1949-05-10 City Council MinutesMay , 1949 The Council met in regular session with Mayor McGibbon presiding. The roll call showed all councilmen present. The Treasurers report was read. A letter was read from the Puget Sound Power & Light Co., in which they state that two new light directing street lights had been installed on Dayton Street between 5th and,6th, to replace the two open reflector type which were cut out the same day. A letter from the State Health Department and Snohomish County Health Departmentwas read to the Council, advising us that they are not able at the present time to give a written report in regards to the bathing beach until further samples have been taken. A motion was made by councilman M cGinness-ands evonded by Councilman Maxwell that the Clerk write again and ask for a final report about the beach if it is to be closed or opened -for the summer. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman Maxwell that the sprink- ling rates be the same as last year from May 15 to September 15, at the rate of 100 per hundred cubic feet over the minnimum charge. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman Vollan and seconded by councilman McGinness that the Attorney draw up an ordinance so the employees may be paid a.twice a month. Motion carried. A letter was read from Jack Tuell, attorney for the Port of Edmonds, in which he asks for the'City to deed the ferry dock property to the Port, also to assign the lease now in effect betwedn the city and the Puget Sound Navigation company to the Port. A motion was made by Councilman mcGinness and seconded'b y councilman Engels that this be referred to the Committee. Motion carried. The committee to be Attorney Holte, Mayor McGibbon and Council- man Vollan. Councilman Tucker suggested a man be imployed to work on the water Department. A motion was made by councilman Savage and seconded by councilman Tucker that we get the re -approval from the State to use the money from the State matching funds to repair the water department buildings. Motion carried. Councilman Maxwell chairman of the safety committee recommended the following: the purchase of tabs to read from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. and to be installed under the two hour parking signs. This was made a motion by Councilman Maxwell and seconded by Councilman McGinness. Motion carried. 2. The speed limit in alleys to be 10 miles per hour, by a motion made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Vollan. Motion carried. 3E. No parking signs be installed on Main Street from seventh to the east end of grade school building, during school time, by a motion made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Tucker. Motion carried. 4. That the stop signs be eliminated on Third at Dayton street, this was a motion made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilr;an Tucker. Motion carried. 5. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell that the Attorney draw up an ordinance to adopt the state traffic code , seconded by councilman McGinness Motion carried. 6. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell that the Attorney change the city ordinance of dicharging of fire arms to a gross misdemeanor of a fine and jail sentence Second to the motion was made by councilman Engels. Motion -carried. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Engels tf'; the property adjoining the north side of the city park deed 20 feet and the city deed 20 to make a 4o foot public street, for the entire block for street purposes only, exclusive of the sidewalk. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Savage that the City of Edmonds go on daylight saving time to begin June 1. Motion carried. A motion was made day councilman Tucker and s econded by councilman Savage that the City �[ accept the Plat of Mr. Hubbard on Fifth Avenue South -khtch has been named the Homeland (� Addition. Motion carried. There being,,Po further nusin ss the meeting adjourned City Clerk. Mayor June 7, 1,949 The Council met in regular session with Mayor McGibbon presiding. The roll call showed all councilmen present. The water collectors and Treasurers reports were read. A motion was made by councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman Savage to pay Ray McKeever $1.25 per hour for labor on the water department. A vote of the Council showed that this did not carry. A motde made by Councilman Waggoner and seconded by councilman Tucker that the hourly pay orrYY''a''bbor be increased to $1.25 per hogr from the first of June. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Tucker and seconded by Councilman Maxwell that the bills which were approved by the Auditing committee be allowed and warrants be drawn on the proper funds. motion carried. 1 1 1