc.Sand & Gravel Co. rental- 60 35 James Ast,&11,extra police------ 6000 Hickey Trucking Coodrayage----- 11940 Henry Allen., extra police------ 4,00 Pacific Oil Delivery,rental---- 50000 Charles Vauris, police'ing dano- GeooMoLeyda, clerical work-_--- 5000 e8,20.00 makong arrests 12,20- HoGoHanson, labor-------------- 16900 extra police servioe5,00 trafic H.B.Vaurs, labor--------------- 5,25 duty ----- 12000------- 49,20 F.C.Millpaugh, labor----------- 2,60 Charles Larson, making arrest James Story, labo,r------------- 3000 and killing 2 dogs------------- 4,00 Yost Auto Co. repairs---------- 77,13 Henry Vauris, making arrest---- 2.20 Yost Amto Co. labor on repaires 10,21 Hay Doty, police Judge Fees---- 23,00 P.SoPower & Light Co. lights--- 191087 Yost Auto Co. storage---------- 22,88 Hopper Chevrolet Co. repairs--- 12,45 Leo E.Doty, care of garbage Caspers Service Station, gas--- 4000 dump--------=- 10000 E.B.Hubbard,00mmision---------- 16,00 Seattle Plumbing Supplie Co. Louis Miller, spalts----------- 5010 supplies -------- 37,28 P.S.Power & Light Co. lights--- 3034 W.W.Womer,labor--------------- 7,00 John WoGraham & CO. books------ 19,56 Pickett Motor Co. gas---------- 1,00 John .Graham 8c Co. .hairs----- 32,13 Howard Gorsuch, labor--- ------- 1,50 Crow Hardware, supplies-------- 2,04 P.J.Larson, blacksmith work---- 2,50 Edmonds Repair, repairs-------- 1050 A.M.Yost & Sons, supplies------ 24,28 S.J.Prieb.e, suplies________:__ 12 24 Ralph Osborn, gravel----------- 5,10 California Ink Co. supplies l0 Crow Hardware, supplies-------- 23,66 PP ,94 Yost Auto Co. gas-------------- 3,15 Puget Sound,- -News Co. books----- 65086 Ed.Auto Freight,freight--------- 1,00 Gaylord Bros. Inc. supplies---- 3,50 Theodore Womer, labor---------- 9000 Durbins Store, supplies-------- 1080 Yost Auto Co. repairs & gas on P.SoPower & Light Co. lights--- 10015 WoPoA.truck--------------- 29.84 Edmonds Builders Supply,supplies 061 P.S.Power & Light Co. street Edmonds Builders Supply,sewer tile lights------ 162,25 for trunk sewer---------------- 55008