1944-03-21 City Council MinutesC Puget Sound P & Light, service------ Telephone Service Co..phone calls--- Leyda Electric &,Radio, supplies---- A. B. bently, repair burner-------- W. C. Hansen, mileage, dogs--------- J. A. Astell, special police -------- Mrs. D. M. Parker, .cleaning hall---- .10.00 Bert Anderson, covering garbage,10.ffLf' .1.80 Yost Auto Co. 2 mos storage--19.77 7.42 Fire Department one f ire-----30.00 2.83 29.00 28.00 5.00 A letter was read from the State Department of'Health which shows that the water conforms with the U. S. Bacteriological Standard for drinking water. A motion was movd eand seconded that Gordon Magill and. Donald Foss be given credit of $46.30 each on their water bills, the cost of the'pipe which they installed. Motion carried. Water Superintendent reported on the drawing up of a franchise for the lay- ing of a water line along the State Highway South of,the City limits. A motion was moved and seconded to recind the previous motion. A motion was moved and seconded that we obtain a franchise from the State to lay a one inch pipe line on the:west side,of the Highway for a distance of 1000 feet South of the South.City limits and a four inch pipe line on the east_ side of the highway, South to the termination of the Seattle water line. Vote Chandler, yes, Roscoe, yes, McGibbon, yes, Jones,:no, Savage, yes, Hansen, yes, Clausen, no. Motion carried. Water Superintendent reported to the Council that we,are going to need.more. water. That the Yost well was not producing what.had been anticipated after the cleaning and repairing of the well. A motion was moved and seconded that the Water Superintendent prepare a report on the water situation and contact the different well diggers on what should be done to produce more water. Motianoearried. A motion was moved and seconded that the hater Superintendent sell the plat- form which is not being used for $5. Motion carried. Mayor Fourtner reported that Mr. Gard offered the City $350 for lots 19 &'20 in Block 122. This was laid over until the next meeting of the Council. The Mayor asked if the Council wanted to sell the resouvoir. on ninth and Main streets. The Council decided not to sell. A motion was moved and seconded that the Council sell lots 21 and 22 in Block 40 to George Anderson for.$40.01 per lot. Moti©n carried. Otto Sorenson, a member of the Library Board came before the Council in regards to the heating of the library for next winter. A motion was moved and seconded that Councilman McGibbon .have a survey made of the heating system and work with the library board on the matter. Motion carried. Mr. Sorenson also asked that the City Jail be moved from the library Build- ing. Chief of Police W. C. Hansen reported that the girls from the High School had not reported to him in regards to a recreation center. He also report- ed that several citizens had asked if the skating rink could be opened for the young folks.Councilman Clausen stated that we could spend.the taxpayers money only for the cost of the City Government. Councilman Hansen reported that Henry Allen would.like permission to move a building from Bell to Maple Street. A•motion was moved and seconded that Henry Allen be given permission to move the building from Bell to Maple street a.ccotding to the City.Ordinance. Motion Carried. There being no further business a motion was moved and seconded the meeting adjourn. Carried. jw-s-istant City,-T Clerk. Mayor March 21, 1944 The Council met,in regular session with Mayor i'ourtner presiding. the roll call ahowed the fol.lowing.Councilmen present, Chandler, Kopcoe, McGibbon, Jones,. Savage,.Hansen and Clausen. A motion was moved and seconded that the bills of i{ay-McKeever for labor on the water for $38 and on the otreet for �58, r.hich were approved by the finance committee be allowed. Motion carried. A report was read by the Clerk, from K. H., uoty water Superintendent, on the cost and digging of a new well. A motion was moved and seconded that this report be referred to the Water Committee for. recommendation. Motion carried. 1 1 1 1 1 I- I 1 1 J Mayor Pourtner appointed Councilman.McGibbon to fill the vacancy on the street Committee, with the approval'of the'Council.. A.motion was moved and seconded that the Council accept the appointment. Motion carried. A report was made by Councilman Chandler of the unsanitary condition of the sewer on virst and Main Streets. A motion was moved and seconded that Mrs. Kinsey be notified to install a septic tank to take care of their sewerage. Notion carried. School Superintendent Glen Hill expressed his appreciation to the Council. and the Water.Superintendent for the cooperation in the past. He reports that several grgdes of school children are haveing school at the Vield House that some signs should be posted in regards to the same.. Mr. Hill also asks if it would be possible to have several garbage cans on the streets between the High School and the stores to take care.of waste paper. A motion was moved and seconded that Mr. Hill design a can and report on same at the next meeting of the Council. Motion carried. A motion was moved and seconded that Henry Allen bring his contradtor before the Clerk, and show his bond for 1944, before moving the building on Bell street. Motion carried. The Clerk read a report ofi the Street Superintendent, on the'condition of the sidewalks.A motion was movecl•and seconded that the property.owners be notified of the City Ordinance governing the repair of;sidewil.ks, also if they.did .not -make the repair -the City would and the prop8ty owners would be charged for the expense. Motion.carried. A motion was moved and seconded that the Clerk notify Mr. Airis and Howlett of the damage of their trees to the Sewer, that they cooperate with the City and remove the trees, if the property•owners do not take care of them the City will and the expense will be charged to the property owners. Motion carried. There being no further business a motion was moved and seconded the meeting adjourn. / � &.' e - Y�; " �� Assistant ity ClerE. 1 h': yor April 4, 1944 The Council met in regular session with Mayor Pourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following concilmen present, (:handler, Roscoe, McGibbon, Savage, Hansen and Clausen. The water collectors and 'Treasurers reports were read and ordered filled. A Motion was moved and seconded that the following bills which were ap- proved by the finance committee, be allowed and warrants -be drawn on the proper funds. Motion carried. 11 P. S. Power & Light Co---------- 1..19 Gaylord Bros, books--------------- 8.10 P. S. Power & Light, park lights-- 1.00 A. B. Bently,.Supplies------------ ..52 E. S. Denslow, park labor & supplies 7.88 Crow Hardware, supplies----------- .78 Louis Miller, gas----------------- 6.30 Hopper Chev. Co. grease & Gas----- 11.37 .tray Mcgeever, labor--------------- 71.00 .2o S. Power & Light, street., lights1OO.64 W. C. Hansen, mileage & meals----- 25.96 Yost Auto Co. Storage------------- 9.50 Bay McZeever, labor------- 28.00 Crow Hardware, supplies--- 50.26 Paeigic Water Works supply 7.37 Olympic foundry, supplies-- 36.87 A. B. Bently, supplies----- 38.67 Midw4y Iron Works, blacksmith21.63 P. S. Power &.Light Co.----151.79 Telephone Service Co. phone .90 M. C. Engels, oil furnace-- 33.06 Engels Insurance Agcy.----- 11,25 Mrs D. M. Parker, cleaning- 5.00 E.. B. Hubbard, Bond for Treas30.00 Bert Anderson, covering garbage 10.00 The Clerk read.the letters from the. Yost Auto Co.,,, and Mrs Paul Burke in regards to the repairing of their sidewalks. Mrs.. Aupert and Mr. Cosman and a representative from the.Baptist Church.came before the Council and discussed the sidewalks proposition. This matter was laid over until the thirty days were up and we hear from the rest of the'Property owners who received a notice aoout their sidewalks. Water Supt. A. H. Doty reported the Alderwood Manor Water District is to meet with the Water Committee and Mayor on April 10. Couneilman..Chandler reported a party from Meadowdale offered to supply the City with Water f rom Artisian wells at a price of 12% of the receipts. A motion was moved byV Chandler and seconded Roscoe that the Clerk call for bids for the drilling of a new well according to the specifications and location drawn tip by the City Engineer and water committee. Motion carried.