1945-08-07 City Council MinutesAugust 71 1945 The Council met in regular session with Mayor iourtner presiding. The roll call shooed the following councilmen present Chandler, LcGibbon, Jones, Savage, Clausen and Hansen. The Treasurers and water collectors reports were read.A motion was made bills approv- by McGibbon and seconded by Hansen that the following which were ed by the finance committee be allowed and warrants be drawn on the proper funds. Carried. Joan Astell, labor, library------- 5.50 Ray Lwaeever, labor --------- 65.00. Gertrude Williams., substitute----- 1.50 Marckmann & Williams, pipe-890.90 A. C. McClurg, books --------- =----21.14 Midway Iron ;forks, blacksmith--- P• S. Power & Light ----- ------ 7--- 1.00 4.89 Ed. Woodfidld, labor a: t park-----16.00 Reliable Hardware, supplies-15.92 Clyde Bartlett, labor at park ----- 15.00 Pacific Plater Works Supply--17.65 Crow Hardware, supplies----------- .95.P. S. Power-x Light,power--185.65 P. S. Power & Light--------------- 1.00 Telephone Service, phone--- 2.60 Ray Mcseever, labor on street ----- 29.20 Trick & Murray, supplies---- 3.75 Edmonds Lumber Co, gas for July --- 15.75 Mrs. A. Parker, cleaning---- 5.00 Hopper Chevrolet, gas for June----22.61 George Jones, Garbage ,------10.00 Yost Auto Co. supplies------------ .41 Ray H. Doty, inspections---- 6.00 Chas. R. Watts, stop signs -------- 14.21 fire Dep rtment, one fire --- 30.00 Qow Hardware, supplies----------- 1.03 Yost Auto Co. 2 mos,.storagel9.10 Reliable Hardware, supplies------- 4.33 P. S. Power & Light ,-------------100.40 A,motion was made by Chandler and seconded by Clausen that the Clerk pay the taxes amounting to $207.78 for lots 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 in Block 123. Motion carried. A motion was made by Savage and seconded by Hansen that the Chief of Police be given the authority to purchase a sap, hand cuffs, gun and shell for the police department. Motion carried. 1%jr..�oddard, a forman for the Railroad companyasked for permission to closed the Bell street crossing at the foot of Bell Street. a motion was made by Savage and seconded. by Hansen that the Council was in favor of the proposition. Motion carried. A' petition was read to the Council for treater with thirteen signers. The line -to run from Lur_ds corner South to the City limits of Iiinth street. Councilman Clausen stated that this petition should be given favorable consideration. It was suggested cutting the pressure of north Edmonds. A motion was made by Savage and seconded by McGibbon that the water Supt. purchase a gauge and take the pressure of the water along the line, and report at the next meeting of the Council, lotion carried. The question was brought up as to how the hater department would be able to finance a new water line in North Edmonds, which is in very bad condition. kttorney Anderson advised borroinring from the Current Expense 2und. A motion was made by Savage and seconded by Hansen that the Engineer give the Council an estimate of the cost for a pipe line for North Edmonds, Clausen made an amendment to the motion including the line from Lunds corner South to the City limits on ninth street. :lotion carried. Mr. Perrine .and.Usher.,..-representing-_the.otmerican Legion, came before the Council and asked for permission to place a.Service Plag on the City property near the Library building. 4 motion was made by Chandler and seconded by Savage that they be given permission to place this Service flag on the City property. Motion carried: Steve Naughten asked if anything had been done in regards to the bathing beach. Because of the break in the sewer,line.extending into the sound this was referred to the Street and Sewer Committee. James Astell reported that he had considerable.sand in the water.uwAlter some discussion the Council decided that the two wells at Uinth and Main street should be connected to the tank instead of pumping the water into the mains. A motion was made by McGibbon and seconded by Savage that we call for bids for 4 inch cast iron pipe after the engineer has made an estimate Motion carried. George Hicks reported that the County is going to surface oil Ninth Street from the Snohomish -king County line..to the City limits. He suggested having themeomplete the oiling to Main street, and the.City pay their cost inside the city limits. A motion was made by Chandler and seconded by Clausen' ' that, the City pay our portion for this rogd improvement, providingvthe.. C,ountywextend_ this' improvement to t7iOSnohom "sW County -line O Motion -carried. M , A letter was read, from the -Great Tlor Phern Railway Co. stating they are willing to share the cost of materials for surfacing First Avenue '17orth., approximately 1000 feet, to the extent of approximately 0310. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Chandler. that we b.la.ck-top First Avenue THorth approximately 1000 feet, the property owners to pay_ . , for the material. Motion carried by.a unaminous vote of the Courj.eil. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. K�­ ZI-ty Clerk Meyor - August 2-1,-1.945. The Council met in regular session lvith Mayor Pourtner presiding., The roll. call showed the following councilmen present Chan.dlei•,- cGibbon, Savage, Clausen and Hansen. - A motion was -made by Savage and seconded by,Chandler that the bill of Ray. Mc.Keever for labor :on the street '564 and on,tile water, for 32 be allowed. Motion car•-riedi A motion was made by. handler and seconded by Savage that the order for the Deming pump be cancelled. A vote.of the council showed Chendler yes,_ McGibbon no, Savage no,. Clausen no., and Hansen no. After some discussion a new motion watt made by Savage and seconded. by Hansen that the Clerk notify the Polson Implement Co. if they could not make delivery on the pump by September first to cancel the order. ,Motion.carried-,. Viater Supt. Doty reported the department was in need of meters anal boxes, also copper tubing. A motion was made by McGibbon, and. seconded by Savage that -he purchase 20 meters and boxes also 800 feet of eoppert- tubing: Motion carried. a Mayor Pourtner•reported that Mrs..,Strance of the library board, had asked about having the windows of the library building puttied and painted.. A motion was made by Chandler and seconded by Savage that the City Council be authorized to make the neseccary repairs of the library building, the puttying• alfd'-painting of the windows and doors, . and painting of the roof . Motion carried. Water Supt. Doty reported that.the water.pressure in north Ediiionds register- ed at 50 pounds. Cliff L:.fartin reported that we could not get the County .to do the work on the. streets. ;It was suggested to contact the Washir;gton &sphalt co, that w-e may be able to get them to do the work for us. k motion was made by Savage and seconded by IlicGibbon that the meeting adjourn arti1- Aug Lis t 22 at 7;30. Motion carried. City Clerk aayo r Septeiiiber . 4, 1945. The Council met in regular v ession with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present,, Chandler, MoGibbon, Jones, Savage and Clausen. The Water Colle.otore.and Treasurers reports were read. A -motion was made by McGibbon and -se ' conded by Savage that.the following bills which were apprOv- ed by the financecommittee be allowed and warrants be drawn on the proper funds. Ed Woodfield., labor,at park------ 10..00 B. B..Hubbard,, insurance----19.52 P..S. Power & Light.,..lights--------- 220 P:,S. Power & Light, lights- 1.22 A. C. McClurg, books library------- �:2.66 Ray Mcdeever, labor--------- 48.00 American Library Asso.,supplies-;-- 3.00 David Lutton, labor--------- 800 H. W.,Wilson Co_.supplies----------- 3.12 Midway Iron Works, --------- 13.85 Sater & Ritenour.,, oil for furnace-- 31.11 Leyda,Blectric & Radio,----- 2.47 H. D. Fowler, supplies------------- 8.17 A. B. Bently, supplies------ 20.32 P. S. Power & Light, power for ,Shell Oil Co. supplies------ 2.47 PUMPS--------------------------195.25 1 1 1 1