1947-03-25 City Council MinutesA motion was made by Councilman MoGinness that the Park Committee give some thought to the matter of cleaning up the beach at the foot of Dayton Street and bring in a recommendation to the Council for improving the.property for use as a bathing beach. Seconded by Councilman McGibbon. 1Iotion carried. Mr. Meyring, representing the Lions Club, spoke in favor of a Stop & Go light at Fifth and Main Street and moving the present traffic light from fifth and Main.to Third and Main with red designation North and South and amber designation east and west. A motion was made by Councilman Waggoner and seconded by Tucker that the street committee investigate the matter and also look into the matter whether any additi6nal or new.lights should be installed and to determine the cost and submit a report to the council at - its next regular meeting. Motion carried. A request was made by representatives of•the Church at kifth and Dayton for permission to close the side walk on the North side of Dayton Street from Fifth street'to the alley west.. After some discussion it was decided the plan. ,was not feasible. There was some discussion! about the driveway recently put iV aoross the side- walk just east of the Odd Fellows Building. A motion,was made by Councilma n Waggoner and seconded by Maxwell that the construction of the.driveway be in- vestigated by the City Engineer and if it was sound that the same did not con- form to standard practice, the City Clerk notify the party who constructed said driveway to make such changes in order to remedy the same so that it will conform to standard practice and be in accordance with plans on file with the City Engineer. Motion carried. Councilman McGinness called for a report from the Chief of Police on the number of arrests made during the past two months for speeding and reckless driving, and for overtime and other parking regulations. A motion was made by Councilman Siefert and seconded by McGinness that the Mayor appoint a committee of three to look into the police problem, in regard to the number of hours worked, the territory covered, eta., and bring in a report to the council at its next meeting. Motion carried. Mayor Fourtner appointed McGibbon, Maxwell and Waggoner on this committee. A motion was made by Councilman.Siefert.and seconded by Tucker that the City Clerk direct a letter to the State Highway Patrol at Olympia, asking that - they use -eatery effort to continue the School Boy.Patrol. Motion c arried. A motion was made by CouncilTueker authorizing the City Treasurer to invest $10,000 of City funds in Govgrnment bonds. No second. A motion was made by Councilman Siefert and seconded by Waggoner that the City Clerk's,offic e and council. Chambers be redecorated and, an electric exhaust fan be installed in the Council Chambers. Motion carried. The Mayor appointed Paul McGibbon to the Library Board to fill the vacancy due to the resignation of 0. N. Sorensen. Co e�Iman Tucker moved the app- ointment be approved. Seconded by Councilman�.em otion carried. Meeting adjourned by the Mayor to reconvene at 8 P. M. March 25, 1947. Walt$r Clausen�q lerk Pro tem. Mayor .Match 25, 1947 The Council met in special session with Mayor Pourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present McGibbon, Waggoner, Siefert, McGinness Maxwell and Clausen. Three bide were open`ed for the construction of the Dayton Outfall Sewer. The -bid of Henry Finch for $19,335.60, with an alternate bid of 017_,715.'60. A bid from Valley Construction oo. for $22,670.00, and a bid from the Lambert Construction Co., for $13,,,53,7.80. A motion was madd by-Sounoilman Siefert and seconded by MoGinn'e'ss that Lambert Construction Co, , be given the contract with the understanding that the price of wrought Iron be,$24 Motion carried by a unaminous vote of the Council. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. -city Cler. waybr