1945-03-20 City Council MinutesStreet Superintendent Doty reported that Mr. Duvall asked for permission to break d=n the curb in order to make a driveway to his ;,property. A motion was made by Savage and seconded by McDonell that he be given per- mission to,do this work and that Mr. Beeson be notified to do the same or the driveway will be blocked off. Motion carried., Mayor Fourtner reported that there had been an error on the price of the garbap cans at the last meeting of the Council. The price should have been $8..50 for each container for the lumber. Savage remarked that lie was still in favor of paying the w8.50 each. Savage recinded his motion of the last meeting and McDonell hisoseednd of the motion. A new motion was made by McGibbon aiad seconded by McDonell that we purchase 8 garbage boxes at 48.50 each and 8 garbage cans. The vote on this showed Chandler no, McGibbon yes, McDonell yes, Savage yes, Hansen no, and Clausen no. Mayor Fourtner reported that something should be done with the building that is known as the observation tower because of the insurance on the building which ends this month. Councilman McGibbon stated that Mrs. Brooks can have the building if she is willing to tear it down. Councilman Hansen reported that something should be done in regards to a bathing bench for this summer, he stated that there were several posts that should be removed. Tucker, representation Councilman McGibbon reported that Mh Methodist Church, asked about a slow down sign that could be put out on highway Sunday Morning. A motion was made by Clausen and seconded by McDonell that Councilman McGibbon eonti�et Mr. Tucker about this sign. Motion carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor March 20, 1945 The Council met in regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present Chandler, McGibbon,. Jones, Savage, Hansen and Clausen. A motion was made by Savage and seconded by McGibbon that the bills of Ray McHeever for labor on the street for $52 and on the water for $44, b.e allowed and the warrants be drawn on the proper funds. Motion carried. The Council received two bids for 'a turbine type water.pump,. they are as follows: R. M. Wade & Co $785 for a 5 HP Motor, and the bid from Polson Implement Go. for$698, for a 72 HP motor., A motion was,made by Savage and seconded by McGibbon that the Council accept the bid of Polsom Implement Co.. A vote of the Council showed Chandler yes., McGibbon yes, Jones yes, -Savage yes, Hansen yes and Clausen no. Mr.-Chapentier came before the Council in regards to getting the water to his -property. Councilman Clausen, chairman of the water committee stated that conditions had not changed, that we must go through one season and be zure that we have enough, water -for the customers we now have before taking on more customers. Engineer Sievers stated that he was of the same opinion and Clausen. George Jones came before the Council in regards to the garbage condition in the City. He reported that.is was very unsanitary, that the people were not using garbage cans, which made it very hard:for him to pick up. A motion was made by McGibbon and seconded by Savage that the Mayor appoint a man Supt. of garbage to inforce the provisions of Ordinance '405. After some discussion McGibbon and Savage withdrew their motion and second. Mayor Fourtner reported that J. S. Nisbet wanted to purchase lot 31 in Block 91, that the land committee had set a price of 5�30 plus taxes on this lot. A motion was made by Chandler and seconded by Savage that the Council sell lot 31 Block 91 to J. S. Nisbet for 5"30 plus taxes. Llotion carried. A motion eras made by Clausen and seconded by Chandler that the clerk call for bids for 1000 feet more or leas of four inch cast iron Universal pipe and fittings. Passed by a Unaminous vote of the Council. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. City Clerk .,Zayor 1 1 1 1 1