1942-11-17 City Council MinutesNovember 3, 1942 The Council met in regular session with Mayor 11ourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following Councilmen present; Chandler, Walter Hansen, Roscoe and Cl. C. Hansen. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A motion was made and seconded that the bills as,approved by the V inance Committee be allowed and warrants drawn on the proper funds. The motion carries. Mr. George Hicks reported on the action up to date regarding the moving of the Aircraft Observation Post from the Dock to the Bank Building. He re- ported considerable difficulty contacting Contractors and getting bids from them. No bids were presented at this meeting and the matter was laid over until the next regular meeting. In.the meantime, the City Attorney was instructed to draft an Emergency Ordinance to provide funds for this action. As Mr.•Perrine was unable to be present, to explain the Dim -out Ordinance, prosiding penalties for violations of the Dim -out regulations, no action was taken in the matter and it was also laid over until the next regular meeting The Mayor explained a request of the Pointer-Williamette Co. to obtain suf- ficient property on the northern end of their present -location to.permit building another Way in an effort to increase present production. Mr. Walker and Mr. Weber did not desire to have that construction extend in front of their present property, but when Mr. White, a representative of the Company explained they did not intend to extend bgtrond the center of Dayton -Street no formal objections were entered against this construction. A.motion was made and seconded that the Council authorize the use of the Waterway from the Center of Dayton -St. South.to the present location of the Pointer- Ivilliamette Co..and the Mayor be instructed to notify the Commissioner of Public Lands of such action. A Roll -Call vote showed all Councilmen present in favor of the motion. fat. 1-p g, bills . v er;e�;.allowed by the; -i nar�c,e comet t-te,e.. Yost Auto eo.,gas and repairs of Ed. Auto Freight, freight----- 1.60 grader -------------------------- 19.88 H. C. Hansen, labor------------ 25.50 P. Be Power �: Light Co. street U6U ey -Le;y 76:, labor`--==-=__==�== 51.00 lights_r----------------- 100.64 George Brackett, labor--------- 45.00 H. C. Hansen., labor------------ 34.50 Be M. Martin, labor------------ 20.25 C. Be Roe, labor----------- 15.00 Be S. Denslow------------------ 1.55 Louis Valois, labor------------ 6.75 Hugh G. Purcell Co. Supplies--- 18.17 Yost Auto•Co, gas-------------- 13,26 National Meter Co. meters ------ 442.90 Puget Sound News ---books------- 63.57 Zederal Pipe & Tank Co. supplies 9.86 P. S. Power & Light, Lights---- 2.56 Carl L Stevens, supplies------ 5.65 Crow Hardware,, supplies park--- 15.45 Louis Valois, labor------------ 23.25 P. S. Power & Light,.park lights 1.00 Crow Hardware -supplies--------- -31.17 Ed. Woodfield, 2 mos. lab.or----- 20.00 P. Be P. & Light;�co. power for Ed. Telephone Co., phone calls-- 4.65 Pumps -------------------------- 129.54 Trick & Murray, supplies------- 1.73 R. H. Doty, fuses ------- =------ .61 P. S. P. & Light Co, lights---- 1.00 Yost Auto Co.? mos storage----- 24.45 Earl McDonald, special police-- 7.00Pire Department,fires----------- 90.00 James Astell, special police---. 7.00 H. Wall, used tires & tubes---- 15.00 There being no further business,, the meeting was declared adjourned. We C. Hansen Clerk Pro tem Idayor November 17, 1942 The Council met in :regular session.with Mayor Zourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following Councilmen present: Chandler, Roscoe, Savage-, Jones, Walter Hansen and Clausen. Mr. Cook of Hugh G. Peurcell Co., informed us the company could,;not get the four inch pipe to fill our order .of last.September, but they did have five inch pipe. The Council accepted the substituing of the 5 inch pipe for the f4 inch pipe. A motion was moved. and seconded to purchase 5,04 feet of 5-inch cast iron Pipe at 95 cents a foot. Motion Carried. The City Attorney was instructed to draw up emergency ordinance cover-ing the cost of labor and purchase of pipe from Hugh G. Purcell & co. 1 III 1 d 0 1 Chief of Police Roy Degneau asked that something be done about the parking of cars on fifth street from Main street to the alley north, also the park- ing on rain street by the Safeway Store. This was referred to the Street Committee. The taking care of the City Bloat was also referred to the street Committee. A Motion was moved and seconded that the Mayo-ANP City Clerk sign a gait - claim deed to Mxs. Alice Sanderson for the crest 10 feet of Lot 27 Block 96, Plat of the City of Edmords. This property is being purchased on contract by Mrs. Eileen Connor Elliott from the City. Deed to be kept in office until Mr. Dunbat receives a letter from Mrz. Elliott. Mrs. xogness asked for permission to connect to the�,,-�ewer on third street. The Council instructed her to obtain an easement f�e�`''�rTr. Hard to go across his property and she must pay the inspection fee of §3 to the City 'Treasure. A motion was moved and seconded that the City 'Treasurer transfer sufficient funds from the Current Expense fund to the Library fund to take care of the library expense for the rest of the year. Motion carried. The Council appointed the following to serve on the election boards for the City General Election December 8. First ward, Julia Little, Pearl Allen, Zibbie McGinnis. second ;lard, Jennie Morgan, Rut y Vincent, Lleanor Johnson. Third Ward, E. M. Martin, Lucille Clausen, rellie Telfer. Thery being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Assistant City Clerk. Mayor. December 1, 1942. The Council met in regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following Councilmen present Chandler, Roscoe, Jones, Savage, Walter Hansen and Clausen. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The 'Treasurers and water collectors reports were read and ordered filed. The following bills were approved by the kinance Committee and warrants were ordered drawn on the proper funds. P. S. Power & Light Co ----- ---- 1-00ewey Leyda, repairson meters ---- 46.00 Federal Pipe & Tank Co------- 60.69Sid Zelly, labor---------------- 4.50 Sid Zelly, labor------------- 1.50Louis Valois, labor------------- 51.00 Louis Valois;,_ labor---------- 13.50Palmer Supply Co. supplies ------ 42.80 P. S. P.,& Light., lights----- 3.360lympie Poundry Co., supplies ---- 75.40 M. C. Engels, oil for furnace-34.76h. M. ;'lade & Co., pump ---------- 190.20 Puget Sound News, books ------- 11.01H. P. Hecker, making plugs------ 6.18 C. D. 0rner, labor------------ 5.66Hugh G. Purcell & Co., supplies- 8.86 Louis Valois., labor ----------- 76.50A, 0. Bentley, supplies--------- 3.91 C. B. _ioe., labor -------------- 21:75Tribune review, printing-------- 3.51 0. H. Young,.gas-------------- 8.400row Hardware, supplies--------- 3.29 Durbins Store., cloth for flags 1.44P. S. P. & Light Co. poorer for Crow Hardware, supplies------- 4.26 pumps ------------------------ 123.69 P. S. P. w Light co. lights--101.18 Ed. Telephone Co. phone-------- 4.25 S. J. Priebe, election sets-- 33.99 'Tribune review, printing------- 16.19 h. H. Doty, sewer inspection- 2.00 P. S. Power & Light Co. lights- 1.68 No action was taken on the parking on fifth and main streets because one member of the street committee was not present. This was alid over until. the next meeting. The clerk was instructed to write a letter to the County Commissioners asking if we may get gravel from the gravel pit as we need it and the price of gravel per yard. It was moved and seconded that the clerk hate published in the paper the emergency ordinance, which was introduced. Motion carried. There being no further business, a motion was moved and seconded the meet- ing adjourn. motion carried. Assistant City Clerk ? -IT Mayor.