1943-10-19 City Council MinutesOctober 5, 1943. The Council met in regular session with Mayor.Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present, Chandler, Roscoe, Hansen, Jones Hansen and Clausen. The Water Collectors and Treasurere reports were read and ordered filled. A motion was moved and seconded that the bill presented by R. H. Degneau for $67 for killing of dogs during the year be allowed. Vote of the Council Chandler yes, xoscoe yes, Hansen yes, Jones no, Hansen yes, Clausen no. Idotion carried. The Clerk was asked to notify Yost Auto Co.. that the City did not authorize the bill of �4for pulling Grace's horse out of the manhole. A motion was moved and seconded the following bills which were approved by the finance committee be allo,ied and warrentscbe drawn on the proper funds. Motion carried. 0. N. Sorenson, box rent--------- 1.00 Crow Hardware, supplies-------- 23.63 P. S. Power w Lig4-ttQo.---------- 1.20;Midway Iron Works, blacksmith--- 16.78 Ed Woodfield, stove for park-----10.00 A. B. Bently., supplies & labor P. S. Power & Light Co----------- 2.60 installing pump--------------- 92.65 Crow Hardware, supplies--------- 2.220akland Shingle Co-------------- 3.50 A. B. Bently, supplies----------- 5.94 0. N. Sorenson, stamped envelopes 75.08 Louis Miller; gas ----------------- 5.25 E. B. Hubbard, bond for water sup. 5.00 P. S. Power & Light Co. st.lightl00.34 P. S. Power& Light Co.-----------157.87 J. J. Xiernan, labor ------------- 25.00 Pittsburgh Equit. Meter, supplies 47.20 Lewis Valois, labor-------------- 8.00 0. N. Sornnson, box rent--------- .75 Sid Zelly, labor ----------------- 53.00 Ed. Telephone Co. phone calls---- .55 E. M. Martin, labor -------------- 19.00 Mrs. D. M. Parker, cleaning------ 5.00 Dewey Leyda, labor --------------- 13.00 Bert Anderson, covering garbage-- 10.00 Yost Auto Co. storage & Service-- 9.50 P. S. Power 9. Light Co.---------- 4.84 tt. H. Degneau, killing dogs ------ f7.00 E. B. Hubbard, license for truck-- 1.50 Gordon Magill came before the Council and reported that he was building a house on Walnut street between ninth and tbath, and that he and Mr. Foss have purchased one inch and three-quarter inch yrster pipe, they are digging the ditch and laying the pipe. Mr. Magill wanted to know who would be the owner of pipe, in case he wanted to sell sometime in the future. A Motion was moved and seconded that :Mr. Magill and Foss be reimbursed for cost of pipe in water and the City become the owner of pipe, the parties concerned to lay the pipe under the direction of the Water Superintendent.. ;Motion carried. ;"later Superintendent Rc H. Doty reported the new pump had been installed and the tank on tenth avenue was sealed. He-als.o reported that three tires on the city truck needed -recapping. A motion was moved and seconded that the street and water superintendent be authorized to have three tires re- capped. Motion carried. Chief of Police R. H. Degneau reported that ilr. Duvall, who lives on fourth street, in the fire district, is building a wooden structure garage, to be covered with corrugated sheet iron. This was referred to Fire Chief V1. C. Engels. There being no further business a motion was moved and seconded the meeting adjourn. Carried. V,4 �rv, Assi tant City Clerk 1,:ayor. r October 19, 1943. The Council met in regular with Mayor 2ourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present, Chandler, Roscoe, Hansen, Jones, Savage, Hansen and Clausen. Chandler,, The minutes of.the following meeting were read and approved. A motion was moved and seconded that the bill for S;24 to John J. Siernan for labor on the water main be paid. !lotion carried. A report was read from the State Health Department which shows the water from the city wellsto conform with the U. S. Bacteriological Standards for drinking tiater. N R. H. Doty reported that the School Superintendent has complained about the trees along Main street damaging the paint of the busses. A notice was published in the paper a few months ago asking the property owners to trim the trees, only a few did.so. -The Street Superintendent was given authority to have the trees trimmed. He also reports it will take more material to install the new pump than was anticipated. Dewey Leyda reported that the Observation tower was closed and he suggested having the lighta turned off and a sign should be posted for no trespassing. The clerk to notify light company about the lights. The Council set a price of $50 a lot for lots 25 to 33 inclusive in Block 89. The Police Judge and Councilman of first ward, 1,11. C. Hansen, tendered his resignation to the Council. A motion was moved and seconded that the Council accept his resignation with regrets. Notion carried. Mayor- Fourtner removed Roy Degneau from his office as Chief of police and appointed V1. C. Hansen to fill the office. A motion was moved and seconded that the Mayors appointment be accepted. Motion carried by a unamimous vote of the Council I Mayor Fourtner appointed L. S:. Vincent as Police Judge. A motion was moved and seconded that the Mayor's appointment be approved by the Council. Motion carried. There being no further business a motion was moved and seconded the meeting adjourn. Assistant City Clerk ° Mayor. Yovember ,2, 1943. The Council met in regular, sess.ion.viith Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present, Chandler, Roscoe, Jones, Hansen and Clausen. The minutes .of the previous meeting were rea,d.and approved. The treasurers and Water Collectors repprts were read and ordered filled. A Motion we.s moved and seconded that the following bills which were approved by,the finance committee be allowed and warrants be drawn on the proper funds.. motion carried. P. S. Power & Light. co-----=---- 3.19 Ray wooley, labor-,----------- 37.00 Puget Sound News, books--.------- '-28,.77 Lewis Valois, labor----------, 2.00 Engels Ins. Agency, notary fees- 2.00'Durbins Store, material--- --- 1.02 Crow Hardware, supplies--.------- 1..9(L,Crow Hardware, supplies----'-- 2.52 P. S. Power & light co. lights-- 2.15 Louis Miller, gases----------- 11.5.5 Louis Valois, labor------------- 24.00 P. S. Power, street lights-- loo.64 Dewey Leyda, labor or. meters-,--- 18.00 Richfield Service, tires----- 64.95 Ray Wooley, labor-----------,---- 11.00 C. B. Roe, pulling horse from Crow Hardware, Supplies--------- 14.72 manhole------- ------ 4.00 Stevens Lumber 'co. supplies----- 6.36 Ed. telephone co. phone valls 1.95 Oakland Shingle Co, supplies---- 3.00 Tribune Review, printing----- 12.16 Ed. Ind. Telephone Co, labor---- 8.20.2. S. rower & Light Co. lights 7,26 Hugh G. Purcell Co. supplies--- 24.63 Mrs. D. M. Parker, cleaning-- 5..00 Leyda Electric & Radio, labor & Bert Anderson, garbage disposa110.00 supplies------------------ 66.87 R. H. Doty, sewer inspection 2.00 A.. B. Bentley, supplies--------- Hubbard,bond-------- ,----- 5.00 Addressograph Sales, office supplies Sanderson Safety supply, supplies20.42 15.62 R. H. Degneau,. dogs---------- 25.00 P. S. Power & Light, power for James Astell special police-- 15,00 pumps----------- 151.85 0. Aanieri, special,pol:ice--- 13.50 W. C. Hansen, mileage----------- 9.24 Hoy Degneau, mileage--------- 17.32 A Motion was moved and seconded that the Council accept the sale of lots 32 and 33 in. -block 89 for �100 to Jessie, Cogswell. Motion carried by a unanimous vote of the Council. The State Health Department reported that they had received several complaints about the rats at the City garbage dump, thut something should be done to exterminate them, either by the use of poison or gas. A motion was moved and seconded that [later suet. and Lssistant E, H. Doty and Dewey Leyda be given the authority to sell the small duro pump and single phase 3 horse power motor for 1�75 or more. Motion carried. A motion was moved and seconded That x. H. Doty be given the authority to purchase the shingles and repair the roof of the meter shed. 2dotion carried. He also reports that K. Id. tirade & Co. were replacing the base of the new pump which was cracked 1 1 1 ri 1