06/03/2014 City Council Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes June 3, 2014 Page 1 EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL APPROVED MINUTES June 3, 2014 The Edmonds City Council meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem Buckshnis in the Council Chambers, 250 5th Avenue North, Edmonds. ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT Diane Buckshnis, Mayor Pro Tem Kristiana Johnson, Council President Pro Tem Lora Petso, Councilmember Strom Peterson, Councilmember Joan Bloom, Councilmember Adrienne Fraley-Monillas, Councilmember Thomas Mesaros, Councilmember ELECTED OFFICIALS ABSENT Dave Earling, Mayor STAFF PRESENT Phil Williams, Public Works Director Carrie Hite, Parks & Recreation Director Carolyn LaFave, Executive Assistant Jeff Taraday, City Attorney Scott Passey, City Clerk Sandy Chase, Senior Executive Council Asst. Jeannie Dines, Recorder 1. CONVENE IN EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS COLLECTIVE BARGAINING PER RCW 42.30.110(1)(4)(a) At 6:00 p.m., Mayor Pro Tem Buckshnis announced that the City Council would meet in executive session to discuss collective bargaining per RCW 42.30.110(1)(4)(a). She stated that the executive session was scheduled to last approximately 45 minutes and would be held in the Jury Meeting Room, located in the Public Safety Complex. No action was anticipated to occur as a result of meeting in executive session. Elected officials present at the executive session were: Mayor Pro Tem Buckshnis, Council President Pro Tem Johnson, Councilmembers Fraley-Monillas, Buckshnis, Peterson, Petso, Bloom and Mesaros. Others present were City Attorney Jeff Taraday, Parks & Recreation/Human Resources Reporting Director Carrie Hite, Human Resources Manager MaryAnn Hardie and City Clerk Scott Passey. The executive session concluded at 6:40 p.m. 2. MEET WITH SISTER CITY CANDIDATE PAMELA ERICKSON FOR CONFIRMATION TO THE ESCC At 7:41 p.m., the City Council met with Sister City Commission candidate Pamela Erickson. The meeting took place in the Jury Meeting Room, located in the Public Safety Complex. All City Council members were present for the meeting with Ms. Erickson Mayor Pro Tem Buckshnis reconvened the regular City Council meeting at 7:00 p.m. and led the flag salute. 3. ROLL CALL City Clerk Scott Passey called the roll. All elected officials were present with the exception of Mayor Earling. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes June 3, 2014 Page 2 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA COUNCILMEMBER PETERSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER PETSO, TO APPROVE THE AGENDA IN CONTENT AND ORDER. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS COUNCILMEMBER PETERSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER BLOOM, TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The agenda items approved are as follows: A. APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 27, 2014 B. APPROVAL OF CLAIM CHECKS #208809 THROUGH #208878 DATED MAY 29, 2014 FOR $223,878.29 C. AUTHORIZATION TO CONTRACT WITH JAMES G. MURPHY TO SELL SURPLUS CITY VEHICLES AND SELL A PARTS CAR TO PICK-N-PULL D. CONFIRMATION OF PAMELA ERICKSON TO THE EDMONDS SISTER CITY COMMISSION Mayor Pro Tem Buckshnis introduced Pamela Erickson whose appointment to the Edmonds Sister City Commission was confirmed on the Consent Agenda tonight. 6. AUDIENCE COMMENTS Alvin Rutledge, Edmonds, reported a formation of vintage World War II P-51 airplanes will fly over Edmonds on Friday, June 6. Peter Laylin, representing the Train Horn Noise Advisory Committee, relayed train horn noise can be substantially reduced or eliminated via the creation of a quite zone. The committee is conducting a campaign to show support for the creation of a quiet zone including circulation of a petition to property owners who would benefit from establishing a quiet zone and asks for the creation of a local improvement district (LID) to fund the project. Their initial efforts indicate widespread support for establishing a quiet zone. The manager of a hotel located near the tracks provided comments received from overnight guests regarding disruption caused by the train horns. The committee’s initial focus was the creation of an LID to fund construction of a full quiet zone which would require the installation of a number of fixtures to satisfy the Federal Railroad Administration requirements. If BNSF installs a second track, major elements of the quiet zone would need to be moved. Those studying the issue, including City staff, are considering installation of a wayside horn which would provide considerable relief from horn noise but not eliminate it entirely. This system is much less expensive and could be more easily relocated if a second track is installed. He suggested such a system be funded by the City without an LID. He urged the City Council to move ahead with the creation of a train horn quiet zone, place it on the on the CIP and budget funds for continued study of the establishment of a train horn quiet zone. 7. CONTRACT RENEWAL WITH LIGHTHOUSE LAW GROUP PLLC (LIGHTHOUSE) Mayor Pro Tem Buckshnis explained she has spent a considerable amount of time discussing this with Mayor Earling and City Attorney Jeff Taraday. Information regarding the flat fee, hours, etc. is included in the agenda memo. She has requested in the future Mr. Taraday provide at least the Council President with the hours spent by Lighthouse to provide an idea of the tremendous amount of work they do. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes June 3, 2014 Page 3 Councilmember Mesaros proposed a formal evaluation to recognize the good work accomplished by Lighthouse, get input from those who work with the firm as well as identify any areas of concern. He suggested 1-2 Councilmembers work with Lighthouse to develop a document and circulate it among senior City staff and Councilmembers. That document could be used to evaluate City Attorney contracts in the future. Councilmember Petso expressed support for establishing an evaluation process. She observed the current contract has a 60 day termination right at the option of the City. That works well with an evaluation process; if problems occur, the 60 day termination provision could be invoked. For Councilmember Petso, Mr. Taraday advised the new contract has a 4% annual increase. Councilmember Petso observed the current contract requires Lighthouse request an annual increase and she questioned the change to an ongoing annual increase. Mr. Taraday explained the current contract does not allow any increase in their fees and Lighthouse has not increased their fee since they were hired in 2011. He was open to either an automatic annual increase or allowing him to proposing an annual increase. He explained it was to Lighthouse’s advantage not to have a fixed percentage increase and allow him to request an increase on an annual basis. Councilmember Petso preferred to consider an increase to the Lighthouse contract annually in connection with budget rather than locking into a 4% annual increase. Councilmember Fraley-Monillas expressed support for Councilmember Mesaros’ suggestion to establish an evaluation committee of staff and Council, noting no one should have to learn how they are doing right before their contract renewal. An evaluation keeps communication open between all parties in a formal setting. And evaluation process would be appropriate for any contractor the City contracts with on a long term basis. Mayor Pro Tem Buckshnis agreed with Councilmember Mesaros’ suggestion, relaying that she planned to ask that be implemented in the new contract. She relayed citizens’ concern with Mr. Taraday quoting the law rather than providing an opinion based on the law. Mr. Taraday answered he was trained not to memorize the law because the law changes over time and if one memorizes the law, one day the law will change, the statute will be amended or the case overruled, and what he memorized would be wrong. Second, it helps establish trust and credibility for those he is advising to hear not just the citation of the law but how he is analyzing it and whether there is some key phrase or sentence that he is focusing on. He hoped this helped the Council understand his thought process and to have additional confidence in his advice. If the Council did not like that extra information, he could adjust his style. Mayor Pro Tem Buckshnis asked Councilmember Mesaros if his intent was to delay approval of the contract until after an evaluation was conducted. Councilmember Mesaros answered yes. Council President Pro Tem Johnson recalled at the last meeting the Council was discussing whether to proceed with a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to consider other applicants for City Attorney. She asked whether the Council wanted to proceed with an RFQ tonight and then do the evaluation or whether the evaluation will be used to determine whether to proceed with an RFQ. Councilmember Mesaros anticipated doing the evaluation first. If everyone was happy with the evaluation, he would not recommend proceeding with an RFQ. If the Council was unhappy with the evaluation, that would be a reason to proceed with an RFQ. He anticipated the Council would be happy with the evaluation. Councilmember Fraley-Monillas pointed out the basis of an evaluation is how the firm is doing as well as the work plan for future. If the Council determines they want to renew Lighthouse’s contract, an evaluation would be appropriate because it could also include expectations for future performance. If the Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes June 3, 2014 Page 4 Council is interested in determining how Lighthouse has performed, she suggested instead of an evaluation, establishing a work group to determine whether the flaws outweigh the positives and whether to proceed with an RFQ. She inquired about the termination clause. Mr. Taraday answered the contract has 60 day termination clause which is shorter than he would like. Councilmember Bloom reiterated she was not interested in doing an RFQ to seek other law firms. She felt the City has gotten extremely good service at a very reasonable price from Lighthouse. Further, Lighthouse has resolved a number of issues they inherited from the former City Attorney. She supported the concept of an evaluation as Councilmember Fraley-Monillas described. She urged the Council to determine tonight whether to proceed with an RFQ although she did not support doing an RFQ. She was concerned that establishing an evaluation process would take longer than Councilmember Mesaros thinks as it needs to be done in a manner that it would be a tool for the Council to use in the future. She preferred not to delay renewal of the contract with Lighthouse and to accomplish an evaluation before the end of the 60 day period. Councilmember Peterson pointed out the 60 day termination period always exists; the City simply needs to give Lighthouse 60 days’ notice prior to termination. He agreed with Councilmember Mesaros, viewing it as a three step process, 1) if an evaluation is conducted and it is glowing, the contract can be renewed, 2) if the evaluation identifies issues that can be easily resolved, the contract language can be revised and the contract renewed, and 3) if the evaluation uncovers huge discrepancies, the Council can discuss proceeding with an RFQ. Although the public sees Mr. Taraday at Council meetings, Councilmember Peterson explained most of the City Attorney’s work is done outside Council meetings. The City Attorney is hired by the City Council but he does the work of the City so it is important to have input from the Directors, the Mayor and the Council to ensure everyone is getting the best legal representation or to identify ways to improve. He agreed it was not easy to develop an evaluation but he also did not want to rush the contract renewal. Assuming that everyone was happy with the City Attorney likely contributed to the City having the law firm for 26 years. If the evaluation process takes a long time, Lighthouse’s contract could be extended for one year. He did not support the Council making a decision on an RFQ tonight and preferred to establish a committee with two Councilmembers and key staff to develop an evaluation process for Council review. Councilmember Peterson asked whether the discussions would be more appropriate in an executive session without Mr. Taraday. Mayor Pro Tem Buckshnis answered there was an attempt to have an evaluation in an executive session but because there had not been a complaint, an evaluation was not an appropriate topic for executive session. The discussion must to be concluded in public. COUNCIL PRESIDENT PRO TEM JOHNSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER MESAROS TO SET ASIDE THE RFQ FOR THE TIME BEING, PROCEED WITH AN EVALUATION WHICH HOPEFULLY WILL LEAD TO A NEGOTIATION OR DECISION AT A FUTURE TIME. Councilmember Fraley-Monillas suggested a one year extension while the Council goes through this process, pointing out the 60 day termination clause could be enacted at any time. Although Mayor Pro Tem Buckshnis has mentioned there are issues with Lighthouse, not all Councilmembers are aware of those issues. She anticipated anything in Lighthouse’s evaluation should have already been discussed with Mr. Taraday. She asked Mr. Taraday whether there have been any discussions with him regarding Lighthouse’s performance before the last month. Mr. Taraday answered he has never had a regular performance review; he had a conversation with Councilmember Peterson when he was the Council President regarding a concern at that time but there have not been any discussions since then other than his conversation with Mayor Earling last week that was precipitated by the contract renewal. He welcomed feedback on their performance as well as a regular, formal evaluation. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes June 3, 2014 Page 5 Councilmember Fraley-Monillas asked when Lighthouse’s contract expires. Mr. Taraday answered at the end of 2014. Knowing the expiration date, Councilmember Fraley-Monillas was comfortable with proceeding with a formal assessment of Lighthouse. She agreed Lighthouse deserves to have a periodic assessment and to be told on a timely basis if things are going wrong. Council President Pro Tem Johnson pointed out Lighthouse’s contract does not expire until the end of year. The contract renewal is being discussed now due of the length of time it took to hire Lighthouse. Councilmember Mesaros suggested there are three processes that could occur annually or every other year: 1) establish standards of performance, 2) conduct evaluation to determine if the standards have been met, and 3) discuss of standards for the future and timing of implementation. Councilmember Mesaros suggested researching standards for a City Attorney in a municipality Edmonds’ size as well as seeking input from Lighthouse. That document could be returned to the Council for review and input. Councilmember Bloom did not support the motion, commenting it always takes longer than you think and this was a procedure that was never done for the former City Attorney. She felt it was a disservice to Lighthouse to be developing a procedure at the same time the Council was negotiating a contract. Lighthouse needs more notice and the decision regarding contract renewal needs to be made more quickly. Although she was glad the contract renewal was being considered early in the year, she feared the Council was underestimating the amount of time it will take to establish a procedure to annually evaluate the City Attorney. She preferred to focus on renewal of the contract and then carefully establish a procedure for an annual evaluation, pointing the Council always has the option to terminate the contract. With the other issues facing the Council, she questioned whether focusing the Council’s energy on establishing a new procedure. She summarized an evaluation is a great idea and it can be initiated following renewal of Lighthouse’s contract. Councilmember Petso relayed she read the contract incorrectly and now recognized there was a flat fee until December 31, 2014. She asked whether Lighthouse wanted an answer by September. Mr. Taraday explained with a firm their size and a client Edmonds’ size, they have a lot of eggs in the Edmonds basket. If Edmonds wants to make a change, 60 days’ notice would not be an ideal situation for the people working at Lighthouse. He requested some indication sooner than later whether the Council planned to renew their contract. Councilmember Petso relayed she spoke with Mayor Earling about Lighthouse’s performance and she was satisfied with moving ahead with renewal. It was also acceptable to her if the Council wanted to create an evaluation process. She asked whether the evaluation process would change the information regarding Lighthouse. Mayor Pro Tem Buckshnis commented she included as much information as possible in the packet, the financials, the pros and cons of an in-house attorney, etc. She was concerned with timeliness and if an evaluation process is established for the City Attorney, it should also be done for the prosecutor and other contractors. The City has received a tremendous amount of work for the money and Lighthouse has resolved a number of cases. She relayed Mayor Earling’s issues are also related to timeliness; the Council consumed 412 hours of Mr. Taraday’s time last year. She suggested including language regarding timeliness in the contract. She was also concerned with establishing a precedent. She has had no problem with Lighthouses’ work to date. UPON ROLL CALL, MOTION CARRIED (4-3), COUNCIL PRESIDENT PRO TEM JOHNSON, AND COUNCILMEMBERS PETERSON, FRALEY-MONILLAS, AND MESAROS VOTING YES; Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes June 3, 2014 Page 6 MAYOR PRO TEM BUCKSHNIS AND COUNCILMEMBERS BLOOM AND PETSO VOTING NO. Councilmember Mesaros offered to serve in some capacity to help move this forward. Councilmember Fraley-Monillas also offered to assist with creating an evaluation process. It was agreed to establish a committee of Councilmember Fraley-Monillas and Mesaros; they will return with an evaluation process at the June 24 Council meeting. Councilmember Fraley-Monillas will prepare the agenda memo. Councilmember Fraley-Monillas advised they will also consult with Human Resources/Reporting Director Hite and Mayor Earling. 8. CITY INFORMATION SUPPORT/COMMUNICATIONS Parks & Recreation/Human Resources Reporting Director Carrie Hite advised Mayor Earling requested she present this topic. This position was funded via a decision package in the Economic Development Department. Through the budget process, the Council approved two decision packages to improve communication in the City. The first communications decision package, the focus of this agenda item, was focused on improving communications and marketing Edmonds as an arts destination. The second decision package was also to enhance communication to/from the public and funded a contract person to create social media outlets to provide more information to the public. An Edmonds Facebook page will soon be available based on that decision package. The intent of the first decision package was to improve communications internally and externally by marketing Edmonds as an arts destination. An RFP was sent out and several firms applied. A committee that included Councilmembers Buckshnis and Bloom, a few citizens and staff reviewed the responses and recommended one firm to Mayor Earling. Mayor Earling interviewed the firm to discuss the scope of work. In the meantime, Economic Development Director Stephen Clifton resigned; this contractor was intended to report to Mr. Clifton who had the knowledge to guide a firm to achieve the goals. With Mr. Clifton’s absence, Mayor Earling wanted a firm that was familiar with Edmonds and reissued the RFQ to achieve that goal. Several firms applied and Mayor Earling is awaiting the outcome of the Council’s discussion. Speaking on behalf Mayor Earling, Mayor Pro Tem Buckshnis relayed Councilmember Bloom wanted to postpone this item due to Mayor Earling’s absence but he indicated he said everything he need to say last week and it is within his authority to hire this person. Council President Pro Tem Johnson pointed out Strategic Action Plan Item 1.e.2 is related to the promotion of arts and culture with a ranking of medium high. The strategic objective parallels the work being dong via this contract, Create an Edmonds arts website and utilize social media including Google maps, Facebook, and Twitter to promote and attract visitors to an expanded year-round calendar of events and festivals for performing, literary, culinary, fine, and other arts interests. She pointed out as a result of last year’s Art Summit, this position was identified to promote arts and culture in the City. With regard to economic development, she pointed out the correlation between the economic health of the City and the tourist industry as tourism is one of the economic drivers in the county. For these reasons it makes sense to support this contract. Council President Pro Tem Johnson asked whether this was a one-time expense or an ongoing expense. Ms. Hite answered the decision package was funded as a one-time expense for this year. Oftentimes initiatives like this require continued follow-up; it was framed as a pilot to see what could be done. Councilmember Bloom said she still strongly believes in everything she said last week. The RFQ was changed significantly from the first RFQ. She appreciated that the arts are supported in the new RFQ. Her primary issue is open government; communication with the public in general was eliminated from the Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes June 3, 2014 Page 7 new RFQ. She relayed a citizen’s request that the Council utilize the piece of this contract related to enhancing the engagement of the public on website. Although the new RFQ does not say anything about communication with the public in general, one bullet states, Review City of Edmonds website and provide guidelines for enhanced content and messaging on the site. Although that is different than a back- and-forth communication, Mayor Earling has assured he will bring the consultant’s work to the Council for review. She wanted to ensure there were enhancements to the website to provide more easily accessible information and more engagement with the public. She referred to her interest in a blog on the City’s website to gather information from citizens and provide a way to respond to citizens other than just via email. She often communicates with citizens via email who have wonderful ideas but that is not available to the public unless there is a public records request. She wanted a place for that information to be available to generate discussion. Councilmember Bloom explained she wanted the public to be aware that the communications specialist had been changed to focus entirely on the arts, that it has a bowl-centric focus and the Economic Development Commission (EDC) and the City Council are left out of the loop. When the consultant’s reports are provided, she wanted to ensure this position also addresses issues on the website to make it more user-friendly and a back-and-forth exchange to improve communication with the citizenry. Councilmember Bloom explained initially she planned to present this as budget amendment to eliminate the funding for the position. Mayor Earling indicated he would fund the position anyway and she recognized she did not have the support for a budget amendment. Her intent is that the Council be aware of the issues and be prepared to evaluate the communication consultant’s work. She relayed Mayor Earling has not said whether he plans to include Councilmembers in the interview committee. The last committee had Councilmembers, citizens and a representative of the Chamber. She suggested minimally there be two Councilmembers on the interview committee. She appreciated the Council’s discussion, commenting it raises the Council awareness of the position. This is a one-time expenditure but the Council can consider extending the contract at the end of the year. Mayor Pro Tem Buckshnis said in her view the City Council is included. She referred to the comparison of RFQ 1 and 2, Item 2 in RFQ 2 states the important of findings ways to improve and enhance access to current information and communication among various agencies, organizations the City (including City Council, Mayor, Boards and Commissions, staff) and citizens. RFQ 2 also refers to develop new messaging avenues to inform the public about ways they can communicate with the City. She summarized in her view the second RFQ was just written differently, she actually liked the second RFQ better. Councilmember Bloom pointed out the actual RFQ does not mention City Council until the last paragraph of the RFQ where it states, In carrying out these tasks the contractor will work directly with the Economic Development Director, Economic Development Program Coordinator, and the Arts & Culture Manager. In addition the contractor will be expected to work with representatives of other organizations including the Chamber of Commerce, Business Improvement District, Downtown Edmonds Merchants Association (DEMA), Edmonds Center for the Arts, and the Port of Edmonds in order to understand other marketing strategies in the community. This and other tasks will require the contractor to be on site in Edmonds on a weekly basis. Councilmember Bloom expressed concern with this paragraph because it does not include the EDC or the City Council and all the organizations are focused in the bowl except for the ECA. Councilmember Peterson pointed out the Chamber is not focused in the bowl. Councilmember Bloom said the Chamber’s membership is bowl-centric. Councilmember Fraley-Monillas expressed support for moving forward, acknowledging Councilmember Bloom has brought up some great issues for the Council to be aware of. 9. REPORT ON OUTSIDE BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEETINGS Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes June 3, 2014 Page 8 Councilmember Peterson reported on the Lake Ballinger Watershed Forum, the Water Resources Development Act Bill passed U.S. Congress. The Lake Ballinger Forum has been working with the federal delegation to get local decision-making capabilities especially with the Army Corp of Engineers to make it easier to move forward on smaller project that will be needed in this watershed such as McAleer Creek, Lyons Creek, etc. and other areas that affect flooding throughout the watershed. This will have a positive effect on Edmonds as well as stormwater issues throughout Shoreline and Lake Forest Park. Councilmember Petso reported the Public Facilities District Board meeting was postponed and will be held this Thursday. The Historic Preservation Commission’s (HPC) calendar concept is very exciting and is underway. The HPC is considering a property for addition to the historic registry. Councilmember Fraley-Monillas reported on Puget Sound Regional Council’s (PSRC) General Assembly that she and Councilmembers Bloom and Mesaros attended. The biggest message she took from the meeting was cities need to more aggressively lobby the legislature about issues that affecting cities and the Puget Sound corridor. Governor Inslee also presented several awards to cities. Councilmember Mesaros reported the message at the PSRC general assembly was transportation, transportation, transportation. Transportation is an issue in the Puget Sound region effecting cities in a variety of ways and the legislature plays an important role in resolving those issues. Councilmember Mesaros reported Seashore meets on June 6 and the SnoCom Board meets on June 12. Councilmember Bloom reported public comment at the Tree Board related to trees in the right-of-way near homes and problems they cause such as lifting driveways and possible dangers as well as the property owner’s versus the City’s responsibility and authority with regard to those trees. The Tree Board has been working on code related to trees in the right-of-way. Councilmember Bloom reported the April 28 Port of Edmonds meeting included a report from Jan Conner, the property manager, that a potential tenant looked at their restaurant space but decided to locate at Salish Crossing at a higher rate due to that space’s close proximity to a future art gallery and other activities. The May 12 Port meeting included discussion regarding the public launch, redoing the festoon tracking system, Hart Crowser tenant improvements, and the HVAC system in building 1, and approval of a contract to redesign the Port’s website. Commissioner Gouge stated the Port’s representative to the EDC is no longer a voting member and he questioned the value of the Port spending $100 per meeting to send a representative to each of the meetings. He did not expect any significant benefits to the downtown waterfront area. Commissioner Orvis concurred and suggested Commissioners discuss the issue with Commissioner Faires who is the current representative to the EDC. Councilmember Bloom reported she did not hear the outcome of that discussion as she was unable to attend the Port's meeting tonight (Tuesday, May 27th), because it coincided with Council meeting. Council President Pro Tem Johnson applauded the work of the Arts Commission; they are involved in a number of interesting projects. One of the projects will be launched on the 3rd Thursday in June, a historic walk utilizing 13 bronze plaques installed in a loop around the 4th Avenue Arts Corridor and downtown. There will be a ribbon cutting ceremony in future. Mayor Pro Tem Buckshnis reported Snohomish County Tomorrow approved their annual budget and work plan. There were presentations from the Sustainable Land Strategy regarding agriculture, flood plains and tribes; Everett’s Comprehensive Plan update and their aggressive GMA targets; and PSRC grants. She recognized Mukilteo who has received $12 million from a variety sources to fully fund their ferry terminal. Mayor Pro Tem Buckshnis reported Woodway joined WRIA 8. WRIA 8 approved their work plan and budget and the Cooperative Watershed Management funding project grant recommendations. 10. MAYOR'S COMMENTS Mayor Pro Tem Buckshnis announced the City's Strategic Action Plan received the Merit Award in the Governor's 2014 Smart Communities Aware Program. 11. COUNCIL COMMENTS Council President Pro Tem Johnson thanked everyone who attended the Rotary Waterfront Festival with special thanks to the Boy Scouts for their help with recycling and the Waste Warrior for their help with food cycling. SeaJazz also performed at the Waterfront Festival. Councilmember Mesaros reported he met with Parks & Recreation Director Carrie Hite to begin the process of establishing an organizing committee for a potential parks foundation. They brainstormed names of people who could serve on the committee, plans for forming such an organization, etc. He encouraged the Council to forward him or Ms. Hite the names of anyone they thought would be interested in serving on the committee. Councilmember Mesaros reported the Edmonds-Woodway Jazz Band will be playing at Jazz Alley on June 9. Councilmember Fraley-Monillas recognized the Beach Rangers who conducted beach walks for families and children on the beach during low tides on Friday and Saturday. 12. CONVENE IN EXECUTIVE SESSION REGARDING PENDING OR POTENTIAL LITIGATION PER RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) This item was not needed. 13. RECONVENE_ IN OPEN SESSION. POTENTIAL ACTION AS A RESULT OF MEETING IN EXECUTIVE SESSION This item was not needed. 14. ADJOURN With no further business, the Council meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. i D/1VID O. ARCING, MAYOR S PASSEY, C IT CLERK Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes June 3, 2014 Page 9