1942-01-20 City Council MinutesJANUARY 20th, 1942. The Dounoil met in regular session with Mayor Fourtner prrsiding. The roll call showed the following Councilmen present*.H..A.Chandler, RoToRoseoe'W.Co Hanson, Claude Savage, W.Hansen. W.Clause and W.ToJoneso The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Pugit Sound Navigation Company requested a lease for the City Dock It -was moved by Chandler and seconded by Hanson that the Puget Sound Navigation Company br given a lease *or five years at $114,00 per year. The,vote was as follows. Chandler yes, Roscoe yes, Hanson yes, Savage yes, Hansen yes Clausen yes, Jones yes. Carried by the unanimous fot of the Council. The' question of having the City Hall fixed so it can be blacked out during a n air raid,, was brought up by the Mayor. On: motion the Ccity Clerk was instructed to have the windows fixed sa they can be blaked out. The Mayor brought up the question of water supply foe the summer months. Om motion the Water Committ,e was given full power to have to detelop the south water shed by a well and pump to take care of of the demands for water. On motion the City.Engineer was instructed to set the stakes for the Second Avenue North, beginning at Edmonds street and running North too. Hedges south property line. There being no further business on motion the Council adjourned. City C y r 2EBRUARY 3ed, 1942. The Council met in regular session with Mayor Pourtner presiding. The roll call showed the followin Counoilmen present; H.A.Chandler, rc.T.Roscoe, W.Co Hanson U.Savage, W.Hansen,W.Clausen and W.T.Jones. The minutes of the last meet ing were read and approved. The Treasurers report and the Pater Revenue collectors report were read and oredered filed. The following bills were approved by the Finance Committe and on motion warrants were ordered drawn on the proper funds. Trick & Murray for supplies--- .31 Telephone U o. for fone rent and calls------------- 83167 Crow Hardware, for supplies--- 1,13 Pugh Power and Light Co'. F.B.Hubbard, for truck license 1,60 Hall lights--------- 3983 A.M.Yost & Sons for.supplies-- 5,72 S.B.Hubbard, bond for Uity Hopper Chevrolet Coo supplies- 1,03 Attorney--------- 5,00 Louis Miller, for supplies---- 4,20 a.HODoty for killing dog------ 1,00 Pickett. Motor Co.. for repairs- 2,06 Seattle Rubber Stamp Co. for P..S..Power & Light Co. for dog tags------------ 5,23 street Lights---- 99,48 Yost Auto Co.for supplies and Stevens Lumber Co. for supplies 26,00 r storage--------- 39,98 Uurbins Store, for supplies--- 1979 Fire 1lepartment for 4 fires-- 180,00 H.C.Hansen,labor on streets--- 34,37 Geo.3acone, for care of garbage M.C.Enfels, oil for furnace--- 34,76 dump-------- 10900 P.S.Power & Light Co. lights-- 4,28 ur.H.H.Kretzler, care of Tribune-neview,cards for booksue 6,28 prisoner-------- 5,00 Y.SoP'ower &&1jightaC6onPark---- Crow Hardware, for supplies-- 1,78 lights-------- 2,18 A.B.Bently for supplies------ ,32 Louis Valois, labor----------- 1,87 Yost Auto Co. for supplies--- ,52 Lonnie Osborn, labor---------- 1,25 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. u.M.Larson, labor ------------- 5,31 power for pumpe------- 91,54 Louis Miller, supplies for L.I. National Meter Co, for meters 59,12 Hugh G.Purcell Co. for supplies Do 50----------------- Louis Miller, supplies for L.I. 7,35 1019970 D. 51---------------------- 8.93 Crow Hardware for supplies for A.M.Yost be Sons, supplies for L.I.D. 51---------------- 1,03 LoIoD43: 51------------------ 1,50 M.C.Engels, supplies for L.I. Pickett Motor Co. supplies Do51-------------------- 3,44 for L.I.D.51------------------ 6o61 The City Attorney, approved as to form,the Contract with the Yugit Sound Navigations contract for the City mock. A controversy came up over the water in the alley in Block_ 95'0 After some talk over the question the Council desided that Mr Yost must take care of the water or it would be turned into the catch basin at 7th and Maple. A4. el The Plater Superintendent reported that he did notes any small tools with which to make repairs on the water system. On motion he was instructed to: get what he needed. There being no further business on motion the Council,adjourne C' ' M y