1945-11-06 City Council Minutes1 1 1 1 revise, raise, lower, change, or modify such Ro.11.,._ or any part thereof, and to set aside such Roll and order that 'such Assessment be made'de nova as to such'body shall appear equitable and just, and may then by Resolution approve siad Roll, and levy the amounts on the Roll'as_confirmed against each lot, tract or parcel of land or*part thereof.as shown onsaid Roll and declare the same as a Tien thereon. Dated this 2nd day of October, 1945. Anita Guat City Clerk, Edmonds. Mayor Fourtner reported he had two ,application for a new Chief of .Police, Lec;is Valois wanted U200 a month and a helper and Vic Holmquist , P,25' with a helper and 7¢ a mile for his car. There being no further. business the meeting 'adjourned. City Clerk Mayor October 16, 194.6 The Counoil.met in regular,,session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present.Chandler.,,MoGibbon, Hansen and Clausen. A motion was made.by Chandler and seconded by McGibbon that the following bills which were approved by the -finance oominittee be allowed. Ray MoZeever 18 for labor.on the water.and $62 for labor on_the.street, Ralph,Wilson 9.60 for disposal of three dogs , and telephone calls_,.. Norman Z.J,olao' $80.50- and Iiar9ld Zjolso $ll&`5O for painting library building windows and doors. Motion carried. Mr. and Mrs. Rulaford oame ,before the. Council' ;in regards to the sewer condition at their place on Bell street., They .stat.ed when tt 'get exoessive rains 'that the sewerage backs up into their basement. This was referred to the street Superintendent under the supervision of the City.Engineer. Ray Mekeever asked that a streetlight be installed at tenth and Maple streets. Mayor Fourtner appointed V. E. Holmquist as Chief of Police and Be V. Flick for Deputy Police.. A motion was made by MoGibbun and seconded by Hansen that the Council approve,•the.appointment. Motion carried.. Mayor Fourtner also appointed Mrs. A. M. Williams as librarian. A motion was made by Hansen.and-seconded by Chandler that the appointment be approved. Motion earried.A motion was.made.by Hansen and seconded by Chandler that the police department be authorized to.purchase any equipment needed. Motion carried. Mayor Fourtner appointed Councilmen MoGibbon and Clausen on a oommittee for: the Post -War project._ A motion was made by McGibbon and seconded by Chandl:erthat. any person oon neoting to the sewer must engage a licensed plumber to.make.the connection. Motion carried. A motion was made by McGibbon and seconded by Clausen. that the Puget Sound Power and Light Co..be notified to install the 25 lights at an increased cost of $760.40 a year, as per their plan on the Primary Business Streets. a roll call vote showed Chandler yes, McGibbon yes.,. Hansen yes and Clausen yes. There being no further business the meeting adj,ogrned. City Clerk Mayor November 6, 1945 The Council met.in.regular session.with Mayor.Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present Chandler,.MeGibbon, McDonell, Savage and Hansen. The Water collectors and Treasurers reports were read-b.YI4 A motion was. made'by McGibbon.and seconded by.Hansen that the following bills which were approved by the finance committee.be allowed and warrants drawn on the proper funds. Motion carried. P. S. Power. &. Light,,... park--------- 2.16 Tribune' Review, `Pub.- Assessment roll Puget Sound News., ...books----------218.72 hearing------------------- 10.43 L. T. Williams,. labor------------ 13:.00 Ray McKeever,, labor----------- 28.00 Crow Hardware,.paint------------- 28.84 E. Be Hubbard, Bond Supt.---- 5.00 H. W. Wilson., .supplies----------- 3.50 Crow Hardware, supplies------- 8.11 A. C. McClurg, books------------- 7.66 Reliable Hardware, supplies--- .67 Tribune Review,, supplies--------- 24.21 Marekmann & Williams, supplies 14.19 Reliable Hardware,, paint--------- 4.58 Hugh'G. Purcell Co. sup -plies- McGraw Hill Pub. Co. magazine---- 3.00 Pitts. Equit. Meter C. meters 186.02- P. Be Power & Light.,. lights------ 2.43 P. S. Power & Light, power--- 131.09 Telephone Service- phone--------- 3.20 Hay McKeever, labor---------- 72.00 0. N. Sorensen, stamps for clerk- 4.00 Be B. Hubbard, insaranee for Black & Sing,, supplies clerk----- 1.11 truck-------------------- 17.00 Tribune Review, Pub,. Ord.-------- 41.46 Crow Hardware, supplies------ 9.58 Sater & Ridenour, oil for furnace-29.23 Richfield Service, grease job 1.70 Mrs. Anna Parker,. cleaning------- 5.00 Hopper Chev. Co. gas--------- 30.63 Reliable Hardware, reapir oil Edmonds Lumber Co. supplies-- 1.78 burner--------------------- 2.06 Wash. Asphalt Co. 2 ton mix-- 11.33 E. Be Hubbard, bond for police--,- 10.00 Reliable Hardware, supplies-- .72 Crow Hardware, police supplies--- Midway Iron Works,blacksmith--- 14.57 4.eu beyaa "eu_urlw, iamps for stiop- V. E. Holmquist, police,supplies--11.45 lite-------------- ---------- 1.00 The Grill, meal for prisioner----- .72 20 S. Power & Light, lights-- 99.86 Sub. Ambulance Service,,-=--- ---,---10.00 George Jones, garbage-------- .10.00 L. Milholland,.special police----- 4.00 Yost Auto Co. storage trucks- 9.55 A. H. Engels,, special police------ 4.00 Fire Department, 3 fires----- 90.00 J. A. Astell, special police------ 5,00 Ray H. Doty, sewer inspection 2.00 M. C. Engels,.special police------ 5.00 Dan Doty, special police---------- 4.00 Ralph Bartlett.,. special polie'e---- 4.00 Claude Savage., special,.police----- 4.00 Phil Allen, special police------- 5.00 The, hes,:b.ing, of Resolution of Intention #113 for. sidewalks., curb. and gutter along the west side of Fifth street.,. from Dayton street to the South line of the A. Be Bently property, came up.for hearing before the Council.' A number of the property owners protested against having this work done.bAc:.,:r,,,.. mdtibn was made by Chandler and seconded by Hansen that -.this be laid over indefinately. A roll.call vote showed Chandler -yes, McGibbon no, MCDokell yes, Savage no, and Hansen yes. There bung no one to object to the Assessment Roll for.Loeal Improvement District ,, 56.,,, a' motion was made by Chandler,�dnd-,sdodnded,;rby. Savage. that the assessment roll be accepted. A.rohlcall vote showed Chandler yes, Mogibbon yes,, McDonell`yes, Savage yes and Hansen yes. ORDINANCE NO 553. J AN Ordinance,approving and confirming the Assessment and Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District #56 of the City of Edmonde,.Snoh.omish County, Washington., for the uimprovement of the alley iw Blooks 77 and 68,.Plat of the City of Edmonds.form a point,27 feet West of Ninth Street, in said city, to a point 270 feet East of Ninth Street, in said 'city,, by the con- struction of a six-inch lateral sanitary and storm sewer., with necessary appurtenances, necessary to make a complete improvement all in.a000rdance with Resolution N,o.1112, of the City of Edmonds,, levying an assessment on account thereof against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land as shown on said Roll, providing for the issuance of Bonds therefor and fixing the date of the„ issuanoe thereof. THE CITY OF EDMONDS DOES ORDAIN: Section 1: That the Assessment and Assessment Roll of. -Local Improvement Distriep No. 56, for the improvement of the alley in Blocks 77 and 68, Plat of the City of Edmonds., Edmonds, Washington, from a point 27 feet West of Ninth Street, in said city, by the construction of a six-inch lateral sanitary and storm sewer with necessary appurtenances for a complete improvement all in accordance with Resolution No.. 112 of the City of Edmonds, as the same now stands, be and the same is hereby in all things approved and confirmed. Section 2: That each of the lots, tracts and parcels of land, or other property whown on said roll.,`is hereby declared to be specially benefitted by said improvement in at least the amount charged against the same,- and that the assessment appearing against the same is in proportion -to the several -assessments appearing upon said roll, and there is hereby levied an assessment against each lot, tract, and parcel of land and other property, appearing upon said Roll, �4q amount finally charged against the same thereon. Section 3: That the,lst day of January, 1946 is hereby fixed as the date of the issuance of the Bonds, required to be issued on account of said improvement. Section .4: The City of Edmonds may sell said Bonds and make payment in cash in the manner provided by the Ordinances of said City. F. A. Fourtner Mayor ATTEST: Anita Gudt City Clerk Passed: Nov 6, 1945 Published: Nov. 1945. A motion was made by Savage and,seconded by Chandler that•Ordinanee No 553 be adopted. Motion �;�rr•ied�r,. .. f. ,e:.:3. ;,�,t%e;� , �,� , ��;.�c=i yes 'i7F?:. A motion was made by Chandler and seconded by McGibbon that the clerk be authorized to pay to the City Treasurer $781.80 for the Cities portion of the sewer in Block 77 and 68. Motion carried. Two -petitions were read for the.grading and sewers,. one for Bell street between.seventh and ninth, the other on Eighth street be Mainland Edmonds street. A motion was made by McGibbon and,seconded by McDonell that the attorney draw up a resolution on. intention according to the petitions. Motion carried. Several people from the Baptist Church came before the Council about the water that runs into the basement of the Church. After some discussion a motion was made by Chandler and aeconded by Hansen that this.S3beerbferred to.ILthe- Stre.,et Supt. and the engineer. Motion: carried. Water Supt. Doty reported that a great amount of sand was .in the water which comes from the Cook well and that something should be .done to prevent this condition. A motion was made by Chandler and seconded by McDonell'that the Engineer and Supt. be given the authority.to remt.dy this condition. Motion, carried. Street Supt..repo.rted that Walnut street had.been opened up from third to fifth street and the property owners paid the expen.se.of this work. SILPt. Doty also reported roots from the willow tree on the Rulaford property had caused the stoppage of the sewer. Mayor Fourtner read a letter from the Rulafords-stating they would out this tree clown and thanked the Council for the cooperation given them. A motion was made by Savage and seconded by McDonell that the Chief of Police salary be raised to $225 and the Deputy to $200.per month until the first of the year. A vote of the Council showed Chandler yes, McGibbon yes, McDonell yes, Savage yes and Hansen yes. The Council declared a vacancy of a oouncilman for the second ward. A motion was made by McGibbon and seconded by Savage that the Council accept the resignation of Councilman Jones. Motion carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. -, Xt " Z-21-1 Mayor November 20, 1945 The Council met inregular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present Chandler, McGibbon, Savage, Hansen and Clausen. A motion was made,by Savage and seconded by Chandler that the bills for labor for Ray Mokeever $40 on the water and $40 on the street be allowed. Motion. carried., Street Supt. Doty reported he had opened up the drain at the North City limits and that this had solved the problem of the water standing.on the_property• and also of the water going into the basements, but that sewerage was running into the open ditch. Water Supt. Doty reported that the new Deming pump was being installed, and that the Council should begin to think about water for the next summer. He also reported that the South Edmonds pump, known as the Richmond Beach pump had been burned, and had to be re -wound, which was caused by the dimming of the lights. A mintion was made by Savage and seconded by Hansen that the Supt. purchase a protector switch to prevent this from happening again. Motion carried.