1939-12-05 City Council MinutesDecember 5th. 1939, The Courcil met ir_ regular session with 1dayor Fourtr_er oresidir_g. The roll call showed the followirg Courcilmer present: Chardler, Callahan, aartir. ard Jores. The mirutes of the last meetir- were read a,r-d approved. The Treasurers report and the Water Revenue Collectors report for the morth of lovember were read and ordered filed. The followirg bills were approved by the Fir_arce Committe a.r_d or motion warrart were ordereddrawr_ or the proper furls. State Eark Puget Sourd Power & Light H. B.-. Vaurs R.H.Doty Trich & Murrey M.C.Ergels ` Fire Department E?R. Schoolcraft Puget Sourd Poer Light Ray -Woodfield �7.W.Viomer M.C.Ergels P.J.Larsor Puget Sourd Power & Light Diesel Oil Sales Co Leyda Electric & Radio Oscar Oaklar_d L.B.Ber..tly Puget Sourd l ews Compar_y Louis Diller A.B.Bently Bacor Chevrolet Co. S.H.Hedges Sievers & Duecy 3,30 Snohomish Courty 1,10 Co 2,85 Charles Vaurs 33,00 6,60 C.M.Larsor_ 1,00 32,75 Telephone Co. Phore calls 1L95 19,89 Eureka Fire Hose 97,46 34,42 Gateway Cafe ,65 15,00 Yost Auto Co. 11,57 10,00 Puget Sourd Power & Light Co. 1.47 Co. 89,51 R.@.Purcell Co. 498,6g 16,00 Johr O.Startor 12,00 16,00 R.V.L1cCler_ahar 26,50 349,42 P.J.Larsor 19,15 .75 Olympic Fourdry Co. 1.7 17 Co. 93,67 Bacon Chevrolet Co. 1.19 4,21 Caspers Corner 17,01 ,31 Puget Sourd Power & Light Co. 5,40 22,00 Durbir.s Store 1,80 10,00 Crow Hardware 12,54 27,64 ,L.M.-lost & Sors 22,64 1,47 G.M.Leyda 5.00 2,50, Seattle Cor_crete Pipe Co. 42,43 24,80 Caspers Correr 3,78 100,00P.J.Larsor 21,85 50,00 Sievers & Duecy,L.I.D.L o.49 1001000 The Mayor appoir_ted Otto I.. Sorerser_ ar..d Hallie B. Ardersor_, Official members of the Library Board. Or:motior the Courcil approved the appoirtmerat. It was moved by Chardler ar_d recorded by Jores that the Courcil proceed to cordem the small house belorgir._g L1 Larson- situated or First Averue betweer. Mair. Street ar_d James Street. Carried. The City Treasurer reported that were ir_ his hands, bonds outstardir_g and ur- paid or L.I.D. 1,'0.45 amourtirg to $1500,00. Or motior_ U0 Courcil instructed the City Clerk1to issue L.I.D,. Guarartee fund Warrarts for the amourt is accordance with the regziiremerts of the Statutes of the State of Washirgtor. The Cityy Erfireer preser_ted the Fir_el Assessmert Roll for the layir_g of the sewer it Bloc�L 77 L.I.Il.lr o.49 Or motior_ toe Courcil set the hearing or the Roll or L.I.D.lo.49 for December 19th. 1939, at 8 o'clock P.M. FII'SL ASSES 1D2 T ROLL L.I.B. #49. 611 Lateral Sewer Block 77 Plat of Ciiy of Edmonds. DESCaUTI OI Plat City of Edmonds Lot 1 Block 77 2 2P ._ IT 1T n 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 T1 17 lilt 18 TTrt 19 if IT OWLER & ADDRESS Lewes F.Chase Taxes paid by G.H.Law, Oscar Johrsor Box 68.6 Edmords TT TT Harriet-E. Reeves Taxes paid by Ethel P.Pheasart 5508 22r_& I.W. Seattle, Washirgtor TT if T.W.Wheeler Taxes paid by Ethel P.Pheasart 55,08 22rd l..W. Seattle, Washirgtor A.rrt Pettersor Box 672, Edmonds it 11 it T1 IT It IT if F IT. LL . -SSA 511Z T $13,61 1�- J, 61 13,61 13,61 13,61 13,61 13,61 13,Li 13,61 13,61 13,61 13,61 13,61 13,61 13,61 13,61 13,61 13,61 13-, 61 1 Firal Lot Block 77 Ower & Address Assessmert 20 "n Dore E.MaReyrolds 13,61 21 "" Edmords, Washingtor 13,61 22 fin ii ii IT if 13,61 23 "" Georoe M.Leyda 13,61 24 if IT nif it it 13,61 25 lift fin lilt 13,61 26 lift fin "" 13,61 27 fin TV IT "if 13,61 28 ii n if it lilt 13,61 29 if" nn "" 13961 30 nit lilt nit 13,61 31 TV" it" if" 13,61 32 nit n IT IT It 13,61 33 fill nit fin 13,61 34. "" TV IT if" 13,61 25, fin nn fin 13,61 36 fin nn fill 13,61 377 nit nit "n 13,61 38, fin nit fin 13,61 • e The question of protectirg the Chif of Police, Q*M-Larsor it the case Ahmager V5. Bob Wheeler, Q&X.Larso�, Chief of Police. Or, motior the Courcil instructed•, City Attorrey O.D.Andersor, to protect Cox. harsor it the case. The following is the City Ergireers Estimate or the Sealcoatirg of Dayton Street, third Averue ar:d Fourth Lvirue 1,orthq as ordered by the Council at the last mist irg.,l Estimate -- o Diesel Oil Sales Co.- Ar Seal Coat Project. L n, Ir ara x1ourth December 4th, 1939. ITIZ Price quantity Total .Prepara for o'oa ea. ar is um . 573 Rea Gravel 3,25 11un 8 383,50 B.C. 4 Bitumirous Cement 20,00 1.2 240.00 Fire Screerirga 3,25 25 81,25 Total------------- 2 , Or motior the Courcil ordered a warrant drawn for $724,75 as partial payment or the cortract which,is.$1557,50. There being ro further business or motior. the Courcil Adjourred. City Clerk %j, � Mayor. -'-mot