1948-05-04 City Council MinutesCouncilman McGinness reported that plans were be^ . e for the seal -coating of the streets on the North side of Main street. motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman McGibbon that residents be notified that the alleys were to be widened to the regulation of 15 or 16 feet and request property owners to remove antY obstruction in the alleys. Motion carried. Councilman McGibbon chairman of the Safety committee reported that a two hour parking be established on Main Street from third avenue to sixth avenue, Dayton street from fourth to half way between fifth and sixth avenue, on fourth from Bell to Dayton Street,. on Pifth from.Bell to Dayton Street, for the hours from 9 A. M. until 6 P. M. also to allow the church to reserve a space for signs.- This made a motion by councilman McGibbon and seconded .be councilman McGinness. Motion carried. The State auditors report was •-I ,the City Council. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. i y er Mayor May 4, 1948 The Council met in regu]Lsx session with Mayor Pourtner.presiding. The roll call showed all councilmen present. The water collectors and treasurers reports were read. A motion was made by Councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman Clausen that sufficient money be borrowed from the current expense fund to take care of the water bills. A,motion was made by councilman McGibbon and seconded by councilman Waggoner that money be used from New Construction in the street fund to pay for the road Maintainer. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman Tucker and see.ond.ed by councilman Siefert that the bills which were approved by the finance committee be allowed and warrants be drawn on the proper funds. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman McGibbon that the bills from the Rich- field Oil Co., for $50 be held up and referred tbethe street committee for checking. Motion -carried., A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman McGibbon that an emergnecy Resolution be Passed for the street Dept. to pay for the read maintainer from the amount budget for New construction. Motion carried. A number of people from Ninth Avenue North came before the council in regards to getting water to their property. Councilman IHcGibb.on recommended to the council that theseryeothesbepg6pbe. withrwater. A motion was made by by councilman McGibboW,..ith seconded by councilman Tucker that the water Supt. be instructed to orde the approval of the Engineer that we will have sufficent water and that we are furnished with an agreemeht that these people will take water. A roll call vote showed McGibbon yes, Waggoner no, Tucker yes, McGinness yes,, Siefert yes, Clausen yes and Maxwell no. Mrs. Henderson came before the council in regards to water and oil from the Richfield Service Station running on her property. A motion was made,by Councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Waggoner that this be re- ferred to the Street Committee. Motion carried.. A motion was made by Councilman Siefert that the Clerk notify the Richfield Service Station that they must take care of the excess water and oig which runs in the alley "from their station*. Motion carried. Hart Anderson came before the co�n�c1 and. asked for permission to install a sidewalk on Bell street on the%,side of his property. A motion was made by -Councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Siefert that he be given this permission under the supervision of the Street Supt. and according to the specification on file., Motion carried. ...The Street Supt. asked for a raise of $25 for Earl Coulter and Mr. Lawson :on the -water Dept. A motion was made by councilman Tucker and seconded by Councilman Maxwell -that this be referred to the committees., Motion carried A vote of thanks was ex-&_eXAed to Cleve Little for the work he has done at the City Park.. The condition of rats at,the garbage dump was again brought before the Council. g. motion was made by councilman McGibbon and seconded by councilman Tucker that a committee be appointed and bring in a report on this. Motion carried. Mayor Fourtner appointed councilmen Siefert, Tucker and McGibbon. 2 motion; was made by councilman McGibbon and seconded by councilman Siefert that the clerk notify the Health Officer that the council would like a written recommendation on the health salitttti= on the garbage dump. Motion carried. The dangerous condition of the culvert on Seventh Avenue was brought before the council. A motion was made by councilman -Tucker and seconded by councilman Waggoner that the street Supt. get in touch with the county and.fix the culvert. Motion carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. i er y Mayor May 18, 1948 The Council met in regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed all councilmen present. IL letter was read from -Dr. ,Kenny, Health Officer in regards to the garbage situatrioh in the City. He suggest that this garbage dump be abandoned as soon as possible and the rats disposed of and the dump covered, and a new site outside the city limits be secured. Councilman Siefert suggested that the committee get in...touch with the County in regards to securing a new site for the dumping of garbage. A motion was made by Councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman Siefert that not more than $50 be paid for the fenc- ing of the dump, to be paid from the street fund.. A vote of the council showed all in favor except councilman Waggoner and Maxwell. Mrs. henderson asked for permission to put; in a sidewalk on the North side of her property on Dayton Street. She was given°this permission that it be put in in accordance to grade by a motion made by councilman McGibbon and seconded by councilman Tucker. Motion carried. Mrs. Keeton came before the council in regards to the water running on her property from the alley,pA motion was made by councilman Siefert and seconded by councilman Tucker that this be referred to the street committee. Motion carried. The Owner of the Bayview Lumber co. asked for a two hour parking on Main street .from Second avenue to the alley. A motion was made by councilman Siefert and seconded by councilman Waggoner that this be turned over to the safety committee for investigation. Motion carried. Dewey Leyda representating the Boy Scouts asked for permission for the use of the city truck to pick up scrap iron on Saturday. A motion was made by councilman Siefert and seconded by councilman McGibbon that the Boy Scouts be given permission to tse the city turek with the approval of the Street Supt.n Motion carried. Three commissioners from Z'iteap County and Mr. Swift from Kingston and Mr. Krieger from the State Department of Transportation came to the Council Meeting in regards to the Ferry book. After some explaning and discussion a motion w s ade by councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman Siefert that the�A�neV give notice to the Black Ball Ferry System that their lease will terminate July first and that OZOO is due for the first six month use of the dock, and that we are willing to negioate for further service -of the dock. Passed by a unaminous vote of the Council Councilman Siefert suggested that a committee be appointed to make an inves- tigation of the ferry situation with the Jefferson Co. Commissioner& and Black Ball 'Ferry Co., A motion was made by councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman Siefert that a committee be appointed., under the Attorney, and to report ant the itext meeting. Passed by a unaminous vote of the Council. Mayor Fourtner appointed:Tucker, Waggoner, Siefert. Councilman McGinness made a motion that the Richfield Oil bill be.reduced to 30, after an investigation made by the committee, this was seconded by councilman Tucker. Motion carried. Councilman McGibbon made a motion that Edmonds go on Day Light Saving time June first with Seattle. Motion carried, A motion was made by councilman McGibbon and seconded by -councilman Tucker that the city treasurer keep a cost accounting account of the water system and he be given $40 a month for this work. Motion carried. 0 1 1 1