19540803 City Council MinutesA, motion was made by councilman Kincaid and seconded by councilman Talen that Mr. Hubbard property, just south of Homeland Drive, be excluded from the L. I. D. Motion carried. Still Mr. Hubbard did not sign"the Easement. A motion was made by councilman Bishop and seconded by councilman Kincaid that this matter be tabled until we obtain more information in regards to' this matter. a roll call vote showed Tuson no, Talen yes, Kincaid yes, Bishop yes, Maxwell no, and McGinness no. Motion lost. A motion was made by councilman McGinness andseconded by councilman Tuson that this matter b e referred to the water committee for an immediate settle m6nt, a roll call vote showed Tuson yes, Talen no, Kincaid no, Bishop no vote, Maxwell no, and McGinness yes. A motion was made by councilman Kincaid and seconded by councilman Talen that Mayor McGibbon be authorized to negiotate with Mr. Hubbard and report a final conclusion. Motion carried." Engineer Reid report that construction on the sewer started -July 19. Got6dilmah-,..MdI3innb'8s('repor.:ted�}a"ndT parki&g schedule for the down town ama, by parallel parking, -fifteen mile speed limit and one traffic on certain streets Mayor McGibbon appointed Warren Bishop, Herman,.!Safer";Sproule McGinness and Bill Crow to work on this problem. July 22, 1954 The Council met for the adjourned meeting with Mayor McGibbon nppresiding. Mayor McGibbon reported he hds discussed the sewer matter with Mr. Hubbard for abo4 an hour, and came to an agreement that he is willing to arbitrate for any damage done by the sewer. A motion was made by councilman Kincaid that the property owned by Mr. Hubbard be excluded from the L. I. D. provided he gives us an easement for the sewer at no expense to the city. Motion lost for want of a second. A motion was m ade by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Tuson that we reconsider taking this property from the L. I. D._,. Motion carried. . A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Maxwell to recind ,the motion excluding Mr. Hubbard property from the L. I. D. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Maxwell that all easements not granted by Wednesday, Attorney Holte should start condenmations proceedings. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Kincaid that the Supt. be authorized to install a four inch pipe line on Edmonds street, approxinately 300 feet east of seventh avenue, with a hydrant if necessary. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman Kincaid and seconded by councilman Maxwell that 360 feet of six inch pipe be installed on Olympic AvengS from Daley stribet north to Glen street and600 feet of four inch pipe be instglleIeon Glen street, with 'the hydrants to be placed under the direction �f Fire Chief AsteII.- Motion carried. Councilman Maxwell reported a new water line was requested on Alder street between ninth and Eleventh avenues to replace the two inch main now in use. This was referred to the water committee. Mayor,McGibbon reporA�d his committee -recommended we do not change from the 501000 to $100000 estimat�nSfi the sewer project.cHetasked the Engineer to bring in a break -down of his costs. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Tuson that the Fire Department be authorized to purchase a new fire sirene at a cost of $550. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Kincaid that the Safety Committee be empowered to negmtiate with the Telephone Company in regards to the installation of the fire 4, atmLsystem, as dial telephone will be in use in November. Motion carried. There being n further busines the meeting a journe . City Clerk Mayor August 3, 1954 The Council met,for its regular session with Mayor McGibbon presiding.. The roll call showed the following councilmen present Tuson, Talen, Kincaid, Maxwell and Bishop. ,The water collectors report was read to the Council, also the report from the State Examiner, covering a examination for a period from April 1, 1952 to March 31, 1954. ,The Clerk' made a re f pgrt to the.Counci� the expenditures and receipts for the City h received for the first six months of 1954. 1 1 1 A motion was made by councilman Bishop and seconded by councilman Talon that the bills that were approved:by the auditing committee be allowed and warrants be drawn on the proper funds. Motion carried. interest Pa—�• A motion was"made by councilman Kincaid and seconded by councilman Bishop'thattwarrant No. 3 be issued to Metcalf & Thompson for $3469.47, for estimate #1 on L. I. D. # 4. Motion carried. A letter was read to :the, council from the Quick Cab taxi asking to change their stand now in front of his home on second avenue to Main street in front of Edmonds Tavern, and a letter from Richard H. Keeble for a permit to operate a taxi in Edmonds. Because", four ii6enses17have'been §sued'•-C6uncilman,-'Ma36�#1.1,'reeoimnended the Mayor appoint a committee to check and report at the next meeting. Mayor McGibbon app&inted Al Holte,•Al �on-rthis Kincaid�kLouis Talon on this committee. A letter was read to the council in regards to inadequite water on Walnut street from tenth to Eleventh - Avenue. This was referredto the water committee Mr. Morse came before the council in regards to opening up second avenue, he stated if the city would cleanup the property on the north and grade second avenue, he would put the gravel on the street. This was referred to the street committee. A motion was made by c }mac ar 1 sec�neb',,�� councilman Tuson that Emergency Ordinance #65 "be P;nan pu i9hed. ro"Y1 call vote showed Tusorj;:yes, ..Talen yes, Kincaid.yesj�"ell yes and Bishop yes. A motion was made by councilman Tuson and seconded by councilman Talon that Em. Ord. # 655, for a sidewalk revelving Fund for $3000 be passed and published. •A roll call vote showed Tuson yes, Talon yes, Kincaid yes, Maxwell yes and Bishop yes. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Talen that the Street committee be authorized, in conjunction with the Engine'er,to draw up specifica- tions for sidewalk construction and replacement. Motion carried. The Clerk was asked to noti.%r�Mr suchthhat-he did not conform with our city (codef- L-Fs in regards to the bond/Eiat is requ ed. A motion was made by councilman Kincaid and seconded by councilman Maxwell that the contractor on L. I. D. #74 be authorized to use washed gravel in place of pit -run gravel as authorized by the Engineer. Motion carried. Therebeing o further bus' ss the meeting adjou ed. ` ity Clerk Mayor August 17, 1954 The Council met in regular session with Mayor McGibbon presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present: Tuson; Talen, Kincaid, and McGinness. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The Treasureris report was read and approved.' y A Mr. Cowan and a Mr. Chas. E. Ingram representing Mutual of Cmaha on a group health plan whereby the participants authorized payroll deductions, presented such a plan for approval to the City Council.. Councilman Talen moved and Councilman McGinness seconded that if five or more City employees desired to avail themselves of this group health plan and gave written authorization or request to the Council for the withholding of the premiums from their salaries and wages, that the Council authorize the same. Motion carried.-.-, There was a report by the committee composed of Councilmen Kincaid and Talen and Attorney Holte, with Councilman Kincaid the chairman reporting, concerning the question as to whether or not we should authorize an additional taxi cab license 'and other matters concerning the Code provisions relating to licensing of taxi cabs. On the recommendation of the Committee report, Councilman Kincaid moved and Council- man Talen seconded that at this time we would not change the City code and'add an additional taxi cab license as it was felt that there was no need for an additional license at this time. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilman Talen that there be no taxi cab stand provided for on Main Street in front of the Edmonds Tavern and that the City Clerk notify Mr. Johnson of this decision. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilman Talen that the City Attorney be instructed to'prepare an amendment to the section of the City code which relates to taxi cabs and incorporate in the said amendments provisions setting standards for: