19540921 City Council Minutesthat we would accept a plat of the property between Casper Street and Edmonds Street, provided, he dedicated a 50-foot right-of-way for 2nd Avenue extended. Motion carried. The report on the proposed storm sewer project was referred to the Water Committee for recommendation and report at the next Council meeting, and the report on the City sewage treatment plant was referred to the Water Committee for report and recommendation at the next Council meeting. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, 1 r 0. 'Hof ' erk Pro Ten Mayor Spptember 7, 1954 The Council met for its regular session with Mayor McGibbon presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present Tuson, Talen, Kincaid, Maxwell, McGinness and Bishop... Thw water Collectors report was read to.the Council Mr. Huseby came before the Council in regards to changing the heating system in the library." A letter was read from the proprietors of Edmonds Tavern asking for a cabaret license. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Tuson that a cabaret license be issued to Edmonds Tavern. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Tuson that the license that has been issued to Up and Up Tavern be approved. Motion carried A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by Councilman Talen that interest bearing warrant #4 for 013,489.46, for contractors estimate #2, be issued to Metaclf & Thompson. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by Councilman Bishop that the mills which were approved by Auditing committee be allowed and warrants be drawn on the proper funds. Motion carried. Mayor McGibbon received a letter from the Presiddnt of the Chamber of Commerce in which Atf'states the Business People are in favor of the two hour parking in the down town streets if it were mnforced 'on was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded ¢o4hc�e by councilman McGinness that we amendo hour parking 6nn Main street from Sixth avenue to the Railroad, Fourth avenue from Dayton to Bell Street, Fifth Avenue from Maple to Bell street, to be enforced when property posted. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded �y councilman Maxwell that the McGinness proposal be referred to the planning commission. Motion carried. After Mayor McGibbon read a phamplet from the Assoc. of Wash. cities in � gards to changing electing dfe attorney and City Clerk in third class cities to an appointed office, a motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Bishop that the Mayor answer this request in the affirmative. Motion carried. The Meeting recessed until Monday evening to work on the budget. The Council met for its recessed nesting with Mayor McGibbon presiding with the following councilmen present Tuson, Talen, Kincaid, Maxwell, Bishop and McGinness. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Maxwell that the proposed preliminary plat of the Morse addition be accepted. Motion ca ied. The Council proceeded to make u the preliminary r ' p p p d budget. after severals�being spent on it,the m ting adjourned the budget tobe c plete t it ext re ar eeting. City Clerk Mayor September 21, 1954 The Council met for its regular session with'Mayor McGibbon presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present, Tuson, Talen, Kincaid, Maxwell, Bishop, and McGinness. The Treasurers report was read to the Council and approved. A letter was read to the council from Walt Payne in regards to the street grade on Daley street between seventh and ninth avenues.This was taken care of by the Engineer. 1 A letter was read from Ann Austin about a drainage condition. at Seventh & Spruce. This was referred to the street committee for investigation. .A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Talen that we call for bids for a used half ton Pick up truck for the water department. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded, by councilman Bishop that the no parking on Main street, notth of the grade school, be extended another 100 feet east and west from the corner on seventh avenue. Motion carried. The Council proceeded to complete the preliminary Budget for 1955. There bein no further bus' ess the meeting a djou City Clerk October 4, 1954 The Council met for fixing the Budget for 1955. Because of the absence of Mayor McGibbon, who was on the sick list Councilman Maxwell served as mayor protem, with the following councilmen present. Tuson, Talen, KincaiU, Maxwell, Bishop, & Mcginness. Aftercoonsiderable time being spent on reducing the budget to meet the 15mills -8.5 mills for the Current Expense fund .35 mills for the General Sewer fund 6.15 mills for the street fund, and 1 mill for the special levy'for the fire truck and one mill for the L. % D. Guarantee fund, that Ordinance No. 656 the Budget Ordinance be passed and }published, by a motion made by councilman Tuson and a second from councilman Bishop. :Motion carried. October 5, 1954. TheCouncil met for its regular session with Councilman°Maxwell serving as Mayor protem, and the following Councilmen present Tuson, Talen, Kincaid, and Bisho� Mr. Bonney came before the Council in regards'to a group insurance plan for the city employees. A.letter was from Mr. Grimes invhich he stat6s that he has property at Fifth & Edmonds and it is his desire to sell this property to the City for a Fire House. A letter was read from Mr. Note in regards to the condition of his street, this was referred to the streetcommittee for consideration. A motion was made by councilman Bishop and seconded by councilman Talen that the bills which were approved by the auditing committee be allowed.and warrants be drawn on the proper funds. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman Kincaid and seconded'byeouncilman Tuson that estimate #3, in the amount of $b133428.42, L.. I. D. #74 be approved and interest bearing warrant #5 be issued, to Metealf & Thompson. Motion carried. One bid was received for a 12 ton truck,` which was from Edinonds Motor Co., a new 1954 for $1455.90 also a used G. M. C. 4 ton truck, 1949 for $673.10. A motion was �de b councilman Kincaid and seconded by councilman McGinness that to accepInefY e used truck, for the waterdepartment. Motion carried. The City Clerk was instructed to tell Floyd Nissen to have the necessary repairs made to the street truck. A motion was made by councilman Tuson and seconded by councilman Kincaid that the present plan for a tunnel construction from the High School Building to the new building acrosn thb street be disapproved, tour Engineer and street committee were a sked to meet with the Architect on the job to work out a suitable revised plan. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman McGinness that a policy be established on segregation'of assessments on L. I. D. assessment rolls,, that the expense for this segregation be borne by the person requesting the segregation. Motion carried. A- motion was made by councilman Kincaid and seconded by councilman Talen that the addition to the city Code setting up the Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund Act be published.;. M �tion carried. s A motion was made by councilman Kincaid and seconded by councilman Bishop: that the Treasurer borrow $379.00 from the L. I. D. Guarantee fund to be put in the Sidwwalk Construction Fund. Motion carried. Therebein no further bus' ss the meeting -adjourned. n Cityl iCl erk ayor V