19541102 City Council MinutesOctober 19, 1954 The Council met for its regular session with Eayncilman Maxwell serving as Mayor Protem, in the absence of Mayor McGibbon. The following Councilmen were present Tuson, Kincaid, Mam well Bishop and McGinness. The water collectors report was read to the Council and approved. The Treasureres report was read to the Council and approved. A letter was read from the County Auditor in which they ask for a certification of the election for the Fire truck which was held November 1952, this togas turned over to Attorney Holte for an answer. A letter was read from Brother of Christ, was also turned over to the attorney .. .....for answering. A�letter was read from Harry Squires, also a bond for $1000 accompanied the letter, dskingcfor,^a^permitz-to-Imakel.sewbrcoonnections. A motion was made by councilaman McGinness and seconded by councilman Kincaid that the Engineer approveuthis . application before he does any work or the license issued. Motion carried. A petition was received for the'mmprovement of the alley in Block 120. This -was -Referred to the Attorney for checking of the names. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Tuson that the Attorney be instructed to draw up a resolution of Intention`'brl the. ordinance setting up L. I. D. #75. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Tuson that November 2 be set for an unofficial hearing for the proposed L. I. D. Motion carried. Bud Palmer came before the Council and explainadthe Fire Alarm System, to the Councilmhe stated when the dial system is put in effect there will be dight.eephones and two extentionp, at no cost to the City. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Kincaid.that the fire alarm system as outlined by Mr. Palmer, Supervisor -from the West Coast Telephone Co.,.be approved and the Telephone Company be authorized to make the installation after a written conformation of the proposal is received. Motion carried. The Clerk was ask edrtoetirite-v..t6-tMr. Grimes and find out how much he wants for his property at Fifth and Edmonds. The letterfrom Mr. Frederickson in regards to a water line was referred to the water committee. The letterfrom Bob Krieger asking for a license to operati a taxi cab was ordered to be put on file. & motion was made by councilman McGifiness and seconded by councilman Tuson that the preliminary plat. of Mr. Weston's be approved. Motion carried. Mayor protem Maxwell reported°that the two parties on Seventh Avenue requesting that something be done about the drainage problem, stated that nothing could be done until the sewer has been completed. The,streetdepartment was authorized to install 40 feet of 'culvert pipe across seventh avenue and Hemlock. A motion was made by c„„uncUman McGinness and seconded by councilman Tuson that Mr. -Cochran and contracto�''e barred from obtaining a building permit until he has fulfilled his past obligations with the City of Edmonds'. Motion carried A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Kincaid that Engineer Reid be paid the balance due him on L. I. D. 73. Motion carried. Therebein no further business the meeting adjb&nec�. City Clerk Mayor November 2, 1954 The Council metfor its regular session with Mayor McGibbon presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present Tuson, Talen, Kincaid, Maxwell, Bishop and McGinness. The wateroollectors report was read to the council. A motion was made by councilman Tuson*and seconded by -councilman McGinness that estimate A, for $12,355.38, for L. 1. D.#74 be allowed and interest bearing warrant #6 be issued. Motion carried. A- motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Talen that -the bills which were approved by the auditing committee be allowed and warrants be dream on the proper funds. Motion carried. A letter was read from Dr. L. A.. Vanables, Chairman of Snoho];Lish County, for Wash. Association for Retarded Children, in which he states Everett is having a "Tag Day Sale" on Nov 20, and they would like to have our permission to have a 'tTag Day" in Edmonds on Nov. 20, This permission was granted by a motion made by Councilman Talen and seconded by councilman McGinness. Motion carried. A letter was read from the West Coast Telephone Company. This is in answer to the request from the council at their last meeting. a motion was made by Councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Maxwell that this letter be typewritten in the minutes of the council meeting. Motion carried. The letter is as follows: Mayor Paul McGibbon, City of Edmonds, October 25, 1954 ,Edmonds, Washington. Dear Sir: This is to confirm the arrangements made between Mr. Gordon Maxwell, Mr. James Astell, and Mr. John Gilday of this company, relative to the establishment of a Fire Alarm and Siren Control System for the City of Edmonds.• The Company will install this Fire Alarm system so that it will be in working condition prior to November 14, 1954. This system will consist of a main line service with seven outside extentions, each station equipped with a push button which will activate the siren. The stations and two loud ringing bells involved in this system gill, be installed at the locations designated by Mr. Astell, Fire Chief. The telephone number assigned to this system is Greenwood 1212. Because of the technical difficulties involved in establishing this service, it will. be necew,sary that a portion of this equipment be installed at the Fire Hall in Edmonds. Ths space requirement will be approximately-2 X 3 feet, and a 110 volt AC power supply will be necessary.. The above described system will be installed and maintained by the West Coast Telephone Company free of charge. However, should it be necessaf'r atsome future time to to move one of the outside extentions and construction be necessary, our regular tariff rates will apply. Should we be able to accomplish a move without the necessity df construction, this move will be accomplished -free of charge. If there are any further questions regarding this arrangement, please do not hestitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, Lloyd E. Wallgren, District Manager. Attorney Holte reported that a taxi cab license is not transferrable. A motion was made by councilman McGinness that the request from Mr. Krieger, for a taxi cab license be referred to the Safety committee. A number of people came tothecouncil meeting for the hearing on the improvement of the Alley between 5th and 6th in Block 120. The people were given a price of $45 a lot if the work is done in conjunction with the paving of the parking lot at the east end of the alley. The Engineer reported a cost of approx. $70 per lot. The street c ommittee recommended that the water from the parking lot 'be• converted into the street. A motion was made by councilman McGinness that we ask the Engineer for a recommendation. Mayor JAcGibbon is to contact him. '-A motion was made by councilman Mc innea6and seconded by councilman Talen that 'Attorney Holte draw up a resolution: of'Intention for the improvement of the alley between fifth and Sixth avenues in Block 120, also the alley in Block D, and the alley between Fourth & Fifth in Block B. 90 % of the cost to be borne by the property orners and 10%_by the City. Motion .carried. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Tuson that Attorney Holte draw up a resolution of Intention for Storm sewers to take care of the drainage water from the property in the above mentioned property. Motion carried. As recommended by the street committee a motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Tuson that the curb be re—established in front of 5hurfine Store as it is not being used for a driveway. Motion carried. -The water committee recommended that 660 feet of six inch water pipe be installed on Pine street from ninth to tenth avenue to replave the existing wood pipe, and the Attorney is to secure the easements, as authorized by the Council, and a motion by Councilman Maxwell and a seconded by Councilman Talen. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Talen that 650 feet of four inch pipe be installed on Fourth avenue between Howell way and Erven Drive. Motion carried. As recommended by the water committee a motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Talen that the water committee, Atorney and Engineer bring in an acquisition for the sewer disposal site. Motion carried. Attorney Holte reported that the Franklin suit was set for January 1, 1955. A motion was made by councilman Tuson and seconded by councilman Maxwell that Opeu Bible -_Church].' be granted permission to build 4& wall to the property line, at Sixth and Bell streets. Motion carried. There being o fur er bus' s the meeting adjourned ° City Clerk Mayor" November 16, 1954 The Council met for its regular session with Mayor McGibbon presiding. the roll call showed the following councilmen present Tuson, Talen, Maxwell and McGinness. The Treasurers report was read to the council and approved. A letter was read from Mrs. Louise Johnson, and she also appeared -before the council, asking for permission tore -establish the taxi -cab zone in front of Engel's Tavern, this was referred to attorney Holte, and Mrs. Johnson was asked to obtain a letter from Mrs. Thayer, tta.ting that she is willing to have the zone re-established. A petition was read to the council with a number of signatures from property olsmers in the surrounding area protesting the issuance of a building permit for a building to be erected by the Edmonds Rotary Club at second and Casper street. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman- Tuson that this be referred to the Planning commission and the Chairman be notified, also that it be made a record of the minutes. Motion carried. A letter was read from Mrs. Nettie S. Preston, in which she stated that over a year ago she was assured that the culvert,on Eighth Avenue would be lowered to take care of the drainage on that street, and to date this has not been taken care of. This was referred to Supt. Lawson and engineer to have the work done immediately. The letter and bill for wnecker service from G. T. Coggswell was read to the Council, Zie Clerk was asked to return the bill to.him stating that he should send it to the contractor Thorburn & Logozo. A letter was read from Frank A. Espinoza in regards to the condition his driveway, Engineer assured the Council this would be taken care of. A letter and bill was received from Sather Manufacturing Co., for manhole sets in the amount of $1075.00 which Thorburn & Logozo contractor for the sewer job, purchased from them and has not been paid. The Clerk reported a request for a streetsign at Six dnd Half street. A motion was made by -councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman McGinness that the Supt. 1awson make a survey of the City in regards to the necessary signs and raport to the council at their next meeting. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Maxwell that the property owners in Block 120 take care of the financing fof° the improtrement of the alley under the supervision of the City Engineer Reid, his cost not to exceed 3225. Motion carried. A motion was made by.councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Tuson that resolution of Intention, for a storm sewer on Fifth Avenue, and setting January 19 for the date of the hearing, be passed. A roll -call vote showed Tuson yes, Talen no, Maxwell no and McGinness yes. Motion failed. The Attorney reported on the City VS Hubbard case, he stated Mr. Hubbard would make a settlement for the amount of his assessment,, which is Approximately $420.00 A motion was made by councilman Tuson and seconded by councilman Maxwell that we accept his proposition. Motion carried. , Copheilman Maxwell reported that the two hour parking signs have all been installed and he stated it would be inforced. Engineer Reid reported that the sewer in South Edmonds has been completed, and he recemmended the Council accept it. Amotion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Talen that this sewer be accepted -and the property owners be given 60 days in which to connect to it. Motion carried. He also reported on the drainage water in the alley in Block 120. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Talen that we approve the Morse plat. Motion carried. There being o further busine the meeting a djo d. City Clerk Mayor December 7, 1954 The Council met for its regular session with Mayor McGibbon presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present Tuson, Talen, Kincaid, Maxwell, Bishop and McGinness. r ""The water collectors report was regd to the Council.