19520115 City Council Minutes1 1 1 A motion was made by councilman Holmquist and seconded by councilman'Maxtivell that the Clerk notify our present Insurance Agency to extend our insurance coverage until February 1. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman Holmquist that we call for bids on our blanket insurance to begin Februarry 1, bids to be opened January 15, 1952. Motion carried. A motion was made by cluncilman Adaxwell and seconded by councilman Engels that ic`i< Supt. Lawson be authorized to install a cathl7 basin at Fourth and Howell17ay. Tnotion carried. A motion was made by council an Tucker and seconded by councilman Holmquist that the sewer report made by Carey and Kramer several montAs ago be adopted unless some specific reason be brought -up by the Council to change it. Councilman asked that this be tabled. Mayor McGibbon referred the to the street committee and the Engineer to make a report on January 15. A motion was made by councilaan Tuson and seconded by councilman Vollan that our next meeting be January 2nd instead of the First which is a Holiday. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman Maxwell that the Clerk write a letter to Postmaster Sorensen and ask for'information in regards to mail carrier service within the City. Motion carried.. and Councilmen Voll chairman Qf FodeL& zot;ning Committee Mayot McGibbon instructed Supt.' Lawsorinto institute ac inn in regards o e buildings on the Mr. Armes property. There b eing no further business the meeting adjourned. ` January 2, 1952 The Council met for its regulaa session with Mayor McGibbon presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen prevent Holmquist, Tucker, Tuson, Engels, Vollan, Maxwell and Miller. The water collectors report was read. A motion was made by councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman Tuson that the bills which were approved by the auditing committee be allowed and warrants be drawn on the proper funds. Motion carried. A letter was read from Postmaster Otto Sorensen, in which he states we will have a Postal Inspector here the first week in Janua* to check the houses and streets for postal service. A letter was read from the Pollution Control Commission approving the plans for a sewer for L. I. D. #65. A letter was read from E.B. and C. E. Van Auker in which they ask for permission to dump effluent from septic tanks in the'city sewers, they agree to pay $15 per month per truck for this service. Amotion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Tucker that permission be granted these men and that $15 per truck per month, be charged with license to dump into our sever at second and Dayton street. Motion carried. Al Braddt asks for a lease to the property he now pays rent for to the City. A motion was made by councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman Maxwell that this matter be referred to the Street.committee and Attorney Holte to report on at the first meeting in February. Motion car ried. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Tucker -that the Clerk call'for bids for a new car for the Police Department. The car is to be a four door sedan with equipment as specified, bids to be opened February 5. Motion carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. �7" i City Clerk Mayor January 15, 1952 The Council met for its regular session with Mayor McGibbon presiding. The roll Call showed the following councilmen present Holmquist, Tucker,.Tuson, Vollan, Engels, Maxwell and Miller. The Treasurers report was read. The Clerk reported Postmaster Otto Sorensen stated the Postal Inspector has made his check in the City of Edmonds for mail carrier service and his report has been sent to Washington for approval. One bid was received for the blanket insurance for the City of Edmonds, from General American Company, in the amount of $470.81 for one year. A motion was made by Councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman Holmquist that we accept this bid With E. B. Hubbard agent.for..the.insurance...Motion carried. The question of parrying -fire and theft insurance on the Fire... truck was brought up to the council. A motion was made by councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman Holmquist that the contract for oil for the City Hall be given to Louie May for the rest of this year, at .115 per gallon, with the stipulation -that the council shift this account from one merchant to another, O v d n9-'-*, d4rices are the same. Motion carried. Attorney Holte reported several itaams for the lode committee,that a person moving buildings must have a city license, he must have an indemity bond of $25,000, also a permit to move each house, and he must pay $25 for an inspectionfee, which will be refunded to him after theittspettim charge is paid from it, also that a building 8 % 12 or larger that is to be moved, must have a building permit before a moving permit is obtained. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded ' by councilman Tuson that this recommendation be adopted. Motion carried. Also as Mr. Armes has done nothing to the building which he took out a building permit for it was recommended that he obtain another permit with his pUms for this building. It was also recommended that the building at Main and Sunset avenue be removed as it is a hazard. It was also recommended that the State safety code for blasting be adopted with the requirment of a permit and indemity bond. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Vollan that this report be accepted and that blasting be a part of our city code. Motion carried. Councilman Tucker reported for the water committee of a change in water rates, by making the rate $4450'for two month plus tax and giving the rebate of 500 if bill is paid by the 15th'of the month, also a change`of the 40 rate to 80.9 and that the sprinkling rate be the sgme for the home user as the commercial user, if he gets up in the higher bracket . A motion was made by councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman Engels that this recommendation be adopted and an ordinance be drawn up. Motionccarried. A motion was made by councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman Maxwell that the Water Supt. install two hydrants.on Ninth Avenue South, the Fire Chief to be consulted in regards to their placing. Motion carried. In regards to #the leasing the street property to,Al Brandt, Councilman Tuson reported .that the Street Department does not have the power to lease the street. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Holmquist that we accept the sewer report made by Carey and•Kramer. Motion carried. Mayor McGibbon reported that the salaries for 1952 as follows; the street and -water Supt. salary $350, Asst. Supt. on water $330, Asst. Supt. for street, $310, Chief of Police $330 and the Patrolman $305. This was made a motion by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Miller. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and secondedby councilman Vollan that the bus.zone be marked and a post be installed next to the light pole by breaking the sidewalk. Motion carried. -- , There being'nofurther bus ess the meeting adjourned. City C e Mayor February 5, 1952 The Council met for its regular session with Mayor McGibbon presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present Tushker, Vollan; Engels, Maxwell and Mill er. The water collectors report was read. Two letters were read asking for street lights, one at the foot of Bell street, the other for better lighting on Sunset Avenue between Edmonds and Casper street. A letter was read from.the P. U. D. gifing'the locations of lights which have been installed. The Clerk was asked to write to the company thanking them for their co-ope ration in the installation of the lights. A letter was read kom the Library Board in which they ask for the approval of Paul McGibbon for reappointment to a five year term on the Library Board. A motion was -made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Miller that this reappoint- ment be approved. Motion carried. A letter was received from Rex Willis in mhich he states he would like to purchase the west 12 feet of lot 20 less the south five feet, and the west 12 feet of lot 21 less the north five feet in block 41. A motion was made by councilman Tucker and seconded"by councilman Maxwell that this be referred to the finance committee. Motion carried. Attorney Holte reported he had received a letter from MZS,Kinsey stating her building at First and .Main. street would be removed by May 1.