1942-10-05 City Council MinutesSbought forward-------------------------------- ::5,135,00 Cash &n operating Fund, estimate- ------------ 3,000,00 Total estimated revenues ------ 438,135900 Adopted by the Mayor and Council and filed September lst, 1942. In witness whereof, L have set my hand and.the Seal of said City this first day of September 1942. City le There being no further business on motion the Council adjourned. i y e Mayor. September 15, 1942. The Utaundil met in regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following Councilmen present, Chandler, Aoscoe, Hanson, Savage JAnes and Clausen. The Mayor instructed Attorney 0. D. Anderson to draw up an Ordin- ance to incre.aset the .tapping fee of water meters. A 4, inch connection from $15 to :T25, lLinch connection from �18;to 430, larger connections at actual cost. < The.c:s8leoofflots .-8s9L.and 10 Hubbard6was approved by the Qouncil The Mayor appointe&dWe C. Hanson to have a new flag pole erected on top of the Library building, to take the place of the flag pole which stood in the City triangle. The Attorney was instructed to take care of the correspondence in reference to Army regulations affecting the City. There being no further business the Co -until adjourned. City Clerk Mayor. October 5, 1942. `1.'he Council met in special session in accordance with the Laws of the State of Washington for the adoption of the Budget for the year 1943. The Mayor and the following Councilmen geing present; H. A. Chandler, H. T. Roscoe, W. C. Hanson, W. Hansen, W. Clausen, and C. Savage. After due consideration of the several items in the Preliminary Budget and hearing from those present, the Council fixed the amounts for the 1943 Budget and.on motion the Council adopted the Ordinance _ Ordinance No. 542 An -Ordinance adopting and levying the general taxes for the City of Edmonds, Washington, for the fiscal year commencing January 1st, 1943, on all property, both real and personal, in said City, subject'to taxation for the=purpose of raising sufficient revenue to carry on the several depart- ments of said City for the ensuing year as required by law; appropriating the same to the several funds for said fiscal year, and providing for thi Boll- ' eetion thereof. Whereas the City Council of the City of Edmonds, State of Washing- ton, having heard -all persons asking to be heard for and against the prelim- inary budget, heretofore adopted for the ensuing years due notice having been given as required by law and now this 5th day of October 1942, final budget having b.een adopted and the Council having determined the amount necessary to be paid on the.current assessment roll as general taxes for the ensuing -year and appropriating the same as in this Ordinance described therefore; The.City Council of the City of Edmonds do Ordain as Follows: Section L. That there be and there is hereby levied on all real, and personal property of the City of Edmonds, subject to taxation therein, a Igeneral tax for`municipal purposes for the ensuing year commencing Jan- uary 1st.. 1943, the sum of149`1Z:00 1 1 1 1 1 1 Current Expense Fund. Mayor, salary ------------------- - ------ gip 240.00 Councilmen, salary--------------------- 420,00 City Vierk, salary-------------------- 600.00 Assistant City Clerk, salary----------- 360.00 Printing and Postage------------------- 80.00 Supplies------------------------ ------ 20.00 Phone'Calls---------------------------- 15.00 Bond----------------------------------- 5.00 Elections----------------------- ------ 150.00 City Treasurer, salary----------------- 600.00 Expenses------------------------------- 30.00 Bond----------------------------------- 30.00 City Attorney, salary-----------.------- 360.00 Expenses------------------------------- 100.00 Bond----------------------------------- 5.00 Membership in Asso. of Flash. Cit.ies---- 50.00 Health Officer., salary----------------- 75.00 Expenses------------------------------- 50.00 Care of Garbege Dump------------------- 120.00 State Inspection----------------------- 200.00 Police Department Chief of Police, salary---------------- 1500.00 Might Patrol, salary------------------- 1200.00 Extra Policemen, wages----------------- 100.00 Expense of the Department-------------- 100.00 Ind. Insurance & Med. Aid-------------- 30.00. Bonds---------------------------------- 15.00 jhj4e C�l]is---------------------------- 15.00 300.00 City Hall City Hall Lights----------------------- 25.00 Fuel Oil------------------------------- 125.00 Repairs-------------------------------- 50.00 Care of Grounds ------ =----------------- 100.00 Fite Department Volunteer Firemen, wages--------------- 600.00 Supplies and repairs------------------- 500.00 Expenses -of Fi-remen'.s Convnetion------- 100.00 Storage-------------------------------- 110.00 Firemens Insurance--------------------- 45.00 Hydrant Rental------------------------- 2400.00 Park Department Wages for Tabor------------------------ 120.00 Improvemen.ts--------------------------- 120.00 Libraty Department Librarian, salary ---------------------- Suppliea------------------------------- i�epairs--=----------------------------- Fuel and Lights ------------------------ Insurance------------------------------ Street Department Superintendent, salary ----------------- Extra men wages ------------------------ Street Lights -------------------------- Supplies and itepairs ------------------- New Construction ----------------------- Ind. Insurance and Med. Aid ------------ Materials------------------------------ Total Current Expense Expenditures------ 600.00 300.00 150.00 160.00 _ 45.00 1500.00 600.00 1260.00 1500.00 300.00 36..00 200.00 S�1890.00 .. 6ai1i1 515.00 445.00 3960.00 300.00 3755.00 240.00 1255.00 _ 5396.00 1 716.00 Estimated Current Expense ilteceipts for 1943. Estimate of Cash on hand at end of year-6300.00 Pines and Fees -------------------------- 1200.00 Lituor ttevenues------------------------ 4000.00 Gas Tax hevenues----------------------- 300.00 Amount to be raised for Currant Expense by 10.66 mills on �554,991.00 valuation-5916.00 Total estimate of receipts------------------------------ �17716.00 Expenditures for Bonds and Interest: L. I. D. Guarantee Bonds--------------- 1000.00 Trunk Sewer Bonds and Interest--------- 1495.00 General Obligation Bonds and Interest-- 2500.00 Total amount to be raised by 9 mills on 4554,991.00 Assessed valuation------ 4995.00 FA Amount to be raised for bonds and interest---------------- 4995.00 Amount to be raised for Current Expense--------------=---- 5916.00 Grand total to be raised by 19.66 mills on $554,991.00 assessed valuation---------------------------------------10911.00 Water department Receipts and Expenditures: Hater Revenue'Collector, salary ----------- � 1000.00 Superintendent, salary-------------------- 1500.00 Extra men, wages-------------------------- 1600.00 Supplies and Repairs---------------------- 500.00 Materials--------------------------------- 3000.00 Power for Pumps--------------------------- 1800.00 Redemption of Bonds and Interest---------- 15000.00 Total expenditures------------------------ $24,500.00 Revenues: Hydrant Rental from Current Expense------- 2400.00 Water Revenues, estimated--- -------------- 18000.00 Cash in Bond Aedempt ion r'und-------------- 14735.00 Cash in Operating Fund-- ------- ------ 3000.00 Total Receipts---------------------------- V38,136.00 Section 2: This Ordinance shall be=certified to the proper County Official as provided by law, and the taxes herein levied shall be collected and paid into the City Treasurer of'the City°of Edmonds, at the time and the manner provided by the laws of the State of Washington for the collection of taxes for Third Class Cities. Passed this 5th day of October 1942.1 'ty Cl erk Mayor Published October 8, 1942. o . z On Motion the Council adjourned. October 6, 1942 The Council met in regular session with Mayor Yourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following Councilmen present,..Chandler, ,coscoe, Hanson, Savage Hanson and Clausen. The Treasurers and Water Collectors reports were read and ordered filled. The following bills were approved 'by, the T'inance.Committee and on motion warrants were ordered drawn on the proper funds Edmonds Telephone, Co.._-phene-ca115..65 Trib-Ine review -printing-c v exp. ,'.i : 0 warrants and pub.. budget---- 41.6Q P. S. Power & Light, lights--- 1.09 Yost Auto Co,1. 2months storage- 21.41 Eoy H. Degueau,, for stamps---- 2.00 George Bacon, care of garbage- 10.06 0. N. Sorenson., stamps for clerk5.00 P. S. P. & Light Co. park lightsl.00 George Bacon „ garbage for park-12.10 S. J. Priebe, supplies library--4:76 W. H. Dunbar, insurance -------- 21.00 Americana Corp. on contract ---- 32.00 0. IT. Sorenson, box rent------- 1.00 Gaylord Bros, supplies--------- 9.65 P. S. 2. & Light.:Co. lights---- 1.58 Crow Hardware, supplies -------- 15.5Q P. S. P. & Light Co. lights-- 100.46 Leyda Electric &.Radio,supplies .93 Midway Iron words, blacksmith 5..72 StevenEalumber co. supplies---- 3.15 J. H.. Young, gas --- ------------10.50 C. B. hoe, labor --------------- 12.00 George Stegall., labor---------- 1.5Q Crow Hardware,,, supplies----4,-4.07 National l,Teter.div. supplie.sc81 01 U. M. Illade . repairs on motor--62.37 Yost Auto co.supplies and repair job --------- 5.96 P. S. P. &.Light Co. power for pumpszn==---------182059 A. B. Bentley, supplies------ 25.78 Hugh.G. Purcell, supplies---- 71.90 Midway Iron Works,blacksmith-- 3.51 Tribune xeview, notice for bids-1.11 E. S. Denslow, labor----------- 1.55 E. M. Martin, labor -------- ---£1.00 Dewey Leyda, labor ------------- 68.00 Ray Woodfield, labor----------- 3.00 George.Stegall, labor----------35.25 H. C. Hanson, labor ------------ 86.25 J. C. McZeever, labor ---------- 66.00 0. N. Sorenson, boa rent------ - 1.50 J.. 0. Mc.LCeever, labor---------- 23.25 H. C. Hanson, labor------------ 44.25 Hopp6r Chev. Co., gas---------- 3.15 The Mayor appointed yr. ;. J. zenny health officer. The Council approved the appointment. The releasing of Bond and refunding of %$5 to Carl Stevens, from. the sevier projeot was referred to Attorney 0. D. Anderson. The correspondence from 1°l. H. Dunbar concerning a quit -claim deed fkom the City to Alice a Sanderson, -for the west 10feet.of lot 27 Block 96, was referred to the Attorney. The property now being purchased from the City on a contract, by Mrs. Eileen Elliott. 1 1 1 1 1 A motion was moved and seconded to adopt Ordinance No. 543, amending Section 6 of Ordinance No. 412.