1943-07-20 City Council MinutesJuly 6, 1943.,,: The Council met in regular session with Mayor hourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present, Chandler, Roscoe, Hansen and Clausen. ThP treasurers and water collectors reports were read and ordered filled. A Motion was moved and seconded that the bills which were approved by the finance committee be paid out of the proper funds. Motion carried. Ed. GRoeery & Market----------- .99 C: Be Roe, labor with team-- 8.00 E. S. Denslow.,.. labor, park----- .3:.25.1'.. J. Grace, labor repair sewer Ed Woodfield, labor at park---- 10.00 4.00 P. S. Power & Light.,.. park----- 4..15 Duane Patterson, grading street18.00 0. C. Kelly, wood for.park-�---- 6.95 Louis Valois, labor----------- 81.15 Crow Hardware.,. supplies-------- 1.23 Louis, Miller, gas------------- 14,70 Tribune Review, cards library ---- 8.22 Crow Hardware, supplies------- 12.78 Puget Sound News,. books-- ---- 60.32 Hopper Chevrolet, repair graderl9.47 0. N. Sorenson, box rent------- 1.00 Carl L. Stevens, cement------- 3.51. 2..S. Power & Light,Co----.------ 1.75 P. S. Power & Light co, lights-lol.12 Louis Valois, labor on water-- 21.00 Standard Oil co, oil---------- 2.45 Dewey Leyda, repair meters----- 36.95 A. Be .Bentley, supplies------- .25 Hopper Chevrolet, supplies----- 1.34 Trick & Murray, supplies------ 6.28 Crow Hardware, supplies-------- 23.11 Waters, supplies-------------- .56 A. Be Bently, supplies--------- 10.11 0. 11. Sorenson, box rent------ .75 .P. S. Power & Light Co, power--119.73 Mrs. D. M. Parker, cleaning--- 5.00 Eureka hire Hose, supplies----- 45.40 P. S., Power & Light Co-------- 14.6,2 Fire Department, fires --------- 165.00 Bert Anderson, garbage-------- 10.00 Yd)st Auto Co.,stor age,&repair 29.02 Roy H. Degneau, mileage & stamps 29.13 A group of four men.from south Edmonds appeared before the Council.inquiring about water for their homes..The Mayor and water committee were to, meet t1th them and decide what could be done._ Chief of Police Roy Degneau reported the curb on fifth and main streets was damaged from.cars making the turn. A motion was moved and seconded the Street Superintendent repair the damage. Motion. carried. A motion was moved and seconded that Water Superintendent h. H. Doty purchase 100 feet cast iron pipe and fittings for North Edmonds. Motion carried. The -Clerk was instructed to write a letter to the Department of Internal Revenue, at Tacoma about the $5 Stamp for City Trucks and fire truck. F11 /YyM Fire Chief M. C. Engels reported to the Council. that a- u p � and clothing for the firemen is to be loaned to the City of. Edmonds by the Federal Government for the duration of the war. The City is to provide a ton and half truck to mount this pump on. It was suggested the old k1l. P. A. truck would serve this purpose. Mayor r'ourtner appointed M. C. Engels as City property officer, to 'be res- ponsible for the equipment. Motion carried. The Mayor and fire chief are to fill out the necessary forms. A motion was moved and seconded that the fire chief make,Iaifurther investi- gation of this and purchase a $5000.00 bond to cover the requirements. Motion carried. Chandler made a motion that the meeting adjourn. , Assistant City Clerk Mayor. July 20, 1943. The Council met in regular session with mayor Pourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following Councilmen present, Chandler, Roscoe, Hansen, Jones, Hansen and Clausen. A motion was moved and seconded'a:'that.the street and water superintendent be paid 4'200.00 a month salary, ;P125.00 from the street, fund, and 75.00 from the water fund. Passed by a unamimous vote of the Coancil. Chief of Police Roy Degneau was instructed to hire extra ]police when the traffic is too heavy for him to take care of. Councilman Jones reported to the Coiin.cil that 0. G. Johnson offered the City $100.00 for lot 3 Block 77. The Council did not accept the offer. There being no further business, a motion was moved and seconded the meeting adjourn. Assistant City Clerk Mayor. 1 1 1 0