1946-01-02 City Council MinutesMayor Foul rtner�,appoin.ted.:C,ouncilman ,Sief`er.t.� .to, filT•..the..vadahoy. one the,4st'er', committe`e,..... bhandler,,:.seo;onde:d`,Itiie °.appointment. Th''®re.' being no further busiiiess the meeting adjourned. o- -Mayor E January 2, 1946 The Council met in regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present chandler, :McGibbon, Savage, Siefert; hnd^Hans.eii. A motion was made by Siefert and seconded by Savage that.the following bills which approved by the finance committee 'be allow4e1and warrants be drawn on the proper funds. Motion carried. Pao if is -.-Is land Guide, books ,-- - 4...00-. day � M( Keever., labor ----- -=;--40. 00 Beckley Cardp `Co,, books,--- -=- ` == 47.22 �l ash..Asphalt., 2 . tons m $-==-11.33 Puget Sound News,. bo6ke' - 3.B7 Be Power & Li,94t, street lite98,.01 Sater• & Ridenour.,, oil for furna'ce-=-'29.35 Tribune Betrieva', printing-53 P. Be � Po' ev • & Li�i4t Co. lights---- 5,54itrl-Mane Review, supplies-�-- -29.87 P. S. -Power,ts 2�.96• Mrs. A. Parker.; - aleenng--- -= 6.00 Ray McKeever:, labor on water "=. - -- 32.00- P. S. P' &, light Co. lights=-11.43 R. M. wade & Co.. new! pump---;---r,=''=- .69.58 Be V. Flick, ' mile8Lge---:,r--r-r-14.70 Westinghouse Eleotric,repair motor 6.1.49 V. E. Holmquist, mileage==---10.17 Pittsbuirgh Equit. Meter, repairs- 4Q2•:Happer Chev. Co. install i Star Mabhinery.,, repair pump- "' 3.65..sirene on policeman car ---10.41 Crow Hardwar.e., supplies-,=:;-r- - 3'.98 Sub.. Ambulance Service---.:,----10,.,J0� P. Be Poorer. & ,.Zight,topower , for � ; :.Cr.ow Har_-dware, poliae.r.suppliesl.8b PUMPS r--- ti.„- -- --- 170.25 Ray H.-Doty, stamps,- -�L- 1.Q0 George Jones covering garbage -- 10.00 Ray H. Doty., sewer inspections Fire Department, fire, A'motion•,was made by Siefert and.•se.conded by Chandler .that the.,po.lice,roe be Iat..d,};the . salarios they :are :now reoeivin ,. the Ch .ef 2,25,, and the foolice $200,0000 A roll,oall vote showed Chandler yes,, Savage yes, Siefp.rt yes,. and Hansen yes. i•� A motion_ was . made, .by Chandler, and. s.e.conde.d., by. Sefert, that. ,the Clerk call for bids; for the drilling, of .&wn,ew, swell- with a. 12, inch casing, , �or. _ an alter.7.. nate bids.for the dfrt,11ing of .two, wells: A roll call.. vote; showed 0 _nd�;;er yes, McGibbon yes; SaVage.yes,,.S .efert. yes end Hansen yes., A' motion was' made by Chandler -and seconded by Siefert that the clerk call for bids tfor two` 1001•gal. turbine. ,pumps. . Motion-- carried. A motion was .made by Chandler and seconded by Siefert -that the, :itr.eet Sup 1. purchase one Cleethe Army Surplus pick-up trucks.. Motion'earried. j A motion was made by Siefert and seconded by 125.,.Motion Savae that.the city purchase the desk and chair forthe police department for. carried. A motion was made by Savage and, seconded by McGibbon that Ed Woodfield be notified to vacate the park property by January 31, 1946. Motion carried. A motion was made- by. Siefert and seconded by .Savage .:that, the park board be,11struoted to tender a report of current park needs and conditions, including the improvement of the house, in order to make it suitable for rental, also to,improve the park in general. Motion carried. i A motion was made by Chandler and seconded by Savage that the City buy the sewer fronds out of the Water Revenue Bond Redemption Fund. Motion carried. i There being no further business the meet•ing_adjourned. t .yor 0