1941-03-18 City Council MinutesIt,was moved by Chandler and seconded by Hanson that the.Resolution b.e adop- ted as read..The vote was as follows: Chandler yes. Hanson yes, Savage yes, Hansen yes, Clausen: yes, Jones yes. Carried by the unaniomous vote of the Councilmen present. The following comunication was received from Edmonds Builders Supply. February 12 1941 "Gentlemen of the City Council "Gentlemen: , "*3o e than one year has past since I entered into contract with the City of Edmonds to furnish material. fot the First an Third Ave. Local Improvements. " For the reason that these improvements has run for much longer time than it was anticipated or agreed upon, I shall not be able to furnish.materials in the future at the unit prices stipulated in the agreement.." Respectfully,- " G.A.Carlstedt No action was ,taken on -the communication. Emerganey. Ordinance No,. 533 was read the first time. f c The Water Superintendent reported that the Valve Chambers. at Main -and Ninth, Dayton and Ninth and Dayton--andt Third were covered so deep that it was imposible to get at them. They were refur,ed to the Street and plater Committee. There being no.,further business on motion the Council adjourned. City Nqrk Mayor. LARCH 18th, 1941. the Council met in regular session with Mayor Fourtn�er persiding. The roll call showed the following Councilmen present: Chandler, Savage., Walter Hansen, and Clausen. The minutes.of the last meeting were read and approved. Navigation Companye The Pugit Sound request for "CONSENT TO MORTGAGE" came up for consider-, ation, which is as follows: "The Lessor,, CITY OF EDMONDS-, A municipal corporation, hereby consents to the mortgaging by Lessee, PUGIT SOUND NAVIGATION COMP -ANY,, of that certain lease dated April 6th,1937, covering. the City Dock Site at Edmonds, Ilash-ington, and the leasehold interest represented thereby,,toFEDERAL RESERVE BATZ OF SAF FRAN- -CISCO,. as Trustee, .as, security For. the payment. of $750.1.000,00, and other suma, and the performance andobservanee of each and every of the terms, agreements, covenants and conditions of that certain mortgage or dee of trust dated as of the lat day of_Ootober, 1940, heretofore executed, wherein. said Lessee is the mortgageor and said'Trustee is the mortgagee; and.the said Lessor hereby con- sents to any assignment of said lease. pursuant -to.or by reason of proceedings t taken under said mortgage. Dated this 18th,day of March, 1941" CITY 02 LDMOUDS, a Municipal corporation. By_ Mayor On motion the.Council granted the request and instructed the Mayor and City -Clerk to sign the"CONSENT TO MORTGAGE". The City Clerk reported that he had sold Lots 32-33-34-35-36 and 37 Block t 67 for 0230,12 to Albert. A.. Rickert., subject, to the Councils approval. On motion the Council appeoved the sale and instructed the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the deed. t The Clerk reported that he had sold Lit 39, Block 98 f8r �233,29 to Maude Friese, subject to the Councils approval. On motion the Council approved the sale and instructed the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the deed. Ordinance No 533 was read the second time. ORDINANCE NO.533 An Ordinance providing for the issyanee-of.emergency warrants in pay- ment of legal expenses in connection with litigation necessarily incurred by the City of Edmonds and declaring an emergency. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS: Sectionl; That the City of Edmonds issue emergency warrants in the amount of $150,00, being the estimated expenditure required to meet the ooft of legal expenses necessarily incurred in the defense of litigation by said City. Section 2: An emergency is hereby declared to exist, with referance to said expenses, which could not reasonably have been foreseem.at the time of making the last annual budget. Section 3: this Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication as provided by law. PASSED : March 18th, 1941. Mr. Vorihee offered $75,00 for the old Ford Grader. On motion the Council accepted the offer of $75,00 for the old Ford Grader -as is. J A complaint was made that Foster & Cliser had erected a sign on the west side of Fifth Avenue south of Howell Way, and that it obstructed their view. On motion the City Attorney was instructed't`o take the question up with Foster & Cliser. The City Clerk instructed to request Dr. Xretzler make an investiga- tion of the 501TARY COT:NDITION of the property at First Avenue North and Main Street, as to the advisability of'installing a sewer to take care of the situation, and report at the next meeting of the Council, April lst. There being no further business on motion the Councio adjourned. Ci y 01rk AS12- ayor April lst. 1941. The Council met in regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following Councilmen present: CM{andler, Savage, Vdalter Hansen, Clausen and Jones. The minutes of th.e last meeting were read and approved. The Treasurers report and the Water revenue Collectors report were read and ordered filed. The following bills were approved by the Finance Committe: Trick & Murray--------------- .92 Tribune -Review--------------- 12,44 State Bank of Edoonds-------- 3,35 Henry Vaurs------------------ 2,00 R-H.Doty--------------------- 2100 C.M.Larson------------------- 5,50 C ivi. Larsor-------------------- 14,00 Yirie'Department-------------� 90,00 Leo'Doty--------------------- 10,00 Stevens Lumber Co.----------- 3,31 A.M.Yost'&.Sons--------------- 6 882 Caspers Service Station------ 28,60 Henry Allen------------------ 8100 Pickett Motor Co.------------ 4108 Crow Hardware---------------- ,59 O.N..'3orensen P"61 -------------- 1,00 Leyda 'Electric !&.J.Liadio------ ,31 Hallie 4.iAriderson----------- 56,25 National '.;UiL Co.---------- 58,55 Olympic Foundry Co ---------- 39,25 Crow Hardware--------------- 4,90 Stevens Lumber Co.---------- 1,00 ldahlum Iron Works ----------- 59,36 Caspers Service Station----- 1,15 H.C.Hanse'n------------------ 18,50 Pickett Motor Co.----------- 1,00 O.F.Soensen 21411.---------- -- .75 Crow Hardware--------------- .60 E.S.Denslow----------------- 9,79 4.G.Vry--------------------- 23,50 Oscar Reiner---------------- 20000 John S'..Anderson------------ 40,00 S.J.Pr6eby------------------ 31,14