19540615 City Council MinutesSection 4. That a copy of therRezolution be sent to Bertha Womer, Widow of W. W.•Womer. Paul McGibbon, Mayor Attest. Anita.Busch, City Clerk. A motion was made by councilman Kincaid and seconded by councilman Bishop that Mayor McGibbon sign the contract with Public Utility #r`1 for additional transformal rental, which was caused from oonnecti.ng the pump at ninth and Main street, in the amount of 03.49. Motion carried, A motion was made by councilman Bishop and seconded by councilman Talen that Attorney Holte check the two benifit acts for the firemen pension and death benefits. Motion carried. Attorney Holte was asked to ascertain whether or not Mr. Hubbard owned the property south of Homeland drive at the time the City accepted the plat of Homeland Drive. There bein no further bus' ess the meeting adjourned. City Clerk ayor - June 15, 1954 The Council met for its regular session with Coiincilmari.Maxwell serving as Mayor in the absence of Mayor McGibbon. The roll call showed the following councilmen present Tuson, Talen, Kincaid, Maxwell, Bishop and McGinness. _ The Treasurers report for the month of May was read to the Council. Attorney Holte reported on Mr. Hubbard's property, stating that the sewer was put in the same .time he put in the sewer for Homeland Drive, but the papers were not signed for the purchase of the property until six or eight.months after the City accepted the plat of Homeland Drive. The water committee recommended we call for bids for the South Edmonds sewer, the engineer having completed the plans and sppeification June 21. Bids to be opened July 6,.this was made a motion by councilman Kincaid with a second from councilman Ilkwekl• Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman Talen and seconded by councilman McGinness'that any request fora reduction on a water bill must be in writing or they must appear before the Council in person. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Bishop that the amendment to the city code Chlopter 7 Article 2 section 7-2.03 changing the time of connecting to the sewer from six month to 60 days, be adopted. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Talen that the Mayor; Clerk and Tregsurer execute the depository agreement with the Bank. Motion "carried. After the report from Attorney Holte in regards to connection the Alderwood Water District to our water system, stating that,we will be charged 11¢ for the water, and the connection will cost us under VOO, a motion was made by councilman -Kincaid and seconded by councilman Bishop to authorize Attorney Holte to reply to the Attorney of Alderwood Water District accepting their proposal as outlined. Motion carried, and second d by councilman Kinc id A motion was made by councilman-McGinness that the �hairman of the Park odrd have the park in condition for the `fourth og Jy. Motion carried. r A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Bishop that the Attorney draw up an emergency Ordinance establishing a.sidewalk Revolving Fund in the :Amount of $3000, for the purpose of establishing sidewalk improvements, MOtion carried. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Kincaid that the Supt. have the streets mowed before the Fourth of July. Motion carried. Therebeing no further busines the meeting adjourned. City rk r, pro tem July 6, 1954 The Council met for its regular sessionwith Councilman Maxwell serving as Mayor. The roll call showed the following councilmen present Tuson, Talen, Kincaid,, Maxwell, Bishop and McGinness. Ten bids were received and opened for the sewer in South Edmonds, L. I. D. #74