1944-01-04 City Council Minutes1 1 11 tip 1 .Chief�.of P,olice-,Vti 07 C..--Hansen.was-,given-the authority to, hire help on'•� Satu-rday_nightsand holidays, when. necessary. The question of parking on 1,2ain Street from fifth street east was again brought up at the Councilm.eeting. After some discussion this was laid over until the next meeting of the Council. Councilman Jones reported that the condition at the City Park was not sat- isfactory. He is to get in touch with other members of the park b)oard and see what can be done about this condition. There being no further business a motion was moved and seconded the meet- ing adjourn. Carried. ILIXI Assistant City Clerk. Mayor January 4, 1944 The Council met in regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present Chandler, Aoscoe, McGibbon, Jones, Savage, Hansen and Clausen. The minutes of the following meeting were read and approved. -The -Treasurers and water collectors reports were read and ordered filed. A motion was moved and seconded that the fol lowing bills which were approved by the finance committee be allowed and warrants be drawn on the proper funds. Motion carried. Puget Sound P. & Light Co---------- 2.35 North west Office Equip,------- 1.03 Puget Sound e. & Light, library---- 3.29 Trick & Murray, supplies-------- 8.51 Selma Orymes, labor, library------- 5.25 Asso. wash. citibs, fee --------- 50.00 21iyllis Koe, labor., lib:rary-------- 19B& Grow Hardware, supplies--------- .27 Grow Hardware,, supplies------------ 3.55 'telephone Service, phone calls-- .80 Yost Auto Co. gas & supplies------- 29.35 A. b. Bently, repair lock------- 1.03 Louis Miller, gas------------------- 7.35 Mrs. L. M. Parker, cleaning----- 5.00 Engels ins. Agency, license-------- 1.50 Engels Ins, Agency, bonds ------- 10.00 P. S. Power & Light Co, li#.hts-----101.03 W. C. Hansen, mileage ----------- 25.92 A. M. Made & Co. 37o tax on pump---- 18.89 Bert Anderson, covering garbage-10.00 Grow Hardware, supplies------------ 2.53 Dr.-F. J. Kenny,oare of prisioner8.00 riverside dunk Co. used block---- 3.09 Yost Auto Co, storage----------- 9.50 Y. S.'Power & Light power for pamps148.90 Tax Commission, excise tax--------- 96.69 A report from the State Health department was read showing that the sample of water which was taken from the Uity Hall to confrom with the standards fro drinking water. Street Superintendent R. H. Doty reported the,sewer in the alley between Layton and Maple streets between sixth and seventh was plugged up. After digging and cleaning he found it was caused from the roots from weeping - willow trees that had grown to the sewer from the property of Mr. Airis and Howlett. A.motion wa.s moved and seconded that the street Supt. be authorized to contact these people and explain to them what these trees are doing to the sewer. Motion carried. Mayor Fourtner and Councilman Jonesare to get in touch with the Puget Sound Power and Light Co.. in regards to getting light in the Yost well so repairs can be made. appointed Mayor Fourtner a committee,of two.Chandler and Hansen to meet with Ed Scott Chief Air RaiiNiarden and Co-Ordinator J.. S. Vincent in regards to the taking of eensus of the City. There being no further business a motion was moved and seconded the meeting adjounr. Carried. Assistant Uity Clerk. Mayor