1950-02-21 City Council MinutesA motion was made by councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman Maxwell that a warrant be drawn for $200 to Mr. Davison.for the balance on the option fee, for the property for drilling.of the well. Motion carried. Mayor McGibbon reported that the Union Oil Co., asks to use Third Avenue, so their trucks may get into their plant, that they are willing to make any repairs to the street for any damage done. A motion was made by councilman Waggoner and seconded by councilman Vollan that the Mayor issue,special permits in wtiting to anyone wanting to use the streets.- Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and se,conded,.by councilman Vollan that posts with reflectors be placed at Sixth and Main and at -Ninth and Main..streets. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman Tucker and. seconded by councilman:Engels that the street Committee draw up plans for street improvements. A vote showed this did not carry. A motion was made by councilman Savage and seconded by councilman Waggoner that the water and street committee make a report on sheet grading and water lines,. -Where streets do no now exist. Motioncarried. " Councilman Waggoner reported the ParktBdardp has been offered 25 Native trees. These trees will be planted on the South five acres in the City Park at no cost to the City. A motion was made by councilman Vaggoner andseconded by councilman Tucker that the house numbering be referred to the street committee. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman Waggoner and seconded by councilman Tucker that the Clerk notify the people to remove their boats that are -stored at the foot of Bell street within thirty days. Potion carried. There being no further busines .the meeting adjou ed City Clerk Mayor .._ February 21•, 1950 The Council met for the regular session with Mayor McGibbon presiding. The roll call .showed the following councilmen present Vollan., ,Tucker., Waggoner,.McGinness, Engels, Savage and Maxwell. The Treasurers report was read. A letter was read from property owners on Fourth Avenue from.Dayton to Walnut Street in which they state their objection to.a sub -station, which is to be,erected by P. U. t. #1. A motion was made by councilman Tucker and seconded by Council- man Savage.that a Representative of the P. U. D. be invited to attend a special meeting to discuss their structual'plans for'same. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by Councilman Savage that an amendment to this motion be added that a building permit is required. A vote on the amendment showed it carried. A vote on the motion was carried. A letter was read from the Edmonds Chamber of Commerce in which they ask that the shrubbery around the City Hall be removed and it be replaced by a lawn. A motion wads made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman McGinness this be referred to the Park Board for consideration. Motion carried. A motion was maee by councilman Tuaker and seconded by Councilman Maxwell that the property at the Northeast Corner of Seventh and Daley Street be rezoned to the Residential Zone. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Tucker and seconded by Councilman McGinness that the Council authorize the construction of a six inch main of i50 feet on Daley street from Seventh Street East. Motion carried.. Counci-I anTucker reported that the drilling equipment had been moved to the new well site and drilling would start within a few days. Councilman Maxwell reported that Mel Tuson wanted the bus zone in front of his establishment. A.motion was made by Councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Savage that the bus zone be estanlished in front of the Grill on hiiain Street between Fourth and Fifth Avenue, 50 feet Nest from the alley effective immediatbly. Motion carried. The Street committee recommended that the house numbering be left as it is instead of changing to a number for every 30 feet. Mr. Morse asks to have Second Avenue extended to the'North City limits. A motion was made by Councilman Vollan and seconded -by councilman Engels that this be referred to the street committee for a report to be'brought in for the next Tuesday meeting. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman Savage that Don Lawson be appointed to the head of all departments at a salary of $285. Motion carried. Mayor McGibbon reported that all labor must be done by the crew, the Clerk wasa akkdd to notify Cleve Little -of the Park Board of this. 1 1 1 1 A motion was made by Councilman Tucker and seconded by Councilman Waggoner that bids for a pick-up truck be rrdferred to the water committee. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by Councilman Waggoner that the Engineer establish the grade on Alder Street between Fifth Arid Sixth Avenues. Motiion carried. There being no urther business e meeting adjourned. ity Clerk Mayor February 28, 1950 The Council met for a special session with Mayor McGibbon presiding. The roll aall showed the following councilmen present.Vollan, Tucker, Waggoner, McGinness, Maxwell and Savage. This was the date set for a representative of the P. U. D. to be present at the council meeting to discuss their plans for a new sub -station on fourth Avenue South. After some discussion and talk with.two property owners present and Mr. Shaw, representative of the P. U. D. a motion was made by Councilman Waggoner and seconded by councilman Tucker that the P..U. D. be given permission to erect a sub -station on Fourth avenue, under section 11, of the Building code. Motion carried by a unaminous vote of the Council. A motion was made by Councilman McGinness and seconded by Councilman Waggoner that the P. U. D. be requested to submit to the Council a list of their installation for approval Motion.carried. Mr. Evans asked to have theSouthwestcorner of Fifth and Howell way rezoned for business purposes. Hearing for this was set for Tuesday March 7. A letter was read from Philip Smart in which he states he would like to purchase 15 feet of lot 30 in,Block 121. Mayor bcGibbon appointed a committee of McGinness, Maxwell and Tucker to report on this as soon as possible. Mayor McGibbon reported he had a visit with Roy Sorensen, and he asked for reconsideration on the bus zone. Mr. Crow stated he was willing to have the bus zone in front of his place of business on Fifth Avenue South. A motion was made by councilman Tucker that the bus zone be changed back to its previous location on Fifth Avenue. Councilman withdrew his motion. A.motion was made by Councilman Savage that the bus zone be established in front of Edmonds Mot6r Co. No second to the motion. Councilman Tucker made a motion to°recind his previous motion to transfer the bus zone to Main street. A motionwas made by councilman McGinness and seconded by coun(tilman Tucker that his previous motion for the bus zone to be in front of the Grill on Main street be recinded, and it be changed to Fifth Avenue in front of Crow Hardware and the existing waiting station be removed. A roll call vote showed. Vollan no, Tucker yes, Waggoner no, McGinness. no, Maxwell no and S gage yes. There being 4 nos and 2 yes Councilman Tucker made a motion to table it until the next meeting, Savage seconded the motion. A roll call vote showed Vollan no, Tucker yes, Waggoner no, McGinness yes, Maxwell no, and Savage no. There Bing a vote of 4 nos and 2 yes A motion was made by councilman Vollan and seconded by Cuuncilman Tucker that the action of the bus zone to be in fron of the Grill be recinded. A roll call vote showed Vollan yes, Tucker yes, Waggoner no, McGinness no, Maxwell no, and Savage yes. There being 3 yes and 3 no a decission was made for the bus zone to be in front of the Grill. The Street committee recommended the extending of Second.Street from Edmg@48 dtKV@�u�ofp North City limits also Fourth Avenue from Walnut to the South City limits an�AJames street to Dayton Street. A motion was made by councilir_an Tucker to allow the Mayor to obtain Quit -Claim deeds for streets on these pieces of property. Motion withdrawn. A motion was made by Councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Waggoner that the following streets be extended, Second Avenue from Edmonds street to North city limits, Fourth Avenue from Walnut street to the South City limits, and Second Avenue frost James street to Dayton Street, for a 60 foot right of way and the Mayor be given the power to obtain the quit -claim deeds. Motion carried. James Long came before the Council and stated the Army would like special permission to place the sign on the sidewalk . A motion was made by,councilman Waggoner and seconded by Councilman McGinness that this be feferred to the safety committee. Motion carried. A motion -was made by councilman Vollan and seconded by councilman Tucker that the street known as the North City limits,street FromaFirst Avenue to Seventh Avenue be named Casper Street and a resolution be drawn up for same. Motiion carried. A motion was made by councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman Waggoner that the Clerk call for bid a gggw t�ruc� has er specifications drawn up) with a trade in of the present truc,�'`ids �oe opene 'Tuesday March 7. Pjton- arried. There being no further busin s the meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor