1943-09-21 City Council MinutesExpenditures for Bonds and Interest_ L. I. D. Guarantee Bonds ---------------- VP1000.00 Trunk Sewer Bonds and Interest ----------- $1475.00 Total amount to be raised by 4.34 mills on $569,331 valuation------------------�2475.00 Amount to be raised for bonds and interest -----------$2475..00, Amount to be raised for, Currant Expense------------- 64 41.00 Grand total to be raised by 15.66 mulls on $569,331 valuation ----------------------------------- �891.6.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a Water Department Receipts and Expenditures: 'dater Collector, salary -------------- --- W00.00 Superintendent, salary------------------$p 900.00 Ass't Supt Salary----------------------- 600.00 Extra men wages---------------------- -51500.00 Povver' for Pumps------------------------- $2000.00 Supplies and repairs -------------------- 5 500.00 Material ------ ---------- -----------------@720.0.00 Redemption of Bonds and interest ----- ---12225.00 Emergency Ordinance --------------------- 02500.00 Operating Expense and Ind. Insurance---- . 50.00 Total Expenditures ------------------------- ----------- $28475.00 Revenues Hydrant Rental from Current Expense------V2400.00 Cash in Bond Redemption Fund---------,---11400.00 Cash in Operating Fund --------------- --- %9,=00.0.0 Water Revenues, estimated ------------ --- 20000.00 Total Receipts ---------------------------------------- U36800.00 e Adopted by the Mayor and Council and filed.September 7, 1943. In witness whereof, I have set mg hand and the s,eal of said City this 7th,.day of September, 1943. Published September 9, 1943/. Anita Gust Assistant City Clerk. There being no further business a motion was moved and seconded the meeting adjourn. Assistant City Clerk Mayor a September 21, 1943. The Council met in regular session with Mayor�'ourtner presiding. The roll call showed -the following Councilmen present, Roscoe, Hansen, Jones and Clausen. The minutes of the Pr�t,ioAsgmeetini were read and approved. Mr. Hecker reported 'to the Council that the alley between fourth and fifth streets, south of Dayton was being used by the property owners for piling of woad, etc. Chief of Police Roy Degneau.was requested to notify property oviners they must keep the alley cleared so cars can get through. There being no further business a motion was moved and seconded that the meeting adjourn Assistant City Clerk Mayor October 4 1943. The Council met in special s-ession ,in��acc�ordceo,4vit;h �the,�Laws��of� .tr�e� �, State of Washington for the adoption of the Budget for the year 1944. The Mayor. &n.tl falls ingi.=eou� cilr e�i' wexe present, Chandler, Hansen, Jones, Hansen and Clausen. After due consideration of the items in the preliminary Budget and hearing from those preseibt a motion was M- alledbynOh&rid'l;er> in-6hSeft2ide di by?Vdal'ter Hansen ^that`-tht Budget for 1944 be accepted and adopted. Motion carried by a unamimious vote of the Council. 1 11