1942-07-07 City Council MinutesOn` inpt.:ion4-the -City. Clerk was,inl atruoted' to- get- lead for•' -calking' the new, grater lines, that: are -to -be laid._ Tlieti-being no. fur.ther.' business on: motion' the -Council adjourned. r ity C erk Mayor ` JULY 7th, 1942. The Council met in regular session with Mayor vourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following Councilmen present:. H.A..Chandler, H.T.Roscoe,. W.C.Hdnson Claude Savage., Walter Hansen, w.Clausen and W.T.Jones. The minutes of the last meetings were read and approved. The Treasurers report and the dater Collectors report were read and ordered filed. The .following bills were approvved by:ithedFinanc,e Oommitte and .on motion warrants were ordered drawn on the proper,funds.._, Tribune -Review, envelops for City, Clerk-------- 4.,.02 A.B.Bently for, labor and supplies 114,51 Seattle Rubber Stamp Co, Crow Hardware., for supplies------ 5,61 for rubber stamp------ 2,01 Edmonds Auto F'reight,for freight B.Denslow, labor on sewer-=- 3025 charges---------- 91,51 ic.H.Doty, for sewer inspections4,00 B.M.Martin, for labor------------ `12,75 and disposing of dog l"00 Oakland Shingle CoI. for valve---- 11954 H.F.Hecker,,for making eabintts 41,20 Louis Valois for labor---------- 3,75 P.S.Power, & Light Co. for Hall P.S.1'ower & Light Co. for power-- 242.30 lights--------------- 2,87 Hugh G.Pureell Co. for pipe & Crow..Hardware,. for supplies--- 495 fitting's--------- 1425911 Telephone calls for phone calls 4,35 National Meter Divisioh, for Geo.Bacon for care of garbage meters--- ------------- 133909 dump--=------ 20,00 Dewey Leyda, for labor on meters' 33,00 Fire Department for 2 fires--- 60,00 Frank Schrager for labor-------- 3,00 Yost Auto`Co_. for storage and Journal -of Commerse for ad. ---- 2,00 V.supplies-- ' -- 9,55 Federal Pips &Tank Co, for Henry'.8oshart, for care.of. supplies--------------- 71,67 City Ball and tryangle Leyda Electric & Radio forlabor gZ6undds----- 30,00 on pumps & supplies--------- 15,94 Cr6`w Hardware,for supplies 3,55 K.M;.Wade & Co. for supplies----- 11098 Durbns Store, for supplies-- 3,92 James J.Bell for rent and drilling Midway Iron -Works, for smith of well----------------- 503,20 :vrork-------------- 3,43 Yost. Auto Co. for weldir_g pipe P.S.Power & Light Co. for ed.11d supplies--------------- 24,72 powerfor pumps----------- 201,10 Tax Commission, Excise Tax------ 93,90 Pickett. Motor Co. suppli.es--- 7,54 P.S.Power & Light Co. lights Emerson Thompson, refund----- 30000 for park house------- 2,33 C.B.Roe,.for mowing streets-- 36,00 O.C.Zelly, wood for Park-------- 3,09 Yost Auto Co. for gas-------- 6,09 Crow Hardware, for supplies----- 2922 Edmonds lOct store, supplies- 3,40 P.J.Larson, key for Park=------- 1,50 P4S.2ower & Light Co. lights- 3,19 The Water Commissioner reported that he was laying the water line from the south.Hdmonds pump to the high tank. The Water Committe instructed him to lay the pipe to Ninth stree and then lay the ballance north on°N.inth-street. Complaint was.made libout the garbage being put .on the sidewalk by the Safeway Store. On motion the City Clerk was instructed to notify the°Safeway Store to remove their boxes and barels off the sidewalk with in 48 hours or the City would doi':.° it. and charge them the cost of removal. It was moved by Chandl-ex and seconded.by Hanson that the_Council extend a vote of thanks to the -Standard Oil Company for the loan of a pump which was used inan emergency. As the City Attorney is proseeding to forecloseon Lots 33, 34, 35, 36 and 37 in Block 87, the owner offered $1000,00 as settlement of the Cities claim. On motion the Council desided to consider the offer pending foreclosure proceedings. There being no."further business on motion the Council adjourned. Wv City Ogok Mayor 1 1 u 1 1