1946-01-15 City Council Minutes1 January 15, 1946 The Council.met in regular session with Mayor Pourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present Chandler, McGibbon, McDonell, Savage, Siefert- and Bansen. Mr. Bienz and Marks came before the Council and asked for permission. to build a float' at the foot of Bell street. A,motion was made by Chandler and second- ed by Hansen that the City grant Mr. Marks permission for a float on a yearly lease basis. A vote of the Council showed Chandler yes, McGibbon yes, McDonell yes, Savage yes, Siefert yes and Hansen yes. Mayor Fourtner appointed Mr. Miller on the light committee. George Jones asked for permission to build a fence along Yost Admiral Way to stop the people from dumping garbage along the street. A motion washmade by Hansen and seconded by Siefert that George Jones build a fence along Yost Admiral way by the garbage dump and keep it locked except two days a week. Motion carried. Mr. Johnson asked for.permission to stand a taxicab on Main street in front of the Up and Up Cafe: A motion was made by Chandler and. seconded by McDonell that the space in front of the tavern be used for a taxi stand. A rollr:.call vote showed Chandler yes., McGibbon yes, McDonell yes, Savage yes, Siefert yes and Hansen yes. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by Chandler that the Attorney draw up a resolution for the payment of funds to the Volunteer Firemen's Pension Fund. Motion carried. A motion was made by Siefw.rt and seconded by Savage, that an estimate of cost to repair the park house be turned in at the next meeting of the Council. Motion carried. Councilman Hansen brought up the subject of a city jail.' Mayor Fourtner appointed Siefert, Hansen and Mr. Miller as a committee to meet with the Legion committee. It was suggested that the second meeting in February be set for any suggestions and ideas for a new City Jail. A motion was made by Siefert and seconded by -Chandler that the Mayor appoint a committee in regard to the installing of parking meters in the business district. Motion carried. Mayor Fourtner appointed Siefert and Chandler on this committee. A motion was made by Siefert and seconded by McDonell that the Clerk call for bids for black -top work from fifth to sixth streets on Main Street, and the Attorney dra;.w up a resolution of intention. A roll call vote showed Chandler yes, McGibbon no, McDonell yes,,Savage yes, Siefert yes, and Hansen yes. A motion was made by Chandler and seconded by McDonell that the water Supt. purchase the.six inch cast iron pipe to be laid on Main street from fifth to Sixth street. A roll call vote showed Chandler yes, McGibbon yes, McDoone]l yes, Savage yes, Siefert yes and Hansen yes. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. —'City Clerk Mayor February 5, 1946. The Council met in regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present Chandler, McGibbon, Siefert an Hansen and Clausen. The water collector and 'Treasurers reports were read. A motion was made by McGibbon to table the bill for Policeman Flick for sick leave. ����y(►��. A motion w as made by Clausen and seconded by Uhandler that the following bills which were approved by the finance committee be allowed and warrants be drawn on the proper funds. Motion carried. P. ''. Power & Light, park---=---- 2.36 Pug6t Sound News, books---------- 7.53 On. Sorensen, box rent library--- 1.00 Engel Insurance Ag, Bond --------- 10.00 Daily Journal of Commerce-------- 6.40 Leyda Electric & Radio, supplies & labor to connect pump ---------- 51.45 P. S. Power & Light, st.lights--- 96.94 Crow Hardware, supplies---------- 8.97 Marckmann & Williams, supplies- 29.10 P. S. P ower & Light. Co ------- 148.48 Eugene Mcaeever, 1935 Coupe ---- 225.00 Engle Ins. Agency, license----- •1.50 Wash. Asphalt, two tons mix---- 11.33 Western Auto Supply, sppplies-- 4.64 Union Oil Co. oil-------------- 26.20 Midway Iron Works, blacksmith-- 5.35 Hopper Chev. 2 tires,tubes, gasl39.53