1945-10-02 City Council Minutes�f. WATER DEPARTMENT RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES 'Water Collector, salary ---------- ---,--------- ---$1200.00 Superintendent, Sal ary---------=---------------- 1200.00 Assistant Superintendent, Salary ------- 1200.00 Ex'tra'men, wages------ ----- 300.00 Power for Pumps-----------.--------------- ---- 2000.00 Repairs----------------------------------------- 1000.00 Materials ----------------------------- ----------- 12000.00 Redemption of Bonds and Interest--- 14500.00 Industrial Ins. & Medical Aid------------------ 100.00 Total Expenditures---------------- ----------- $339500.0p REVENUES Hydrant Rental.from.Current Expense ------------ $2400.00 Water Revenues, estimated------T------- --20000.00 Cash in Bond. -Redemption Fund---- ---------------- 12000900 Cash in Operating Fund--------------------- 3000o OO Total Receipts ----------- .----------------------------- $3.7.,400.00 SECTION Z. This Ordinance shall be certified to the proper County Official as provided by law,, and the taxes herein levied shall be collected and paid to the City Treasurer of the City of Edmonds, at the time and.the manner provided by the laws .of the State of Washington for the collection of taxes for Third Class Cities. 666 Anita Gust City Clerk Published October 11, 1945: F. A. Fourtner Mayor A motion was made by Clausen.and seconded by Chandler that_the budget.for 1946 be,adopted. Passed by a unaminous vote,of the council. Meeting adjourned y Clerk Mayor. Ootober 2, 1945. The Council met in regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The.roll call showed the following eou#.cilmen present Chandler, McGibbon, Hansen, and Clausen. The water collectors and treasurers reports were read. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded -by Chandler that the following bills which were approved - by the finance committee be allowed and warrants be drawn on the proper funds. Motion carried. A. Co McClurg, books------------- 8.80 Ray McZeever., labor on water-52.00 Gaylord Brosq supplies-------. ---- 22.70 Long Motor & Welding,, labor--- 7.73 0. N. Sorenson, bog rent--------- 1.00 Olympic Foundry Co. supplies-80.55 P. S. Power & Light, lights---=-- 1.73 Crow Hardware, supplies------11.61 George Jones, garbage,. park------ 6.00 Pitts. Equit. Meter Co ------- 79.72 Crow Hardware, supplies------------ 1.55Hugh G. Puroell,-supplies----i52.65 P. S. Power & Light, light------- 2.48 Marekmann & Williams, supplies Ray MoKeever, labor on street ---- 34.20-------------------------102..62 Hopper Chev. Co.gas, repair, and P. S. Power &. Light ,---------173.42 battery ------------------------ 39.103wanson Pharmacy, supplies--- .82 Long Motor & Welding,,gas-------- 3.45 0. N. Sorensen, bog rent---- .75 Crow Hardware, supplies ------------- 33.99 Mrs, Anna Parker, cleaning-- 5.00 'P. S. Power & Light, street----- 99.92 H. V. Allen, postage, treas. 8.00 Yost Auto Co. storage & supplies-37.49 Henry Boshart, care of city Ray H. Doty, 2 inspections----=-- 4.00 hall grounds---- ------ 30.00 Johnson Plumb,. & Heating, clean- George Jones, garbage------- 10.00 ing sewer---------- 124.70 Mr. Gerdon came before the eouncil_'in regards to.the,drainage at the North City limits, that it was stopped up -and the drainage was.00ming over on his property and into the basement. A motion was made by McGibbon and seconded by Hansen that the street Department olean..out'this ditch at'the north City limits to Front Street.. Motion carried. Mr. Hall, Principal of the High School came before the council in regards to the city furnishing a police for the football games, also to having the blackberry vines eleandup in the alley. A motion was made by McGibbon* that the school be given the pmlioe protection. After some *discussion it was decided that the School should furnish.their own police protection. A motion was made th Chandler and seconded.by Clausen the the following resolution of intention be passed and published in the newspaper. Motion carried by a vote of Chandler yes, McGibbon yes, Hansen yes and Clausen yes. RESOLUTION OF INTEN1ION n 113 A Resolution declaring the intention of the- City Course-i-1- of the City of Edmonds to improve Fifth Street, in said City,.by oonet-ruction along the West side thereof from the South line of Dayton -Street South a distance of 1120 feet,, more or less, to the South line of the A.-.B.- Beastly property, a five foot concrete sidewalk and concrete curb and gutter, and to -improve Dayton Street, in said City,. by constructing along the - South -side- thereof - from Fifth Street Westerly to the. West side of the alley West .of- F.if.th_ Street a five foot concrete sidewalk and concrete curb and gutter and doing such work as may be necessary to make a complete improvement;. creating an Assess- ment District; creating a Local Improveme-nt DistrictFund-therefor; provid- ing that payment for said improvement be made by special assessment on the property in said District under the mode of payment by bonds. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS: 1. That it is the intention -of the City Oauncil of the City of Edmonds, Washington, to improve the West side of Fifth Street, in said City, from the South line of Dayton Street South a distance of 1120 feet, more or less, to the South line of the A. Be Bently property a five.foot concrete sidewalk and concrete curb and gutter., and to improve Dayton Street, in, said City, by constructing along the South side, thereof from r'ifth Street-lesterly to the West side of the alley West of Fifth Street a five foot concrete side- walk and concrete curb and gutter and doing such work as may be necessary to make a complete improvement. 2. That the entire cost and expense of said improvemtn shall be made by special assessment; 4 Local Improvement District shall be established em bracing as near as may be all the property specially benefitted by such. improvement, and such specially benefitted property shall be assessed to pay for the entire cost of such improvement. 3. All persons who may desire. to ovject to the improvement herein men- tioned are hereby notified to appear at the Council Chambers in the City H411, in the City of Edmonds, Washington, at a meeting of the said Council on the 6th day of November, 1945, at the hour of eight o'clock P. M.,-of said day, then and there to present their objections thereto if any they have. 4. The City Engineer of said City of Edmonds is hereby directed to submit to the City Council, at or prior to said 6th day of November, 1945, the estimated.cost and: expense ,of .the improvement, in this Resolution mentioned, and a statement of the proportionate amount there of which shall be borne by the property within the proposed Improvement District; and a statement of the aggregate assessed valuation of the real estate, exclusive of im- provements, within said proposed Improvement District according to the valuation last placed upon it for general taxatidn, together with a diagram or print showing thereon the lots, tracts, or parcels of land and .other property which will be specially benefitted thereby, and the estimated. amount of the cost and expense of such improvement to be 'borne by each lot, - parcel of land, or other property. Passed by the City Council of the City of Edmonds, this 2nd, day of October, 1945, and approved the same date.. F.- A. Fourtner. Attest: Anita Gust Mayor C;Ry -Ole r A motion was made by Mo%ibbon_and�iseo,onded:.by. Clausen that the following notice of hearing on the assessment roll be published and notices sent to the property owners. Motion carried. NOTI1@E Or HEARING ON ASSESSMENT ROLL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Assessment roll for-Looal Improvement District # 56 of the City of Edmonds., Snohomish,County, Washington, organized Dec. 19, 1944, pursuant to Ordinance # 550., of said city., for the improvement of the alley in Blocks 77 and 68, Plat of the City of Edmonds from a print 21 feet West of Ninth Street, in said city, to a point 270 feet East of Ninth Street, in said City, by the construction of a six-inch lateral sanitary and storm sewer with necessary appurtenances and which Ordinance provided for the payment in part by said Local Improvement District of one-half of.the cost of such improvement, is on file and open to inspection in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Edmondq, in the City Hall of said city, and that Tuesday, November 6, 1945, at eight o'clock P. Me' in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City has'been fixed as the time and place for the hearing upon such roll and upon any protest filed thereto. All persons who may desire to object to such Roll must file then protests in writing with the City Clerk of Edmonds at or prior to the date fixed herein for the hearing upon said Assessment Roll. At :the time and place fixed for such hearing and at such times as such hearing may be continued to the City Council of Edmonds will consider such protests and shall have power to correct, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 revise, raise, lower, change, or modify such Ro.11.,._ or any part thereof, and to set aside such Roll and order that 'such Assessment be made'de nova as to such'body shall appear equitable and just, and may then by Resolution approve siad Roll, and levy the amounts on the Roll'as_confirmed against each lot, tract or parcel of land or*part thereof.as shown onsaid Roll and declare the same as a Tien thereon. Dated this 2nd day of October, 1945. Anita Guat City Clerk, Edmonds. Mayor Fourtner reported he had two ,application for a new Chief of .Police, Lec;is Valois wanted U200 a month and a helper and Vic Holmquist , P,25' with a helper and 7¢ a mile for his car. There being no further. business the meeting 'adjourned. City Clerk Mayor October 16, 194.6 The Counoil.met in regular,,session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present.Chandler.,,MoGibbon, Hansen and Clausen. A motion was made.by Chandler and seconded by McGibbon that the following bills which were approved by the -finance oominittee be allowed. Ray MoZeever 18 for labor.on the water.and $62 for labor on_the.street, Ralph,Wilson 9.60 for disposal of three dogs , and telephone calls_,.. Norman Z.J,olao' $80.50- and Iiar9ld Zjolso $ll&`5O for painting library building windows and doors. Motion carried. Mr. and Mrs. Rulaford oame ,before the. Council' ;in regards to the sewer condition at their place on Bell street., They .stat.ed when tt 'get exoessive rains 'that the sewerage backs up into their basement. This was referred to the street Superintendent under the supervision of the City.Engineer. Ray Mekeever asked that a streetlight be installed at tenth and Maple streets. Mayor Fourtner appointed V. E. Holmquist as Chief of Police and Be V. Flick for Deputy Police.. A motion was made by MoGibbun and seconded by Hansen that the Council approve,•the.appointment. Motion carried.. Mayor Fourtner also appointed Mrs. A. M. Williams as librarian. A motion was made by Hansen.and-seconded by Chandler that the appointment be approved. Motion earried.A motion was.made.by Hansen and seconded by Chandler that the police department be authorized to.purchase any equipment needed. Motion carried. Mayor Fourtner appointed Councilmen MoGibbon and Clausen on a oommittee for: the Post -War project._ A motion was made by McGibbon and seconded by Chandl:erthat. any person oon neoting to the sewer must engage a licensed plumber to.make.the connection. Motion carried. A motion was made by McGibbon and seconded by Clausen. that the Puget Sound Power and Light Co..be notified to install the 25 lights at an increased cost of $760.40 a year, as per their plan on the Primary Business Streets. a roll call vote showed Chandler yes, McGibbon yes.,. Hansen yes and Clausen yes. There being no further business the meeting adj,ogrned. City Clerk Mayor November 6, 1945 The Council met.in.regular session.with Mayor.Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present Chandler,.MeGibbon, McDonell, Savage and Hansen. The Water collectors and Treasurers reports were read-b.YI4 A motion was. made'by McGibbon.and seconded by.Hansen that the following bills which were approved by the finance committee.be allowed and warrants drawn on the proper funds. Motion carried.