1941-07-15 City Council MinutesJ JJLY 15th 1941. The Council met in -regular session with Mayor LOourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following Councilmen present: H.A.Chandler, R.T. Roscoe, 1l.C.Hanson, C.Savage and VI.T. Jones. -The minutes of the last -meet in,,g meeting were read and approved. Ordinance No.535 was read the second time; an Ordinance fixing the X salary of the Night Patrolman, of the city of Edmonds, in the amount of Fifty 50.,00) Dollars per month, providing for the issuance of emergency warrants against the proper funds, in payment thereof, and declaring an emergency. It was moved by Chandler and seconded by Savage, that Emergency Ordinance No.535 be adopted as read. The vote was as follows: Chandler, .yes, Roscoe yes, .Savage yes, Jones no. As an=emergency Ordinance takes the unanimous vote of the Councilmen present, the Mayor declared the motion lost. The following Resolution was passed by the Council. WHi'HES, the Department of Highways has estimated that the receipts which will accrue'to the credit of this.city under, the provisions of Chapter 181, 1939 Laws, for the period April 1, 1941'to 114arch 31, 1943, will be Five Thousand Nine Hundred & Ninety-two 42/100 (,$5992.42) Lollars; and VIHEREAS, there.) is::_ah...unexp-en"A:,balaneec_of(, funds-•whichl accrued to ,th.e_'.credit if this city during the period April 1st,. 1939, to March 31st 1941, of,Seven Hundred and sixty-eight 84/100 ($768,84) Dollars; and WHEFLOAS, the total funds available for expenditure during the period April 1, 1941 to March 31, 1943, is -therefore estimated to be Six Thousand seven hundred and sixty-orie1a26/100 ($6761,26) Dollares; and WHEREAS, th.e Department of Highways does request that the city adopt a formal program setting forth the uses to which it shall put the above -named sum of money in accordance with the provisions of the above -named statute; NOW, THEREFORE, BE .IT RESOLVED by the ( mayor and City Council) of the city of Edmonds in regular meeting duly assembled, as follows: I. That based upon estimated receipts :as aforesaid the following is pro- poged as the items covering expenditures of said city from the City Street Fused for the biennium commencing April 1,,1941, and ending March 31, 1943; Totals Maintenance Construction Overhead 8c 11 Operation Secondary State -Highway $2460,00 9"0400,00 $2000 00 $60,00 Other City Streets---- 4301026 7,00.00 3601,26 Totals---------------- 06761926 g1,100,00 5601,26 960,00 2. That should such receipts exceed the estimat aforesaid, such excess shall be expended by the city in the manner provided by law, subject to the approval of the Department of highways. is 3• That the Oity Clerk be, and hereby,, instructed to forward a copy of thip Resolution to the Department of Highways. ADOPTED by the Mayor and City Council this 15th day of July, 1941. On motion the Resolution was adopted by the. unanimous vote of the Council. The question of improving Sixth Avenue North from Main Street to the north line of Glenn Street was brought up by the Mayor. After due consideration it was moved by Chandler and seconded by -Jones that the Council proceed to improve Sixth Avenue north by laying a bituminous matt thereon from Main Street to the north line of Glenn Street. The motion was carried -by the unan- imous vote of the Council. I ° On motion the Street Superintendent was instructed to proceed at once to relay the mat'on Fifth Avenue between Main Street and Bell street. A communication was received W.R. Watts, stating that he had run into a Hydrant covered with grass, located on Pine Street on the south side of the City Limits, and that he had damaged his car. On motion the City Clerk was instructed to notify W.R.Watts to peesent the repair bill at their next meeting. ° H.J.Johnson requested permission to blast some stumps east of Tenth Avenue and suoth on Maple Street. On motion the request was granted. There being no further business on motion the Council adjourned. Z ity 016 Mayor.