1941-01-21 City Council MinutesJanuary 21, 1941. 1 C 1 I 1 The Council met in regular session witch Mayor Fourtner presiding, The roll call showed the following Councilmen present: Chandler, W. C. Hanson, Savage,.,, Jones, Clausen, and Walter Hanson.. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. C. L. Bailey present the following communication from the Health Department: To C. L. Bailey, Edmonds, slash. You are hereby notified that a nuisance exists on your premises, consisting of insanity , kitchen sink, drain which empties upon the surface of the ground and flows into the area fenced for City Water Supply, which is a menace to health and contrary to the `rules and regulations of the State Board of Health and the laws of the State of Washington. You are hereby notified to abate same within 30 days or be pen- alized according to statutes. Donald L. Saunders. Inspector. John W. Walleeske. M.D. Health Officer. The Council decided that the parties interested would have to put in a septic tank or a lateral sewer and that there would have to ba a majority of the property owners. V1. C. Hanson introduced Ordinance No. 532 amending the traffic Ordinance which was read for the first time. On motion the bill cif 0. D. Anderson for attorney fees in the case of Eugene Ahnger vs. Robert Wheeler, Charles Larson and others was ord- ered paid. I t1 0 The Light Committee recommended that a 5,9 watt light be placed at the intersection of Fourth Avenue and ylder St. The following communication was received from the Board of Health; January 8, 1941 Mr. V1. W. Womer Water Superintendent Edmonds, Washington. Dear 1dr. Womer As I indicated to you during my recent inspection of the Edmonds Water supply, the type of well casing being employed on the dug well now under construction at the south artesian +ells will not meet with the approval of this Department. At that time I indicated that the corrugated culvert pipe could serve as an inside form in order to provide a four -inch concrete casing which would be entirely impervious. After consideri.g this problem further I am firmly convinced that a dug well type of construction is not suitable for the ultimate development of that par- ticular type of water -bearing formation. The situation as I see it is some- what as follows: irility a dug well it will be impossible to penetrate deep en- ough to -properly tap the artesian flow and the only water which will be obtain- ed will be shallow ground water and in small quantitjt. On the other hand, if penetration is deep enough to tap the true artesian flow, which vvie have reason to believe exists there, the casing Y,ould then fill with the quicksand and it is quite possible that caving may result at some distant poir.:t such as occurred several years age. L believe before any more: duvelopmu-nt is carried out in this area that it would be :vorth while to employ the services of a competent well driller and sink a hest hole for the purpose: or: ascertair.ir..g the presence or absence of a sufficient volume of water and, secondly , to supply information for the type of well construction which will develop the ima_ximum amount of water from that particular \rater -bearing stratum. While I realize in times past the City of ;Edmonds has invested considerable amounts of money in well drilling with perhaps no substantial'return on their investments,`I fell that you should not let these past experiences prevent you from making full us.e of an apparently adequate source of water supply. Vie do not recommend the drilling of a well there at the present time, but rather the sinking of a test hole in order to determine the feasibility of investing money in a full sized drilled well. We would therefore recommend that you contact, a well driller who has proven himself reliable and have him sink a test hole for you. 'Perhaps°it would be well to have two well drillers come up independently and get both their ideas in order that you might better judge for yourself.' A satisfactory development in that particular locality requires a high degree of skill and th`e following drillers for your coneiderdtion: James J. 'Bell and Sons., 6116 rourth"South, 'Seattle, and 0. 'L'. 'Erdman, 'Elma. May I take this opportunity to remind you that all new construction, extension and improvements to existing water supplies must receive the approval of this Department before construction is started, in accordance with Book V, part 2, of the enclosed rules and regulations of the State Board of'Health. Respectfully yours, Division of Public Health 'Ehginnering M.;S. Campbell, Asst. 'Pub`lic 'Health "Engineer. There being no further business by motion of the Council adjounred. Mayor February 4th. 1941. The Council met in regular session with u1ayor'i+'ourtner presiding. Th roll call showed the following Councilmen present; Chandler, Hanson, Savage, Jones, Hansen and Clausen. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The City Treasurers . report and. i}ater 'lievenue Collectors report were 'read and drdered filed. The following. bills were ap} reeved by the Finance '�ommitte and on motion warrants were ordered drawn on the proper funds. Telephone Co.., phone calls- --------- .95 Henry Vaurs, making.arrests--- ----- 12,,60 Charles Vaurs,.making arrests------- 3,00 Crow Hardware.,..supplies------------ ,58 Charles Larson.,,making arrests,,----- 2,65 Anita Gust., typing Ordinances for Police Department----------- 7050 Trick & ' 1-array,. record book for Police Department---------- 9,27 fit'. 4.Doty, police Judge fees-------- 18, 25 `C'.M.Larson, killing 2 dogs--------- 2.00 State Treas-drer,.2ireme4s Insurance 45,00 Yost Auto Co.,storage & supplies--- 10,85 Leo Doty, care of garbage dump----- 10,00- 42'.S.Power Light 'Co., lights- hall- 5,78 'O'.D.Anderson, partial payment------ 60,00 Picket .1otor Co. supplies---------- 1,00 Crow Hardware,, supplies------------ ,12 `P. S.power & Lihht Co. ,power' fob :. ;pumps-----1489 07 P 'a.Power & Light.Co. Library 1 144t 2 months-------- 11,98 Stevens Lumber Co. supplies for trunk surer------------------ 17,71 Yost iluto .Co. repairing pump------- ,35 Sievers 8c'1)uecy,' gifieering on Trunk Sewer------------ 70,00 Louis Miller,, sawdust for Tl.sewer- 7,14 ..Yost ' 'Sond, supplies fill lift 1,22 Crow Hardware, supplies lift lilt ,41 Pickett Motor Co. supplies lilt it 2,04 Geo.11ILLeyda, clerical work--------- 5,00 2'.'d'.2ower & Light Co;,�power for small bumlot------ 3., 29 'R'.P�.Depew, for gravel----- ,977 Leyda:'Electric,lamps------- ,41 Pickett'Motor Co., Charging battery------ 1,02 A'.-1. Yost & lions, lumber---- , 71 Standard Oil l0o, supplies- 24,46 Crow Hardware, supplies---. 2,29 P'.J.Larson, repairs, truck 8,00 Hopper Chevrolet Co.repairs on City and tiJu-!--y.ri'.truck- 18,56 John 'aims , repair damage to gar----- 2,04 ' A'.B.Bently, supplies------ 5,22 Diesel Oil :false iQo, for seconhand grader -------- 750.00 'P'.'a.Power w Light Co, for street - lights for 2 month-217,89 Geo`:M.Light, for clerical work------ 5,00 iY'.S.Power & Light Co. for 2 month -park li hts-- 4,00 THIRD AVENUE ' M-C-bagels ,oil for flairs 3,70 Crow Harsware,'supplies--- 2,40 Hopper Chevrolet Co. gas-- 3,0 Stevens Lumber Co. supplies on contract--------- 747,32 Ralph Osborn, sand & gravel 10,20 A.L:Roffen.sperger, labor 11,40 1 1 1 1 1