1945-01-02 City Council MinutesA motion was made by Chandler and seconded by Savage that Ordinance.1o. 550 be adopted. A.vote of the Council showed Chandler yes, Roscoe yes, Savage yes and Hansen yes. The Councilmen checked the poll books for the City General Election held December 5. , Mayor first Wardd Second Yard Third Ward F. A. Fourtner 114. 93 74 Gaylord Holbrook 21 44 33 City Clerk Anita Gust 133 122 103 Councilman at Large H. A. Chandler 105 94 66 . William Prof fit 21 25 21 Councilman Paul McGibbon two 132 year term W. P. McDonell 113 Cle: ude Savage 112 Walter Hansen 92 Superint:endsnt Doty report.ed that the water tank In South Edmonds was under construction. He also reported that the street on first avenue was in very bad condition_, and he advised getting a dull -dozer to break-up the top surface. The Council authorized the superintendent to get'a bull -dozer, if he thought it would help to fix the street. Superintendent Doty reported he would like another thousand feet of two inch pipe to finish the replacing.of wooden pipe in South Edmonds. Mayor Fourtner suggested that the Council authorize the purchase of the pipe. Councilman Chandler reported on the sidewalk along fifth street, that he had not contacted all the property owners as yet.* This matter was laid over until the next meeting of the Council. Chief of Police Hansen reported that he had a number of complaints about, the smoke from a fire that was burning on seventh street. Councilman Chandler suggested plugging the.culvert and let the water runn on the property. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Assistant City Clerk FMayor . January 2, 1945 The Council met in regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding._ The roll call showed the following councilmen present Roscoe, McGibbon, Jones, Savage, Hansen and Clausen. The water collectors and Treasurers reports were read. The following bills which were approved by the finance committee were ordered to be paid and warrants be drawn on the proper funds by a motion that was made by McGibbon and seconded by Savage. Motion carried. Bert Anderson, park. garbage---------- 4.00 0... D. bndvrson, filing franchise J. A. stell,.special police --------- 17.50 2.55 Sherman Osborn.,. special police------- 5.00 Telephone Service, phone------ 1.85 Long Motor &; welding, repaid grader 6.18 Asso. Wa„h. Cities., fee ------- 50.00 Ray Mcdeever, labor_ street ----------- 35.00 Mrs. D. M. Parker, cleaning--- 5.00 Ray MaKeever, labor on water --------- 48.00 Henry Boshart, care ofgrounds-30.00 Floyd Duncan, labor on water ---------- 24.00 George.Jones, garbage --------- 10.00 R. M. Jade & Co. supplies--------- -13.39 17. C. Hansen, mileage, dogs --- 28.00 Markmann & Williams, pipe ----------- 280.75 :ire Department, 3 fires ------ 90.00 Stevens Lumber Co,, pipe-------------- 4.76 w. P. McDonell signed the Oath of office for.Councilman for first ward for the four year term. Mayor iourtner read a letter from L. S. Vincent in which he stated that he was resigning from his office of Police Judge. A motion was made by Clausen and seconded by Jones that the Council accept his resignation with regrets. Motion carried. Chief of Police W. C. Hansen reported to the Council that he was resigning from his office, but that he would still police the town until such a time that another man could be found to do the work. Mayor Fourtner appointed the following person for his term of office. Anita Gust Water Collector, Howard Sievers, Engineer, R. H. Doty Street and Water Superintendent, Dr. Zenn.y Health Officer, R. H. Doty Police Judge, Walter Clausen Finance Committee, Street Llglatt&nd Sewer.Committee, Chandler, Hansen and McDonell; Water Committee Clausen chairman, Jones Savage and McGibbon. The Clerk was authorized to write to Paul C. Lawing, that he must submit his plans and specification for installing a septic tankq to comply with the City Ordinance.,. Attorney Anderson, was authorized to offer $250 for the property near the South Edmonds water tank. Street Superintendent Doty reported that the catch basin on seventh.and Alder street was filled up and running in the street caused from the sewerage of the J. J. Potter property. A motion was made by Clauservltmd seconded by.Jones,)that the City objects to this sewerage disposal and is in violation of the City Ordinance. Motion carried. Water Supt. Doty brought up before the council the reading of the water meters every two months except the business places which would be read every month,, because. of the shortageoof'Uhelp. The Clerk wasasked to contaot the Attorney in regard to andordinance also a zoning ordinance, to protect building near our water wells. There bAing no further business the meeting adj-ourned. r Mayor. January 16, 1945. The Council met in regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The r6ll call showed the following councilmen present Chandler, McGibbon, McDonell, Jones, Savage., Hansen and Clausen. A motion was made by Savage and seconded by McGibbon that the bills for labor be allowed Ray Mckeever $080 on the Vatcr, $16 on the street fund, Floyd Duncan $80 on water fund,, and the bille of Earl TdacDonald for $15 for special pol-ice be allowed but his bill for 7..50 for breaking of his glasses was not allowed. Motion carried. The plans and specification for a septic tank to be installed near the Yost well, -by Paul C. Lawing was presented to the City Council. A motion was made by McGibbon and seconded btr Savage that this be referred to the Street Com- mitted and the City Engineer. Water Superintendent Doty reported th t the new water tank and tower was practically completed. He also reported that the water department was in need of meters, meter boxes and also copper tubing. A motion was made by Savage and seconded by Clausen that the water superintendent be authorized to purchase•20 meters 20 meter boxes and 800 feet of ;inch copper tubing. Passed by a unaminous vote of the council. Mr. Ryan ceme.before the Council in regards -to getting water to his propertyl that is about .a mile south of our water line.. After some discussion Council- man McGibbon stated thEt we should not sell ,mo-re water outside of the City until we are sure of enough water for City use.. Councilman Clausen stated that this matter should be taken under consideration. Mayor Pourtner referred this to the water, superintendent and committee and the engineer. Mr. Miller came before the Council and asked.that"a.letter be sent to the Federal government -in regards to a housing project in the City of Edmonds. Counoilinan Savage made a motion that a letter to sent to the Federal Gov. about the critical housing condition, McDonell seconded.the motion. McGibbon voted no, and Clausen voted no. Mayor Fourtner reported he had applications from the following persons the the police job. Carl Perrine, Mr. Montgomery- ldr. Jackson, Or , Cahn Walsh ��225. Councilman McGibbon suggested. getting a tempergr �,�nd- get tome references -from, the applicants. Councilman C.IbLusen stated that he was in favor of McGibbon's suggestion. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by McDonell that the mayor be authorized to employ two policemen. Passed by a unaminous vote of the couijcil. Mayor Fourtnet appointed McDonell, McGibbon and Clausen on a committee to license the different amusements. J 1 1 1 1