1950-01-03 City Council MinutesA motion was made by councilman Waggoner and seconded by councilman Maxwell that this extention b.e, approved not .to exceed $5000 providing the, loan.Vill be granted., Motion carried. There:b eing no furtheret business the meeting adjour City Clerk _ Mayor. January 3, 1950 The Council met for its regular session with Mayor McGibbon presiding. The roll call showed the•,following councilmen present.,Vollan, Tucker, Waggoner,,McGinness, Engels, Maxwell and Savage. The Water Collector report was read. A motion was made by Councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Tucker that the bills which were approved by the auditing committee be allowed and warrants be drawn on the proper funds. Motion carried. A motion was.made by%Councilman Maxwell and-s'econded by councilman Savage that Ord- p/'!.r-e�y� inance No. 598 approving the assessment roll for L. I. D. #63, be'passed and published. - Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Waggoner that the Suburban Transportation,Co.,,be notified that -due to the dissatification of the property oweners, the bus Zone willbe discontinued -at its present location within 30 days. Motion carried. Councilman Tucker reported that on December 22the contractor had abondoned the site fordrilling at the city park:- He also- stated that Mr. Woodrull asked''$4000 for one acre of his property,,and"Mr.- Kugler asked -for $2000 for''one acre of property; A motion was-made.by Councilman 'Tucker,and--seconded-by Councilman Maxwell that the Attorney draw up a lease to conform with the oral statement of Mr. Kugler for a 96 day lease for $5 with the option to buy the property, -not to exceed $2000.--Motion 'carried. Councilman�Tucker reported on • the•'cost- of several projects for- the' replacing of mains Project #1 Hannah Park and Front street tie in; -350 feet of, inch pipe $350.00 Labor (machine) ­350:00 ' Fittings 212.45 912. Eront and Third St. tie in 1000 ft. 6 inch pipe 1500.00 Labor (machine ditching) 1000:00 Fittings 274*',55 • 2774.5-5 Total of Project #1 $3687.00 Project #2 Sprague street from 9th tO 10 street 600 feet 6 inch pipe 1-900.00 Labor (Machine -ditching) 600.00 Fittings 2390'55 Total Project # 2 1739-55 .A motion was made by councilman Tucker. and seconded ]py Councilman Waggoner that the Supt. be authorized to rent a ditch digging -Machine -on these projects, the cost to be within $5000. Motion carried. t . � • I _1 Councilman Tucker-d1so reported it,•was not necessary to install fore pipe on Daley street at this time. _ o : _ M... Max Meyring asked to have three monuments installed in the';street's for surveyors marks which would cost $15 a piece. • No action•, ii+ras ''taken. ` Attorney Holte reported the Ordinance for had been prepared by the Attorneys and was ready for its adoption. A motion was made by Councilman Tucker and seconded by Councilman Maxwell that Ordinance No. 597 be adopted and published. Passed by d unaminous vote of the Council. Motion carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. January 11, 1950 i The Council met or a special meeting with Mayor McGibbon and the folowing Councilmen present Vollan, Tucker, Waggoner, Engels, Maxwell and Savage.