1943-08-03 City Council MinutesAugust 3, 1943. The Council met in regular session with Mayor Pourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present, Chandler., Roscoe, Hansen, Jones, Savage and Clausen. The treasurers and water collectors reportp were read before the council. A motion was moved and seconded the following bills which were approved by the finance committee be paid and warrants be drawn on the proper funds. Motion carried. Ed Woodfield, labor ------- ------- 10POO Louis Valois, labor------------- 17.00 Geo. 5. brackett, labor ---------- 24.00 Edmonds 'Cabinet shop, supplies-- 1.80 P. S. Power & Light, lights------ 2.05 Yost Auto Co. gas'and grease---- 2.57 C. b. xoe, mowing at park -------- 25.00 Louis Miller, gas--------------- 2.10 Henry Boshart, care of triangle--30.00 P. 6. Power & light Co, lights--100.58 P. S. e. & Light Co. lights------ 1.00 Ed. Ind. Telephone Co. phone---- .30 Crow hardware, supplies---------- 5.410. N. Sorenson, stamps----------- 4.00 Dewey Leyda, labor on meters ----- 20.00 Waters, supplies---------------- .72 Ernest Luehl, labor on waterline- 9.00 'Tribune review, Ordinance------- 8.28 Louis Valois, labor on waterline-44.002. S. Power & light Co----------- 5.20 0. N. Sorenso.n,carda for notices- 2.00 Mrs. D. M. Parker, celaning----- 5.00 Tribune -review, pub. ordinance---36.30 Bert Anderson, garbage---------- 10.00 A. B. Bently,.supplies----------- 3.14oy H. Degneau, mileage for car-- 28.44 Hugh G. Purcell, pipe & meterparts Yost Auto Co. storage & service-- 9.50 121.1811ire Department, fires----------- 60.00 Crow hardware, supplies -------- =-20.50 2. S. Power & Light so ----------- 151.35 A Motion was moved and seconded that the City Treasurer close out the North' Edmonds Water account and transferthe balance of the money to the water fund. Motion carried. Councilman Clausen read the reports from the State Department of Health, which showed 100 /o pure from the three water wells. A letter was read by the - mayor from Ferris and Hardgrove, stating that they have $5000.00 worth of water bonds in their possessions and would Pike to sell them to -the City for e119.00. A motion was moved and seconded that the treasurer purchase these,bonds providing he does not see a reason. to do so.' Motion carried. Street superintendent H. H. Doty was instructed to cut the brush which is obstructing traffic on Howell way and ninth and Main streets where the property is owned by the City. W.-C. Hansen reported the Arterial stop signs needed repainting. Hoy Degneau reported that bicycles were obstructing traffic'on the sidewalks and windows were being broken along main street from parking. He was instructed to keep the sidewalks clear bf bicycles. Hueben Roscoe was appointed by the Mayor to t&ke care of the numbering of the houses in the City. A report was made by the land committee recommending that 035 a lot be charg- ed for lots one to twenty inclusive in Block- 39', A motion was moved and seconded that the Council sell lots 1 to 20 inclusive to H. A. Chandler. Passed by a unamimo4s vote of the council. AL,motibbr.was moved and seconded the meeting adjourn.. Assis ant City Clerk Mayor August 17, 1943 The Council met in regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following Councilmen present, Chandler, Hoscoe, Hansen, Jones, Savage, Hansen and Clausen. A motion was moved and seconded the Clerk pay the taxes of �49.-50 to County Treasurer against lot 21 in Block 96. Motion carried. A motion was moved and seconded that the Council recind the I,llot' twee sale of property to H. A. Chandle r but sell the same property, p 1 y p p yr lots, 1 to� -20' `/ ndlusive- in Black '39 -to Z. 'B. �-Montgom6 y, on -;.a -"con'tract of�$200 -down., -$10, per month plus interest of 521o. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the council.