1948-09-07 City Council Minutes'Y . Councilman Tucker reported. the -.feasibility. of. raising. additional Revenue from punoh.boards. A'motion was.made.by councilman Tucker and seconded by eouneilman.MaGinness that the attorney draw up an ordinance making the tape on punch boards 3%;on gross value o.f.the board. A roll call vote showed all councilmen in favor. A motion was made by'eouncilman MoGibboh and seconded by councilman Clausen that the clerk write the eo4nty.eommissioners in regards to getting a place for dumping garbage in conjunotion with the county., as 50%•of the garbage is hauled in to the city. Motion parried. A motion was made by councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman McGibbon that the water committee approach the party owning the 40 acres of land in regards to the purchase of same. Motion carried. A'motion- was made by councilman MoGinness and seconded by. councilman tucker that a phone be installed at Mr. Shirley residence in accordance with our franchise with the Telephone Co., Motion carried A motion was made by councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman MGGinness that the chairman of the water committee write a letter to the, county Commissioner stating that the Edmonds Water Dept. is still able to furnish the people along Ninth and Tenth Avenues south with water. Motion carried. There being no further busines the meeting adjourned. i t y Jerk Mayor September 7, 1948.. The Council met in regular session with Mayor, Fourtner presiding... The. -roll call showed all councilmen present. ►-motion was made by councilman Siefert and seconded by councilman Maxwell that the bills which were appreved by the finance committee beallowed and warrants be drawn on the proper funds. Xotion.oarried. A•motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilmen MaGinness that the hill for se4l-ooating be held up until we hear from the Engineer in regards. to the amount of.repair work that was done on the streets. Motion carried. Mr. Stewart came before the Council and asked to have Bell Street between Sixth -and Seventh improved.. This was referred to the street committee. Three letters were read to the Council in regards to the punch -boards and pin -ball machines in Edmonds, one from the Coterie Club, the Executive Board of Edmonds Grade School, and the Hughes Memorial Methodist Church. Therewere a mumber of business people who spoke for and against the punch boards and pin ball machines. Councilman Tucker made a motion that we do not allow pay- off on pin -ball machines in Edmonds. Aimotion was made.by councilman Waggoner and seconded by councilman Siefert that pin -ball machines be allow- ed with pay-off where minors are not allowed. A roll Gall vote showed McGibbon yes, Tucker no, waggoner yes, Siefert yes, McGinness no, Clausen no, and Maxwell yes, A�motion was made by_Councilman Tuekermand seconded by councilman McGibbon that if the council did allow pin -ball machiness with or without pay-off where no minors are allowed the.lieense will be $§0 per quarter payable in advance. Passed by a, unaminous vote. of the council., A motion was made by councilman Tuoker and seconded by councilman Maxwell -to included in the Ordinance a 3 per Gent tag of all athletic pools'in .the City. Motion carried. Fire Chief Engels asked for permission to purchase fire hose and three Pump cans. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by council man Waggoner that he be authorized to purchase these items. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Waggoner that Al Brandt be given permission to lay a five foot=sidewalk on Edmonds Street. if Aoftent co 'r2 ice.property. Motion carried. Almotion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman MGGinness that the amended Franchise be turned over to the water Committee. Motion carried. A'motion was made by councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman McGibbon that the Library roof ire repaired and 200 be $ paid from the Cur. Expense fund and the balance be paid from the Library fund. Motion carried. The condition of Ninth street between Main and -Dayton was brought before the council. Aimotien was made by councilman Tucker that this be referred to the street committee. A'motion was made by oounoilman.Tiloker to table the testing station. A)motion was made.by councilman McGibbon and seconded by councilman Mo-. Ginness that the testing strip location on Park Property be decided by the chairman of the Safety. oommittee, Park � oommittee and the .Chief • of Police. ►,roll call vote showed McGibbon yes, Tucker yes, Waggoner no, Siefert yes, MoGinness yes, Clausen no and Maxwell yes. The'me.eting adjourned until Wednesday night at 7 o'clock. September 8, 1948 The Council met for the adjourned meeting for the making of the budget. The roll call showed all councilmen present. The Counoll.prooeeded with the making up of the budget for 1949. Aimotion was made by councilman McGibbon and seconded by councilman MoGinness that in preparing the preliminary budget the heads of the departments salar- ies be budgeted for $3300 and the assistants of the water and street depart- ments and night police budget for $2970. A'roll call vote showed a unaminous vote of the council A motion was made.by councilman McGinness and seconded by.councilman Waggoner that the Park and Library Fund be included in the seven accounts under the Current Expense fund. A,roll call vote showed all oounoilmen in.favor, except councilman Clausen who voted no. A•motion.was made by.00unoilman McGibbonfaand seoonded by councilman Tucker that all funds carried over � the end of the year shall be transferred to the Current ExpenBe,fund and/,re-allooated to the several funds. Aeroll call vote showed McGibbon yes, Tucker yes, Waggoner yes, Siefert no, MoGinness yes, Clausen no and Maxwell yes. Atmotion was made by Counoilman MaGinness and seconded by councilman Waggoner that the payment for covering ogarbage be discontuined. Motion carried. C.ounoilman. MoGinness reported the city buildings.were badly in need of repair. He estimated $700 for painting of buildings., 50 for repair, $250 for a bulk- head and $100 for cleaning of grounds. After the making up of the preliminary budget, the meeting adjourned. City Clerk yor. 'September 21, 1948 The Council met in regular session with mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed all councilmen present. The water collectors and treasurers reports were read. Petitions with approximately 400 names signed on them were read to the city council, requesting the city council to authorize an ordinance forbidding the use of the gambling; devices knwon as punch boards and pin -ball machines within the city of Ildmonds. The City hall was filled with people:who were against the use of punch -boards aid pin-ball,machines, with a few tavern owners who spoke for them. A motion was made by councilman MoGinness and seconded by councilman Waggoner that gLdtibnlan:!proposedDord fancedzpertaining to licensing of punch -boards and pin -ball machinesbe deferred, and that a proposition be submitted to the voters on: Nov.,2nd election,.if possible, or on the city election in December. Said -proposition to determine whether or not the City of Edmonds shall license pin -ball machines and punch -boards as a means of raising revenue. A roll call vote showed all councilman in favor except councilman Tucker who voted. no. A,motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Maxwell " that the. Attorney draw up an Ordinance repealing the ordinance for the use of punch -boards and pin -ball machines. A'roll call vote showed all council men in favor except councilman Tucker who voted no. ARletter was read from L. W. Thompson in regards to the parking of oars from Long Motor Co.,,along First Avenue North between Main,8 Bell streets. This ,was referred to the safety committee by a motion made by councilman McGinness -and seconded by councilman Waggoner. Motion carried. A•letter was read by Councilman McGinness from the Engineer in regards to the extra cost of the seal -coating. A motion was made by councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman McGibbon that this bill be paid. Motion carried. The request of Mr: Hubbard fora light and several loads of gravel for a free parking lot on Fifth Avenue just south of Main street was referred to the street committees by a motion made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Waggoner. Motion carried.