19561002 City Council Minutes0 c tobe r 1, 1956 The Council met for its special meeting, this being the night set by law for Ithe final budget. After some time being spent'on revising the budget the total'of Current expense expenditures is'$79-885.15: With a total of receipts of $54,5770'15 Plus 8.175 mills to -raise $25,308.00, making a total of $79.885.15. Street Dept. expenditures of $29,238.00. Street Dept. feceipts $20,Oh4.25 plus 6.2 mills to raise $19,194.00. General Sewer Fund expenditures of'$696:.00, to be raised by 225 mills. General Obligation Fund Expenditure of $1,238.00 to be raised by .4 mill. Making a total of 15 mills to be'raised on $3,095;779;-on'a total of $46,436.00, and a one mill special levy for the Fire'Truck, $3,095.00 A total'of the water department expenditures of $236,00, and a total of receipts of $236,000.o0 Upon comple on of the final udget, the meeting adjourned at 10 O'clock. ity Clerk Mayor October 2, 1956 The Council met for its regular session with Mayor'Maxwell presiding. The Roll call showed the following councilmen present•Tuson, Talen, Kincaid, Cloud, Bishop, Steed and Sommerseth. The water Collectors report was read to the Council. A motion was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilman Bishop that the Budget Ordinance No. 683 be passed. Motion carried. A letter was read from Frances Anderson, secretary of the Library Board, with a check for 6600.42, donations to the Library. A motion was made.by Councilman Bishop and seconded by Councilman Sommerseth to invest this money in any cumulative Reserve Fund as he sees fit. Motion carried. The date for opening bids on the storm sewer was changed to October 16. A letter was read from Mr. & Mrs Robert Kreiger, in.regards to their side sewer assessment. Don Phillips came before the council in regards to a hedge that extends out into the alley between daley and Edmonds Streets. This wqs referred to Attorney Holte. The matter of a variance in building regulation at'1047 Edmonds street, in order to build a carport two feet from the property line was referred'to tYie building committee by Mayor Maxwell, for a repprt to be made on October 16. Upon recommendation from the Planning Commission a motion- was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilman Talen that'the Snohomish County'Planning Commission be notified of the approval by the Council'of the R. C. Monger Addition #5,'subject to the dedication of 15 feet of property for a street. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Tuson and seconded by Councilman Cloud that October 16 be set for the date for a unofficial hearing for a proposed Local Improvement for a sewer North of Casper street. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Bishop and secondedlby Councilman Sommerseth that the bills as approved by the auditing Committee be allowed and warrants be drawn on the proper funds. Motion Carried. A motion was made by Councilman Tuson and seconded by Councilman Bishop that estimate #2, for $5,590.58 be paid to Washington Asphalt Co., L. I. D. #77. M tion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Bishop and seconded by Councilman Tuson that interest bearing warrant #3 be issiied to Grand Co.'$ for $5590.58 _estimate #2, L. I. D. #77. Motion carried. ?here being o further busines he meeting adj ourne City Clerk L or October 16, 1956 The Council met for its regular'session with Councilman Tuson serving as Mayor.pro—tem in the absence of Mayor Maxwell. The roll call showed the following councilmen present Talen, Kincaid, Cloud, Bishop and Steed. ' Three bids were received (were ' receivedl for the storm sewer on Third avenue and Ninth avenue from Fir to 220th S. 710 one from Ave Construction co., with a total bid'of $7328, Pacific Conctret Products $8491.75, Washington Development Co., $$8;671.00. A motion was made by Councilman Cloud and seconded by Councilman Steed that we accept the bid from -Ace Construction Co., Motion carried. This being the night set for a hearing on a proposed sewer in the north end of the