1945-05-15 City Council MinutesA motion was made by Clausen, and seconded by Savage that the Clerk be authorized to write a letter to the Great Northern Railroad in regards to the location of the signals in the plans which were presented to the Council. •Motion carried. Mayor Fourtner suggested that -the second week in .May be made clean-up week. A motion was. made by Clausen and seconded by McGibbon that the second week in May be made clean-up week. Motion carried. A motion was made by Clausen and seconded by McDonell that Mrs. Brooks be. given two weeks notice to•take down the observation tower or. the City will rCmove it and salvage the material. Motion carried. A motion was made by McGibbon and seconded by McDonell that the Ordinances be enforced that require a license be paid. After some discussion i,,1cGibbon withdrew his motion. A motion was made by 'McGibbon and seconded by Savage that the water and street committees turn in a report on the post-war program at the next meeting of the Council. Motion carried. There being no further bus-iness.the meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor May 15, 1945 The Council me.t in regular session with Mayor Fou-rtner presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present Chandler, McDonell, McGibbon, Jones, Hansen and Clausen. A motion was madedby Hansen and seconded by Chandler that the bills of Ray Mcaeever for labor on the street for >72 and on the water for 4p12, which were approved. by the finance committee be alloyed. Motion carried. Fo bids were received on the sewer. Engineer Sievers stated that he would get in touch with a partIr who is doing work in the. Uderwood Water District We -ter Supt. Doty recommended two hours in the evening for sprinkling this summer. A motion was made by McGibbon and seconded by McDonell that the sprinkling regulation be set from 6:30 P.M. to B:30 Y.M. daily for the months of June., July and August, with the same rate of 10� as lest year. motion carried., Councilman Hansen reported he had located the markers on the property known as the State Tiae land. He also. stated a sign should be posted .Uublic B:aadh" for the benefit of those carinc:, to go to the beach. Street Supt Doty reported he had sold the old VJ.P.A. truck for 4T:150. He also reported we were in.need of new Arterial stop signs to replace the ones which had been torn down and destroyed. A motion was made by Clausen and seconded by Hansen that the street Supt. be authorized.to purchase the signs that are needed for regulating traffic. Motion carried. Councilman Clausen reported that the Railroad-Company.is going to pave the railroad crossings. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by McDonell that the City.Engineer get in touch with the County Commissioners in regards to having the seal -coat work done on Fifth and Sixth streets -in July. 11otion carried. Engineer reported that a mile of black -top l8feet wide -would cost approximately $3200. o The Council decided before any more black -:top -work is done, the sidewalks, curbs and gutters must be in, the street must be graded -in order to lay the black -tot- from curb ,to curb. a A motion -,was made by McGibbon and,seconded by Hansen that the reports for Post-war.work on the street and water be referred to the Engineer for check- ing and -recommendation. . Councilman McGibbon reported on thelicensein`• of the diff!�rent amusements. The last was turned over to the Attorney for his advise and legality. There being• no further business the meeting adjourned. P_ 70 - A A 24 City Clerk Ma"yor