1943-09-07 City Council MinutesCouncilman Clausen reported that W. H. Profitt offered the City 4 200 a lot for lots 10 and 11 or lots 12 and 13 in Block 77. This was laid over until the next meeting of the Council...Li' City Attorney 0,. D. Anderson advised the Council that the City could not pay a'premiun on their own bonds. Roy Degneau was requested to see the Puget Sound Power. and. Light Co and have the stop sign on Fifth and Taain streets raised so it would not interfer with the travel of trucks. Mayor r'ourtner., Walt Hansen and 111. C. Hansen are, to meet'with the owners of the Oakland Shingle mill., which is being torn down and make them an offer for the.beach land from main to Bell streets,: It was suggested that this land be used for a bathing beach. There being no further business a biotion was made and seconded the meeting adjoumn. Ix Assistant City Clerk Mayor September 7, 1943. The Council met in regular session with Mayor-Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following Councilmen present,°Chandler, Roscoe, Hansen, Jones, Savage and Clausen. The Water Collectors and Treasurers reports were read and ordered filled. A Notion was moved and seconded that the bills which were approved. -by the finance committee be allowed and warrants be drawn on the proper funds. Motion carried. Ed. Grocery & Market, supplies----- ,59 Louis Valois, labor on water-- 20.00 Crow Hardware, supplies park------- 5.BbrBarl Garrett,,.labor--------- 2.00 Ed. t'7oodfield., labor ---------------- 10.00 Hugh G. Purcell, supplies----- 45.10 Bert Anderson, garbage---=--------- 4.00 Standard Oil Co. supplies- '-- 1.58 .2. S. Power & Zight.�o.,, lights----- 2.25 Crow Hardware, suprplies------- 4.84 P. S. Power & Light. Co. lights----- 1.00 A. B. Bently, supplies-------- 2.01 Duane Patterson, labor on streets--15.00 P. S. Power & Light Co. power-182.64 Louis valois., labor on streets ----- 16.00 Leyda Electric & radio labor & Louis miller., gas for -truck -------- 15.75 repair motor*of pump------- 44.02 A. B. bently, clean sewer---------- 7.21a3tate Treasurer, Ind. Ins----- 1.69 Richfield Service gas------------ 6.30 Crow Hardware, supplies------- .36 Crow Hardware, supplies------------ 1.54 firs. Parker, cleaning hall---- 5.00 Leyda Electric &'Radio., supplies--- .93'2. S. Power & Light Co, lights P. S. Power & Lights, street lights for observation tower------- 3.80 101.54 Ed. Telephone Co. phone calls- 1.29 State Treasurer, Ind, Ins.--------- 5.04 M. C. Engels, oil for futnaee- 43.86 Yost Auto Co. storage & service ---- 12.16 Bert Anderson, garbage-------- 10.00 State Treasurer, ind Ins.---------- 2.24 R. H. Degneau, mileage for car.28.71 tt. C. Hansen, postage & envelop 3.87 Burdett Morse offered the Council VA200 per lot for lots 10 and 11 in Block 77. A motion ,was moved and seconded to accept the offer for .11"400 for lots 10 and 11 in Block 77. Motion carried by a unamimous vote of the Council. Cleve Little offered the council 45200 per lot for lots 12, 13, 14 and 15 in Block 77. W. H. Profitt also offered �200 per lot for, lots 12 and 13. A motion was moved and seconded to accept the offer of Cleve Little for $800 for lots 12, 131 14 and 15 in Block 77. The vote was Chandler yes, Roscoe yes, Hansen yes, Jones no, Savage yes, Clausen no. Motion Carried. Charles Phelps offered the Council $150 per lot for lots 38, 39 and 40 and a11clots that remain unsold in Block 96. A motion was moved and seconded to accept the offer. Motion carried. Superintendegt R. H. Doty reported that the new pump had arrived and would be installed within the next week. Mr. Doty also reported that the wood pipe between seventh and eighth on Fir street needed replacing. A motion was moved -and seconded that the superintendent proceed with the replacing of 350 feet of wood pipe with two inch cast iron pipe'between seventh and eight ohrPit street. Motion carried. .50.9 000 gallons Councilman Clausen reported the cost of a new Cedar tank, Nlabor and tower to amount to approximately �4200. The Preliminary Budget was made and adopted by the City Council. 1 1 Preliminary Budget for 1944. C 1 1 Current Expense Fund General Government Mayor's Salary-------------:-----------$240:00 Couneilmen.1s Salaries ------------------ $420.00 Clerk. Salary --------------------------- $600.00 Ass't Clerk Salary ----=----------------y-480.00 Clerks expense and Bond ---------------- $120.00 Treasurers Salary ---------------------- 5600.00 Treasurer Expense ----------------------- $ 30.00 Treasurer Bond-------------------------5p 30.00 Attorney Salary--------------=--------- $360,00 Attorney Expense ----------------------- �K00.00 Attorney Bond -------------------------- $ A0100 City Hall Expense Fuel Oil ---------------------- .----------Q;125.00 Lights--------------------------------- 25.00 Repairs--------------------------------50.00 Care of Grounds ------------------------- p100.00 Registration and Elections ------------- $150.00 Publishing and Advertising ------------- �100.00 Fee Assn Washington Cities ------------ $ 50.00 State Examination ------------- ---------- $250,00 Emergency Ordinance -------------------- $125.00 Protection to Person and .Pronert Police Chief s Salary ----------------- w21OO.00 Police Judge Salary------------------- 300.00 Extra Police-------------------------- 100.00 Police Dept Expense & Bonds----------- 100.00 Jail & Meals--------------------------50.00 Industrial Insurance------------------ 30.00 Pour mas er r'ees---------------------- 100.00 Car Allownace------------------------- 360.00 Firemen's Relief and Pension ---------- 0 45.00 Fire,Calls-------------------- ------ 900.00 Fire Department Expense--- ------------ 500.00 i1erY Equipment--------- ------------------ __ 500.00 Convention eitpense-------------- 100.00 Hydrant Rental ------------------------ $2400.00 Health and Sanitation Health Officer salary----------------- 75.00 Health Officer expense------------ 50.00 Sevier Inspection-------------------- --.60.00 Sewer Repair-------------------------- 200.00 Garbage Disposal---------------------- 120.00 Park Fund t Labor--------------------------------- 120.00 Material -and Supplies ------------------ g 120.00 Library Fund Librarians Salary--------------- -----p 600.00 Supplies------------------------------ 600,00 Repairs ------------------------------- 9 150.00 Fuel and Lights------------------------ 160.00 Insurance----------------------------- 45.00 $1860.00 660.00 465.00 300:00 675.00 �3140.00 $`'4445.00 � 505.00 240.00 41555.00 City Street Fund Superintendent Salary ----------------- $1500.00 Labor --------------------------------- � 900.00 Street Lights ------------------------- $1260.00 Supplies and Repairs ------------------ $1500.00 New Construction---------------------- 300.00 Ind. Ins, & Medical Aid---------- 36.00 Materials---------------------------- - 200.00 $5696.00 Total,Expenditures--------------------------------- §19541.00 Estimated current Expense receipts for 1944 Estimate of cash on -hand at end of year--�7500.00 _., Fines and Fees --------------------------- 6 600.00 Liquor Revenues ------------------------- Gas Tax Revenues-------------=_----------g2000.00 2000.00 State Aid Fund --------------------------- 01000.00 Amount to be raised for Current --Expense ,.by,� 11.32 mills on �569,331 estimated; va.luation--------------------------------k6441.00 Total estimate of Receipts -------------------------- gg9541 00 Expenditures for Bonds and Interest_ L. I. D. Guarantee Bonds ---------------- VP1000.00 Trunk Sewer Bonds and Interest ----------- $1475.00 Total amount to be raised by 4.34 mills on $569,331 valuation------------------�2475.00 Amount to be raised for bonds and interest -----------$2475..00, Amount to be raised for, Currant Expense------------- 64 41.00 Grand total to be raised by 15.66 mulls on $569,331 valuation ----------------------------------- �891.6.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a Water Department Receipts and Expenditures: 'dater Collector, salary -------------- --- W00.00 Superintendent, salary------------------$p 900.00 Ass't Supt Salary----------------------- 600.00 Extra men wages---------------------- -51500.00 Povver' for Pumps------------------------- $2000.00 Supplies and repairs -------------------- 5 500.00 Material ------ ---------- -----------------@720.0.00 Redemption of Bonds and interest ----- ---12225.00 Emergency Ordinance --------------------- 02500.00 Operating Expense and Ind. Insurance---- . 50.00 Total Expenditures ------------------------- ----------- $28475.00 Revenues Hydrant Rental from Current Expense------V2400.00 Cash in Bond Redemption Fund---------,---11400.00 Cash in Operating Fund --------------- --- %9,=00.0.0 Water Revenues, estimated ------------ --- 20000.00 Total Receipts ---------------------------------------- U36800.00 e Adopted by the Mayor and Council and filed.September 7, 1943. In witness whereof, I have set mg hand and the s,eal of said City this 7th,.day of September, 1943. Published September 9, 1943/. Anita Gust Assistant City Clerk. There being no further business a motion was moved and seconded the meeting adjourn. Assistant City Clerk Mayor a September 21, 1943. The Council met in regular session with Mayor�'ourtner presiding. The roll call showed -the following Councilmen present, Roscoe, Hansen, Jones and Clausen. The minutes of the Pr�t,ioAsgmeetini were read and approved. Mr. Hecker reported 'to the Council that the alley between fourth and fifth streets, south of Dayton was being used by the property owners for piling of woad, etc. Chief of Police Roy Degneau.was requested to notify property oviners they must keep the alley cleared so cars can get through. There being no further business a motion was moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn Assistant City Clerk Mayor October 4 1943. The Council met in special s-ession ,in��acc�ordceo,4vit;h �the,�Laws��of� .tr�e� �, State of Washington for the adoption of the Budget for the year 1944. The Mayor. &n.tl falls ingi.=eou� cilr e�i' wexe present, Chandler, Hansen, Jones, Hansen and Clausen. After due consideration of the items in the preliminary Budget and hearing from those preseibt a motion was M- alledbynOh&rid'l;er> in-6hSeft2ide di by?Vdal'ter Hansen ^that`-tht Budget for 1944 be accepted and adopted. Motion carried by a unamimious vote of the Council. 1 11