1946-03-19 City Council MinutesA motion was made by McGibbon and seconded by Hansen -that lots 19 and 20 in Block' 96' be sold .to. Wi G. Dickie for $2W.00. A roll call vote showed McGibbon,yes, Siefert yes, Savage -yet.,' Hansen kes and Clausen yes. Mr., Armes reported to the Council of a bad condition.of oil running on* his property -on second street. Gunard Swanson reported that water was standing on his property which -was probably caused from'a pluged drain on Seventh street. These were referred -to the'Street Committee and Superin- tendent. Mrs. Strance., ohairman,of the Library Board came before the Council with the contract with the Rural County Library DistricV. This was turned over to the Attorney for further investigation: Mr. Thomas came'before the Council in regards to parking meters. He suggest- ed installing 155 meters . A motion was made by Siefert and seconded by Savage~._ that these meters be install on a six months trial. Uhandler amended this motion:.by stating that it -be held over until the next meeting of the council., with a second to the motion by Clausen. A vote'of the Council showed Chandler' yes, McGibbon' no, Siefert dos, Savage' no, ' Hansen no and Cl§usen yes. Mayor�Fourtner stated the.motion that it had been moved and seconded that this Company install 155 meters on a six month trial bases. The vote of the council showed Chandler no,, McGibbon'no, Siefert yes, Savage'novote, Hansen no and Clausen'no. There being no further business a motion was made by _Clausen to adjourn. ayor, March 19, 1946 The Council met in regular, session with Mayor Pourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present Chandler, McGibbon, Siefert, Savage, Hansen and .Clausen. The Library Contract, which was re -drawn by the City Attorney, was read to the Council. A motion was made by Siefert and seconded by Chandler that the Council accept.the Contract. Motion carried. A letter was read to.the Council.in'regards to the garbage dump. A motion was made by Siefert and seconded by Savage that this letter be sent to the garbage cgllector,.and ask him to..make peace with this property owner and also to have him put out paason once a week. Motion carried,. A letter fremrGlen G. Hill,, Commander of Frank Freese Post, was read to the Council, in which they ask for the privilege to use the City Park and the streets for a Fourth of July celebration. A motion was made by Hansen and seconded by McGibbon that{tl4e American Legion be given the privilege.to do v.eT-th�f"i and,, ity will co-operate Frith. them, also the Council would like to be notified, what they intend. to do.-. Motion carried., Mr. Bonney representing the Jipo Construction Co. offered the Council $75 for the Concrete mixer. A motion was made by.Siefert and seconded by Savage that we sell the concrete mixer for.$75. A roll call vote showed Chandler yes, McGibbon yes, Siefert yes, Savage -yes, Hansen yes and Clausen no. Water Supt. Doty reported that the -four inchpipe had been install d on South Fifth Street. He also reported that -bull -dozers were doing damage to the city streetd and recommended that they get a permit to operate in the city., he suggested a ordinance.be drawn up for the same. Supt.. Doty also asked that the city purchase a pipe -pusher so that pipe,may be put under the Highway. This was referred,to the engineer and the Supt. to, report at the next meeting of the Council.. A motion -was made by Clausen and seconded by Savage thattthe Supt. be authorized to purchase the necessary pipe and fittings to connedt the new wells. Motion carried. P A motion -was made by McGibbon and seconded -by Chandler that a vote be taken to see -if the Council was in favor of parking meters. A vote showed Chandler no, McGibbon yes, Siefert yes, Savage.yes, Hansen yes and Glausen no. A motion was made by Chandler and seconded by Savage that the question of parking meters be laid over until the next meeting of the Council. The Clerk was asked to have anotioe put in the paper that the City was interested in having parking meters installed, and next council meeting will be devoted to discussion of the same. C� 1 1 I 1 1 1 A motion was made by Siefert and seconded by Savage that a water hydrant be installed at tenth and Maple streets. Motion carried. A motion was made by Chandler and seconded by Siefert that the Mayor app- oint .a committee to draw plans for a three cell concrete jail. Motion carried. Mayor Fourtner appointed Chief Holmquist., Engineer Wolf and Bonney. Amotion was made by Chandler and seconded by McGibbon that the Attorney and Engineer -draw -up a building ordinane.e. Motion carried. After some discussion about the sanitary condition in the City a motion was made by Siefert and seconded.by McGibbon that the Engineer make a survey of parts of the City. Council McGibbon stated he was in favor of enforc- ing the Ordinance. - There being.no further business the meeting adjourned. La /ice : � u.• Mayor April 20 1946 The Council met in regulrr session with Mayor Fourtner presiding.. The roll call showed the following councilmen present Chandler, McGibbon, Siefert, Hansen and Clausen. The water collectors and treasurers reports were read. A motion was made by Chandler and seconded by McGibbon that the following bills which were approved by the finance committee be allowed and warrants be drawn on the proper funds. Motion carried. Leyda Electric & Radio------ 2.32 Olympic Foundry, supplies--- 115.86 0. N. Sorensen, box rent---- 1.100, Hugh G. Purcell. supplies--- 16.45 P.,. Power & Light=-------- 3.56 Marchmann & Williams-------- 38.82 Be{ P. Power & Light, park--- 2.72 Crow Hardware, supplies----- 1.44 Eddy Electric Service ,------16.24 Long Motor & Welding--------- 6.85 Was.. Asphalt, 2 ton mix ----- 11.33 P. Be Power & Light ---------- 118.35 Hopper CHev. Co. Repairs ---- 96.78 E. Be. Hubbard, bold attorney-- 5.00 Crow Hardware, supplies----- 38.63 0, N. Sorensen, box rent--- --- .75 Long Motor & Welding -------- 34.95 Daily Journal of Commeree,notice3.00 P. S. Power & Light -------- 100.34 Sate'r & Ridenour, oil--------- 35.47 Ernest Rundle, labor------- 82.00 P. S. xower & LightCo.-------- 6.02 Tribune Review, supplies-- 68.69 Mrs. Anna Parker, cleaning---- 5.00 Leyda Electric, supplies-- 12.05 George Jones, covering garbage 10.00 Crow Hardware, supplies----- 4.18 V. E. Holmquist, mileage------ 25.50 Ray H. Doty, inspections---- 4.00 Pantry Lunch,•meals----------- 3,14 Yost Auto Co. storage--------- 12.55 A motion was made by Siefert and seconded by McGibbon that we install parking meters on a trial basis. a roll call vote showed. Chandler no, McGibbon yes, Siefert yes, Hansen yes and Clausen no. After a demon- stration from the parries present a motion was made by Siefert and sec- onded by Chandler that we accept the Mark -Time -Perfection meter with the approval of the City attorney. Motion carried. The price of this meter is $58 each delivered and installed. Payt,ent of meter is to be on a 50%. basis of receipts. An amehcIment was made to the motion by McGibbon and seconded by Siefert that we install the parking meters an a six months trial period. Avote showed Chandler yes, McGibbon yes, Siefert yes, Hansen yes and Clausen yes. Charles Phelps came before the Council and asked that the cross -walk be changed so that he may have a loading and unloading zone. A motion was made by McGibbon and seconded Chandler that the street Supt. be instructed to change the crosswalk at Fifth and Main Street, and establish a loading and unloading zone 30 feet south of the new location of the intersection. Councilman Siefert made an amendematt to.the motion that the street committee report on this at the next meeting of the Council. There being no second to the ambndmel te9iAdrgsllhhallavo tblonathevmnti-oh,ishowbLdwCh"'dietlyes, McGibbon yes, Siefert no, Hansen yes and Clausen no. Mrs. Lookey came before the Council in regards to water running on her pro- perty and would like to have something done about it. This was referred to the Street Committee. A motion was made by Chandler and seconded by Hansen that lots 13 and 14 Block 2 of the gephart Addition be put up for sale t® the h}g e,&t6t ddek� at the next meeting of the Council. Motion carried. A motion was made by C7- usen and seconded by Siefert that the water Supt. be authorized to purchase a pipe jack and the Column pipe necessary to make the change of the Pomona pump. Motion carried. M