1944-10-03 City Council MinutesOctober 3, 1944 The Council met in regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following Councilmen present Chandler, Roscoe, McGibbon, Savage, Jones, Hansen and Clausen. The minutes of the past meeting were read and approved. The Treasurers and water collectors reports were read and ordered filled. The following bills which were approved by the finance committee were ordered to be paid and warrants be drawn on the proper funds. Motion was made by Hansen and secon- ddd by Chandler. Motion carried. P. S. Power & light, park---------- 1.00 Ray McZeever, labor on st.--- 43.00 H. ff. Wilson,. supplies library----- .60 Stevens Lunber Co. gas------- 10.01 0. N. Sorenson, P. 0. box rent----- 1.00 Crow Hardware, supplies------ 7.42 P. S. Poorer & Light,--------------- 1.00 Yost Auto Co. supplies------- -1.03 J. A. Astell, special police------- 2.50 P. S. Power & Light, lights--100.94 Ray McZeever, labor---------------- 44.00 0: IT. Sorenson, p.o. box----- •.75 C. E. Miller, bal. on contract-----367.86 Trick & Murray, supplies----- 9.72 Markman & Williams, supplies------- 55.93 Telephone service, phone calls .75 Pittsburgh Equit.Meter, supplies--- 9.27 M. Co Engels, oil for furnace-34.88 A. B. Bently,, supplies------------- 3.40 Mrs. D. M. Parker, cleaning--- 5•.00 Crow Hardware, supplies------------ 2.95R. H. Doty-.2 sewer inspections 4.00 P. S. Power & Light., power --------- 171777 Bert Anderson, garbage -------- 10.00 Fire Deapartment, 3 fire calls & W. C. Hansen, mileage & doge--30.00 expense for convention ------------- 113.25 Yost Auto Co. storage-------- 11.80 The follgwing letter was read to the council in regards to a protest against the sewer. We the undersigned to hereby protest against the laying of the proposed sewer in Block 68 in the alley between Main and Dayton streets. I. L. Anderson. Block 68 lots 36 to 40 inclusive. L. E. Buckholz Block 68 Lots 1 and 2. Engineer Sievers suggested extending the sewer to take in the property owned by the City so the City would pay fifth per cent of the cost. A motion was moved and seconded that the Engineer and Attorney be author- ized to take steps to create a Local Improvement District in order to ex- tend the sewer in. Block 77 and 68. Carried by a unamimous vote of the council. Engineer Sievers reported on the building of a new water tank in South Edmondp, He was instructed to contact the War Production Board in -regards to getting a priority for the tank. He was also instructed to draw up specifications to call for bids on same. Mayor Fourtner prought up the subject of installing an automatic eleetaic switch at the iallroad crossing on Main and Dayton -streets. He stated that letters were being sent to the Interstate Commerce Commissioner in regards to the same.- Councilman Clausen suggested taking this matter up with the . State Highway Department at Olympia: A motion was made by Clausen and seconded by Jones that the water superinte endent be authorized to purchase 1000 feet of two inch galvanized steel pipe. Motion carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Li Assistant City Ulerk Mayor October.17, 1944 The Council met in regular session with Mayor Pourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen pr4sent, Chandler, Roscoe, McGibbon, Savage, Hansen and Clausen. The minutes of the following meeting were read and approved. The bills dffr Ray McZeever $44 on the street fund, $52.on the water fund, and bill d'f E. B. McDonald for $20 for special police on the State Aid fund, were approved by the finance Committee. A motion was made by McGibbon and seconded by Chandler that the bills be paid. Motion carried'. A motion was made by Savage and seconded by Chandler that the bond for the property officer M. C. Engels be renewed. Motion was tabled pending the opinion - of Mr. Engels. • Mr. Gillut of.the'.3idd Laboratory came before the council in regards to the meter on his property, that he recently purchased from Roy Degneau. Attorney Anderson ruled that the Ridd Laboratory has the right of the meter.