1942-08-18 City Council MinutesAUGUST i8th. 1942 The Council met in regular.session with Mayor Gourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following Councilmen present: H.A.Chandler, R.T.Roscoe, Claude Savage, W-H'anaen,. W.Clausen and W.T.Jone. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. G.G.Smart requested the City to furnish him with water. After due consid- eration the�Water Committe decided that it would cost about•$30.00 to make a connection so he could get water. r On motion the Counoil desided to purchase 2500 feet of 4 inch cast iron pips. and instructed the City Clerk to call for bids. There being no further business on motion the Concil adjourned. City 01eW Mayor SEPTJMBER lst.1942. The Council met in regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding -The roll'eall showed the following Councilmen present: H.A.Chandler, W.C.Hanson, «.Hansen, VI.Clausen and C`i..T.Jones, Roscoe and Savage absent. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The following bills were -approved by the Finance Committe and on. motion warrants were ordered drawn on the proper funds. MiCEn�es.,oil:f:ar. futnaoe---- 19,,24 Journal of Commerce,, for notice 3,20 'Prick &'Murray.,, for.supplies--- .64 P.S.Power & Light Co, power-- 130,44 P.S.Power & Light Co -lights for M.C.Engels,oil for Street Dept 4,11 city Hall----------- 1,89 Edmonds Auto Freight, frt----- -80 Albert Johnson, meals for, Mation Meter Division, for prisoners------- 1,75 supplies-------- 7,98 Geo.Bacon, 2 months care of x.M-wade & Co. for supplies--- 23,56 garbage dump--------- 20,00 Ada Mothershead, refund------- 60,00 Telephone-QQ;jfer.. phnoe calls--- 4, 75 J.C.McKe'ever for labor----- -- •24 -P;7 hopper Chevrolett,for supplies- 32,50 Stevens -Lumber Co. supplies-- 7,30 Dewey Leyda,for labor--------- 46,00 Crow Hardware, for supplies-- 24,72 J-C.MeZeever, for labor-------- 132,38 H.C.Hanson for labor--------- 24,37 A.B.Bently, for labor & supplies 141,87 Caspers Corners, for supplie- 11,91 Crow gardware, for supplies---- 6,03 R.H.-Doty for labor----------- 20,00 Palmer Supplie Co.. for supplies 12-,98 P.S.Poer & Light Co. street Hugh G.Pureell Co.. for supplies 64,07 lights --------------- 101,94 , H-C.H,ansen for labor----------- 132,38 L•S-,Vinoent, painting signs-- 3,00 P.S.P,ower & Light:CO. lights Crow -Hardware for supplies--- ,15 for park hous------- 1,00 2-3.2,ower & Light Co, lights for Library---------- 1900 The Council having called for bids,for 4 inch cast iron pipe, bids to be opened September lst,the following and only bid was received-. "Gentlemen: Pursuant to your call for bids.to be opened at 8;00-pm on Sept. let, we are pleased to quote you as, follows:, 2,,500 feet 4" Class.150, Bell & Spiget, Cast Iron pipe f.a.b. Edmonds, Washington .75 per foot.. Delivery is subject to all government regulations and allocations as to priorities, etc.,, Yours truly. Hugh G.fursell Co. , A was moved ply Chandlr and seconded by, Jones that the City purchase 1800 feet of the 4 inch pipe.., The vote was as follows: 11-A-.Chand1er, yes, W.C.Hanson.,yes,.W-Hansen yes, Clausen yes and W,.T.Jones yes. Carried by unanimous vote of the Councilmen present. The Yost Estate are-donating.the Opera House to Veterans for social pur- po6esand on motion the Council.desided to gove.them free water, and charge it to Current Expense. The Mayor appointed R.H.Doty Street Superintendent and 'later Superin- tendent.' On motion the Council approved the appointment. The Mayor appointed Roy Dagnue Chief of. Police and Night Patrolman at a salary of $175,00 per month. On moition the Council approved the appointment. The Council then proceeded tol prepair,the Temporary Budget for•1943 expenses. TEMPORARY BUDGET: Current Expense Fund. MASOR, salary-------------------------- $ 240,00 Totals COUNCILMLNS salary-----: ------------------ 420,00 City Clarks salary- -------------------- 600,00 Assistant Clerks salary---------------- 360,00 Printing and Postage---------.---------- 80900 Supplies-------------------------------- 20,00 Phone calls---------------------------- 15,00 Bond----------------------------------- 5,00 Elections------------------------------ 150,00-01890,00