1942-10-20 City Council MinutesORDINANCE 110. 543. 1 I An Ordinance amending Section 6 of Ordinance 11.6. 412, of the City of Edmonds, relating to tapping fees for the installation of water service by the Water Department of said City. THE CITY Or` ED1110- DS DOES O DAI1; : Section 1: That Section 6 of Ordinance No. 412 be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 6. No service connections less that three -fourths () inch in size shall be installed. Tapping fees for the installation of water service as hereinbe- fore provided shall be as follows: For a three -fourths (t) inch connection 1�25.00 For a one (1) inch connection 30.00 rIor sizes larger than one (1) inch, or where it becomes necessary to install service pipe under paving, the actual cost of labor and material used in laying such a service and replacing:the pavement shall be charged. Tapping fees shall be paid in advance and in cases where the cost is not known the applicant shall pay the estimated cost after the actual cost is known to the Superintendent. Section 2: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication as provided by law. Passed October 42 Attest: - J City Clerk Published October 8, 1942. W _ a- Vniirtr er Mayor I hereby certify that the above and fore- going is a true and correct copy of Ordin- ance No. 543 of the City of Edmonds, wash. zi—enity Clerk. There being no further business on motion the meeting adjourned. Assistant City Clerk October 20, 1942 The -Council met in.regular session with Mayor 'ourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following Councilmen present Chandler, Roscoe, Jones and Walter Hanson. A Motion was moved and seconded to purchase the pump that has been rented for the sprinkling season for the additional price of $180 plus sales tax on the entire amount. H. G. Arnold, District Utilization Llanager for Puget Sound Power and Light co., reported to the Council that their contracts with the City for Street lights and water pumping power had expired. The new contracts for water pumping power has been raised about $200 a year, a transform rental being charged. This matter was laid over until the next meeting. The City Clerk was instructed to notify George Law that he must connect his building on eighth avenue with the sewer within 30 days. S. J. Perrine, as defense coordinator, asked that the city set aside the baseball grounds at the city park for a scrap pile, the Council recommended a spot south of this place. Mr. Perrine also requested action by the council for providing garbage cans on the City Streets to take care of refuse. This was referred _to the street committee. George Hicks made a report to the Council on the Army Observation post now:..located at the Ferry Dock. Because of the noise from trains and mills, Mr. Hicks reported the Post is to be moved on top of the Bank Building. The cost of Brectirg the post to be approximately �$500 to be paid for by an emergency Ordinance. A motion was moved and seconded to call for bids for erecting a tower or top of the Bank Buildiri g. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Assistant City Clerk Mayor