1945-09-18 City Council MinutesMaterials -------------- --------------$12000. 00 Redemption of Bonds and Interest-- -- 14500:00 Ind. Insuranoe & Medical Aid--------- .100.00- Total Expenditures--------------- ----------M, 500.00 REVENUES Hydrant Rental from Current Expense ------ $2400.00 Water Revenues, estimated ------------ ---- 20000.00 Cash in -Bond Redemption Fund----------- 12000.00 Cash in Operating Fund---------------- 3000.00 Total Receipts -------------------------------- $379400.00 Adopted by the Mayor and Council and filed September 7th 1945. In witness where of, I have set my hand and seal of the City of Edmonds this 7th day of,September 1945. - Published September 11, 1945, Anita Gust City Ulerk There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Zz" �Z, ZI-f y Clerk$o� —� September 18, 1945 The Council met in regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding, 'the roll call showed the following councilmen,present Chandler, McGibbon, McDonell_,, Hansen and Clausen. The bills for labor which were approved by the finance committee were allowed. Geroge Turfel, $16, Ray McZeever 43 and $45• This motion was. made by Chandler and seconded by Clausen. Motion carried. A;motion was made by Chandler and seconded.by Clausen that the disabled American Veterans be given permission to sell flowers.in the City,of Edmonds from Sept.,24 to the 29. Motion carried. Mr. Stewart representing the Polson Implement Co. came before the Council He stated the Deming Pump was in Seattle and they.would be very glad to deliver it at the price quoted in the bid. After some discussion a motion was made by Chandler and seconded by.Clausen that the City buy the Deming pump. A roll call vote showed Chandler yes, McGibbon yes, McDonell yes, Hansen yes, and Clausen yes. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. yClerk mayor. October 1, 1945 The Council met in special session with Mayor Fourtenr presiding to pass the budget. The councilmen present were.Chandler., McGibbon, Savage, Hansen, and Clausen. Ordinance Vol 552 AN ORDINANCE -adopting and levying the general taxes.for the City of Edmonds, Washington, for the fiscal year.commencing January let, 1946, on all property, b.oth real and personal, in -said City, subject to taxation for the purpose of raising sufficient revenue,to.earry on the several departments of said City for the ensuing year as required by law; appropriating the same to the several funds for said fiscal year, and providing for the collection thereof. WHEREAS the City Council of the City of Edmonds, State of Washington, having heard all persons aoking to be heard for and.against the preliminary budget, heretofore adopte& for the ensuing year, due notice having been given as required by law and now this let day of October 1945., final budget having been adopted and the Council having determined the amount necessary to be paid on the current assessment roll as general taxes for the ensuing year and app- ropriating the same as in this Ordinance described therefore. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That,ther be and there is hereby levied on.all real and personal - property of the City of Edmonds,- subject to taxation therein, a general tag for municipal purposes for the ensuing year commencing January let, 1946, the sum of $9505.00